Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet


The Church of Rome’s Campaign Against the Biblical Sabbath

Deutsch Even in its early days, the Church of Rome did not hesitate to eradicate the biblical Sabbath from this earth. Apostle Paul already saw the war against the gospel coming to humanity and he warned about it. The Roman Catholic Church has largely succeeded in erasing the Sabbath from Christian scriptures and from people’s […]

“The Day of the Lord” – The Bible says it is NOT Sunday

Deutsch The much-quoted and read “Lord’s Day” is associated with Sunday and is one of the Roman Catholic Church’s extensive deceptions. According to the Gospel, this day has nothing to do with Sunday. The Bible provides unmistakable and clear information here. Exclusive definition of the Church of Rome ne of the numerous consciously generated misunderstandings […]

Did Jesus Christ break and abolish the Sabbath?

Deutsch Jesus Christ broke the Sabbath and thus abolished or eliminated it. This thesis is unfortunately widespread, but cannot be justified with anything. Therefore, corresponding “supplements” have been made in modern Bibles. Anyone who investigates with a thirst for truth will also come across it. Test all spirits – even hearsay id Jesus Christ break […]

Confusion about Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday

Deutsch The confusion about the rest day Saturday or Sunday on the part of the Roman Catholic Church is picking up speed. You only have to repeat a lie enough times for most people to believe it. This also works for this all-important question about the true Sabbath. The confusion about the rest day The […]

Verses about the Sabbath in the New Testament

Deutsch A selection of verses from the New Testament clearly demonstrate that the followers and apostles of Jesus Christ consistently observed the Sabbath (7th day, Saturday). Nothing can be found in the Bible about abolishing the Sabbath, God’s 4th commandment, or moving it to Sunday. Verses of the NT document validity of the Sabbath eports […]

The Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday

Deutsch The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. This would, however, raise the question of whether this has always been the case. The “Saturday” was only introduced in the course of early history and the occasional calendar change was also made. However, the numerous names of the weekdays in other languages ​​show that […]

The “Final” Mark of the Beast – Saturday vs. Sunday

Deutsch There are numerous rumors and speculations surrounding the mark of the beast. Is it a barcode, an implanted chip, or something else entirely? The Bible as a whole describes a spiritual battle between good and evil. It therefore stands to reason that the mark of the beast also contains a spiritual aspect and is […]

Sabbath is confirmed by the Roman Catholic Church

Deutsch By far the largest proportion of Protestants follow the Catholic institution of Sunday observance. This is justified on the basis of the Bible, so the claims. But there is nothing of this in the Scriptures. However, even the Rom. Catholic Church confirms the true Sabbath. Catholic Church even condemns error of Protestants t would […]

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