Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet


Morality of the Jesuits – Incendiary speech by J. Burggraf 1887

Deutsch During the time when the Jesuit order was not banned without reason in the still young German Empire and the ongoing unrest, Julius Burggraf gave an incendiary speech warning not to let this creeping snake even a foot back into the country. The morals of the Jesuits and their philosophies and teachings are directly […]

Media hype excommunication Viganò – drama for the purpose?

Deutsch The excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò caused quite a media frenzy. An opponent of the Pope and the “Corona measures”, a “swearer and conspiracy mystic”, according to the very similar-sounding Catholic, Protestant and secular media. Clear fronts. Both opponents are from the same family. Therefore, use it with caution. Viganò sees itself strengthened […]

The Roman Catholic Church’s willful handling of sin

Deutsch The Roman Catholic Church has its own definition of sin, its consequences and how to deal with it. A mix of misleading, sin-justification and presumption. Completely to the ruin of their believers. The gospel is very clear The Bible is clear about what sin is. In 1. John 3:4 described as follows: “Whosoever committeth […]

Catholics have to be dog people? Jezebel not far

Deutsch The topic of dogs on Catholicism and the associated catechism. An author, obviously a dog lover, highlights dogs in a special way. Catholics should be dog people. But wherever dogs appear in the Bible, Jezebel is not far away. There are “saints” on the subject of dogs Sometimes it’s amazing what you can worry […]

Cardinal Marx (inadvertently?) clarifies biblical prophecies

Deutsch At the 2024 annual reception of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising, Archbishop Reinhard Cardinal Marx took the floor and, with his speech, probably completely unconsciously clarified a handful of Bible prophecies. The EU entity and the Roman Catholic Church are the focus. Christianity is the religion of the future In a speech at the annual […]

The Bible must be interpreted as a story about escape and migration

Deutsch The Bible reinterpreted as a story about escape and migration. A Catholic “theologian” calls for a rereading of the Gospel in the perspective of “Christianity with a migration matrix.” Spiritual excellence, germinated from Roman Catholic social teaching. Bible is a book of migration and flight The “theologian” Dr Regina Polak shows how one can […]

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