The story of the Flood can only be a tale told by imaginative people who are too bored. Where would all that water come from to sink even the highest mountains? But is there so much extra water and does it have to be the atmosphere as the source? Not really.
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Huge amounts of water
The flood according to the Bible’s report could never have happened. Where would so much water come from to flood the entire planet up to at least the top of the highest mountain? It’s impossible that such amounts of water could simply fall from the sky.
At first glance, this is actually a legitimate objection. Because it takes a huge amount of water to submerge even the highest mountain, Mount Everest at 8848m, in floods.
A closer look, however, reveals something completely different. It is a question of perspective within the familiar environment of humans. Extremely large amounts of water in absolute terms, but what does it look like in relative terms? Is it still that much water?
Actually, it is the “flat-earthers” who repeatedly prove that they either cannot really imagine the size of the earth, or they think they are bigger than they actually are. When you stand up in your rubber boat floating in the sea, the sea looks flat on the horizon. So “proof” of non-curvature, according to one of the many theories.
A Question of Relation

The earth has a diameter of around 12,756 kilometers. The average depth of the Pacific is 3,940 m, that of the Indian Ocean 3,840 m and that of the Atlantic 3,293 m. So on average a little less than 4 km. That’s a lot of water indeed. But the ratio to the diameter of the earth is (earth diameter : sea depth) 3,189 : 1.
Now, with its 12,756 kilometer diameter, the planet is not exactly an everyday object that can be seen in its entirety. So for a model, you could simply reduce the earth to a diameter of 10 m. That is a normal and manageable size for humans. That corresponds roughly to a house with a floor area of 100 square meters and over 2 floors.
An earth model with a size ratio of 1:1,275,600. One meter on the model therefore corresponds to 1,275.6 km on the original. In order to ensure that the average sea depth on the model Earth is represented in the correct proportion, it must be reduced by the same factor. What is left of the model sea depth? Around 3.1 mm, or 4 mm if you are generous.
A sphere with a diameter of 10 m and a layer of water of 4 mm on the surface. From this perspective, the amount of water is already quite relative. In a house built of brick, 4 mm would not even be a reasonable external plaster. This “layer of water” would simply disappear in the external brick, which is usually around 35 cm thick, without it being noticed inside.
So much additional water is not necessary
In order to send Mount Everest, which is 8848 m above the sea surface, diving, the existing average sea depth would have to be raised by just over two more layers of 4 km each. On the model earth, the mountain would protrude by around 8 mm. So additional water is needed for a total water height of around 13 mm so that even the highest mountain on earth with a diameter of 10 m on the model earth goes under water. For a comparable house, that would at least be an external plaster.
That much water is not necessary to flood the entire earth if you only consider the proportions. Nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine that this amount of water simply fell from the sky during the Flood. The Bible itself gives an important clue on this, Genesis 7:11:
“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.“
“The fountains of the great deep broken up.” This clearly indicates that water masses came from the earth itself. As can be seen from the model, there would be more than enough space in the earth’s interior for the amount of water needed to make even the highest peaks disappear. Just an additional 9 mm of a total of 10 m in the model.
Water in the earth’s interior proves

Is there really so much water in the earth’s interior? Yes, there must be. This is evident from diamonds found with water inclusions (example). As is well known, diamonds are only formed under extremely high pressure, which is only reached at a depth of around 240 km. In addition, diamonds from this depth must emerge quickly for the mining that is possible today just below the surface. Otherwise, there would be no diamonds, only graphite. All indications of water in the depths and also a rapid emergence to the surface.
Ice age paradox resolved
The water from this depth must be extremely hot. The boiling point of 100°C applies at an air pressure such as that at sea level. Large quantities of hot water fountains blown into the atmosphere at extremely high pressure would also resolve the ice age paradox “incidentally”. The narrative describes a slow development of ice ages and also warming phases on earth. But there is a massive problem in even being able to explain the development of a leisurely ice age.
Simple logical considerations. An ice age causes increasing ice masses, starting at the earth’s poles and spreading further and further towards the equator. What does it take to create more ice? It takes more water. Where does this water come from? As precipitation from the sky. So it needs more water in the atmosphere. Where does the water in the atmosphere come from? From evaporation from the world’s oceans. How do you get the oceans to evaporate more water? By RAISING the temperature. A textbook example of a paradox. It takes higher temperatures to explain the narrative of an evolving ice age.
Hot water masses suddenly bursting out of the earth’s interior and being hurled to great heights under extremely high pressure can certainly explain such an ice age. The cooling of the hot water leads to massive rainfall. Since this is certainly not crystal-clear spring water, sunlight will also have been severely restricted. A kind of lightning ice age occurs.
Frozen mammoths

Such a sudden ice age also explains the mammoths found in Siberia. These are neither decomposed nor mummified. They were simply frozen. Grass remains were found in the stomachs of some mammoths. This is proof that they were not in an icy region at all, but in a grassy area at the time. And they were frozen in a flash.
“That cannot be, must not be, impossible,” say some voices. Admittedly, it is often not easy to question or even abandon the familiar world view, which ultimately corresponds to the “state of scientific knowledge” and above all to the majority opinion. But logic, if you only use the God-given thinking apparatus between your ears, speaks a completely different language. Once the thinking organ is in operation, all that remains is to overcome any normopathy and to confidently point out such discrepancies in “science”. Some clever person once said: “If you want to get to the source, you have to swim against the current.”
All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
Psalm 25:10
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)