The Vatican has a few words ready for the origin and occasion of the Pentecost feast days to refresh their mediated dogmas. Quite an interesting illumination of the “exclusivity” of this institution.
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Pentecost is an important high festival
The fact that the voice of the Vatican can also be heard with the Pentecost holidays cannot be avoided. Nevertheless, there is reason enough to follow more closely the messages set apart from Rome regarding this Christian event. Vatican Radio answers the fictional questions about Pentecost based on the “Tips & Tricks” from “Kathpress”.
According to this, Pentecost is one of the most important high festivals alongside Easter and Christmas and at the same time one of the oldest festivals in Christianity. The focus here is on the Holy Spirit (put in quotation marks by Vatican Radio) and has the task of gathering believers in Christ.
Already at this point one could raise the first objection. For according to Acts, Chapter 2, the Holy Spirit did not collect the apostles, but found them already unanimous, i.e. gathered together. “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1)
Only then was the Holy Spirit poured out on the apostles. It seems interesting that this verse, too, in the course of the umpteen bible changes according to Nestle-Aland received a small but significant change. Although all the apostles have assembled, they are no longer “with one accord” in the new Bible editions. This attribute is a “heavyweight” for the truly biblical churches, and this “spiritual unity” is a thorn in the side of the Church of Rome in particular.
Pentecost is only “Catholic Sundays”
“According to the book of Acts, Pentecost Sunday is the day when the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples of Jesus,” the statement continued.
Again, this is only a half-truth. The day of Pentecost was the sixth day in the Hebrew month Sivan. The definition of Sunday is an exclusive creation of the Roman Catholic Church. This is also explained in this Pentecost contribution itself. At the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, Rome fixed Easter as the first Sunday after the vernal full moon, although this has absolutely nothing to do with the continuation of the original Nisan 14, 15, and 16. It was all about putting Easter (“Ishtar Festival“) on the “Sun Day”. This also results in Pentecost, which was also newly established with this change and was actually celebrated with a pagan background.
The works justice shines through
This church is correct in its easily verifiable explanation that the Greek word for Pentecost, “Pentekoste”, represents “fifty”. However, as noted earlier, the 50-day interval for Pentecost is based on the pagan tradition of Sunday and Ishtar worship, which Rome refers to as Easter.
“The Bible understands the Holy Spirit as the creative power of all life,” says the sequel. In fact, the spirit is mentioned as early as the first day of creation, as in Genesis 1:2: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Furthermore, on the sixth day God spoke of “us”, as in Genesis 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image”.
But then it gets “notchy” again. “According to church teaching, he was sent into the world to keep the person, word and work of Jesus Christ alive,” according to the statement, which sounds adventurous. Basically, one must “positively emphasize” that the Church of Rome presents this teaching as its own thing and does not claim that this statement is contained in the Bible. The Vatican is telling the truth with its own naming as the originator of dogmas, but suggesting something “not quite right” in terms of content, as with the 3 lies of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to keep faith alive on the one hand, but especially to draw people’s attention to their sins and thereby to persuade them to repent. Only in this way can man be saved.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches works righteousness and sees man (himself) justified because of his belief in the “works of Christ”. The truth of the gospel, however, shows that man can be declared justified if he believes in the atonement of Jesus and His shed blood and His resurrection in flesh and blood. However, man himself can never be righteous, but is awarded the righteousness of Jesus. That is why one of the most important works of the Holy Spirit is to make sinful people aware of their sins so that they can repent based on their knowledge.
Pentecost was already represented in the OT
According to the explanation of the biblical roots of this festival, Pentecost is traced back to the account in the Acts of the Apostles.
This is only partially correct, for those who do not set aside the Old Testament as “declared obsolete” can come to the realization that Pentecost already played an important role in the feasts ordained by God for the people of Israel. The people of Israel celebrated the so-called Feast of Weeks (Chag Schavuot) as a shadow or as a symbol for the coming birth of the Holy Spirit from the point of view of that time..
Miraculous Bridges to the Old Testament
However, the Vatican prefers to build its own bridges to the Old Testament on the subject of Pentecost. Because of the variety of languages conveyed to the apostles by the Holy Spirit and the “narrative elements” there is a connection with the “old testament events on Mount Sinai”. But what the references to the events on Mount Sinai consist of is withheld from the reader. Anyone who reads Chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles can therefore make their own rhyme out of this (steep) thesis.
Apparently to somehow round out its own creation on the events of Pentecost, Vatican Radio’s report states that the “Pentecostal language miracle” is related to the language confusion at the Tower of Babel. In order to present this presumably also convincingly, the appropriate verses 1. Moses 11-9 will be submitted immediately.
Understandable from Rome’s point of view
Well! The event surrounding Nimrod and his ambitions to cause humanity united into an “inclusive family” to rebel against God went horribly wrong due to the God-initiated confusion of language. Tower building can be viewed as a symptom in its overbearing nature. This defeat is likely to rankle the Roman Catholic Church and its “personal and empowering patron saint” (see Revelation 13:2). Only those who call evil good and good evil can seriously see a contextual parallel between the Holy Spirit’s gift of language at Pentecost and the confusion of language in ancient Babel.
Anyone who reads the Bible, however, will recognize that the final repeated attempt celebrated by Rome in the “spirit of Nimrod” will also go horribly wrong.
The Roman Catholic Church’s version of the origins of Pentecost stands on the catechism’s pedestal, in contrast to the extremely vague foundation of its evangelical daughter. That is at least “tangible”, albeit completely wrong. But for any rule once set “ex cathedra” there is no turning back due to the credibility of the declared “incapacity for error”. That alone forbids the unprecedented arrogance of this church to place the self-made catechism above the Word of God.
Any believer, whether in the Protestant or Catholic Church, is well advised to take the Bible into your own hands. The Word of God is written for every human being and therefore also understandable for every human being, thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit (one of His “ambitions”). But the knowledge of the truth by men was an abomination to the church of Rome from the very beginning of its foundation. Countless people who were murdered because of their testimony of Jesus will one day testify to this.
Isaiah 5:20
Bible verses from King James Version