Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

UN warns about ailing democracies – Church of Rome rubs its hands

Wahl an Urne


Ailing democracies, people’s loss of trust in their government and 2024 will be a “record election year” worldwide. The United Nations is admonishing and the churches, especially the Roman Catholic church, are rubbing their sweaty hands.

“Democratic decline”

The year 2024 is considered a very special election year. The United Nations is calling 2024 “the biggest election year in history.” Elections are coming up in more than 60 countries this year. The number of people affected represents almost half of the world’s population (Source). Despite this special event, the UN Human Rights Department is “concerned” about the global democratic decline.

Simon Walker, head of the Rule of Law and Democracy Division at the United Nations Human Rights Department, expressed concern about “democratic erosion on human rights.” It describes an observable global loss of trust in democratic institutions and processes. Cohesion within society and also towards the government has become weaker. Many people felt ignored and believed that democracy had not fully fulfilled its promise.

The United Nations calls on people to exercise their right to vote. This would give people the opportunity to “freely express their will and exercise their right to participate in public affairs.” This right is an inseparable part of general human rights.

“Free will” as a selective moment

Election at the ballot box
A short act of democracy every 4/5 years

This “freely expressed will” described by Walker is, if viewed objectively, only limited to a few minutes. Expressed in German, the “vote cast” can also be taken literally. The vote when ticking the box is cast once and then condemned to silence for the next 4 or 5 years. And this regardless of what the result of this representative act may look like. Ultimately, participation is implicit action and therefore an expression of acceptance or recognition.

Democracy an obsolete model?

It is clear that the United Nations is highlighting the erosion of democracies. As if it was a discontinued model, which directly required the introduction of an alternative. An old-fashioned order, replaced by a “new order”. A new order where the spiritual aspect also played a major role. Since its birth, the Roman Catholic Church has felt called upon to, in addition to spreading its exclusive, Christian-looking philosophies, also direct the destinies of the “temporal” – that is, to hold the scepter and the imperial orb in its hands.

Her faithful daughter, the former Protestant churches, have long since followed in her adult mother’s footsteps. One election recommendation follows the other and one election warning replaces the previous one. In addition, election campaign events declared as sermons and participation in political rallies. The return to the “good old days”, as they prevailed until 1798, or even better before 1517, was, is and remains the primary goal of the Roman Church. There is no mistaking the intensive involvement in political matters on the part of the institutional churches.

Trump up the sleeve – common good

The Roman Catholic Church always has its universal tool in its hands for the realization of its secret wet dreams. Basically the “Swiss knife” of rhetoric, the “common good”. This universal folding knife also has the right tool for the topic of choice.

The Christian is subject to the general criterion that his actions or decisions must lead to the achievement of the common good, promote the common good or at least not hinder it. Fundamental theologian and Dominican priest Fray Nelson Medina emphasized this in an interview with Catholic News Agency (CNA). The framework drawn for this is whether it is a sin for Catholics not to take part in an election.

Not participating in the election is a (small) sin

Catholic confessional
Historic Catholic listening center

Father Mario Arroyo, a philosopher with a doctorate from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, who also took part in the conversation, consulted Catholic social teaching and the catechism. Accordingly, it is “the duty of the Catholic” to take part in public life within the scope of the given opportunities. The restriction to simply voting already represents a restriction on one’s own participation. However, if irresponsibility, laziness and disinterest lead to one not taking part in the election, this in itself could be a sin. But this is not serious.

One could say, says Arroyo, that not voting is “a small sin.” However, it is not expressly stated that participation in the election represents a serious obligation. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that not participating is a serious criminal offense. But it was a moral demand and therefore a duty. Failure to do so is a violation of the “fourth commandment of God’s law,” Arroyo said, but “a venial sin.”

Exclusively Catholic understanding

According to Roman Catholic teaching, the “fourth commandment” is the commandment, “You shall honor your father and your mother!”. According to the Bible (Exodus 20), this is the Fifth Commandment (Info).
Here the doctor of philosophy obviously derives a parent-child relationship with an eye on the state concerns of an election. You have to come up with this idea first.
In addition, the Catholic priest serves the trend that has also taken hold in politics to value morality more highly than the law that is enforced. The “welfare of the general public” serves as justification for the blatant violation of the law.

Also clearly visible is the independence of God’s laws in the Roman Church. Although the fourth commandment was exceeded for moral reasons by refraining from participating in the election, it was only a “small” amount, i.e., something that could be generously overlooked with a little tolerance. A common, completely screwed-up teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. However, a look at the Gospel shows reality that looks completely different (Info).

However, the core message of these Catholic “clerics” is clear. “Go vote,” because a Catholic is also called to participate in politics because of his obligation to promote the “common good.” Even a small sin must ultimately be reported in the confessional and without the priest’s absolution and instructions on how to work off the guilt, there is a risk of an extended stay in purgatory.

Found in Revelation 17

Daniel & Revelation – Most important books for our time

Ailing democracies, people’s loss of trust in their governments, as the United Nations warns, and the churches’ increased commitment to vigorous political involvement and as shining examples of ethics and morals. This literally “cries out” for a new order, and it is already being positioned and established. The Church of Rome’s “wet dreams” will come true. “Christian” laws, entirely according to Rome’s ideas. Freedom of religion and freedom of expression within the framework of the “common good” also defined by Rome. But all of this is only for a short time.

An actual collapse of the previous democracy fit perfectly into the sequence of animals (political powers, systems) described in Revelation 17. A sequence of historical powers up to the present and also a look into the (near) future (Info).

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Revelation 17:12-14

Bible verses from King James Version

UN warns about ailing democracies – Church of Rome rubs its hands
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