Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Trump criticized by Church of Rome – He is “unchristian”



The old-new US President Donald Trump is being sharply attacked by a Catholic auxiliary bishop. The announced asylum policy is unchristian and contradicts the message of the gospel. A truly amusing charade.

Auxiliary bishop denounces Trump

He does exactly what he is supposed to do

There are apparent frictions between the Roman Catholic Church and the re-US President Donald Trump. Criticism from the ranks of the Church of Rome against the US head of government’s asylum policy. As announced, Donald Trump overturned the migration policy he had pursued up to that point after his inauguration and announced mass deportations. In this matter, the fundamental question was whether the term “illegal entry” should continue to be retained without the measures actually envisaged, or whether “illegal” should be turned into legal “legality” through democratic steps. “Illegal” and yet without consequences, even with further support, would actually be at least a permanent perversion of justice.

For Cologne’s auxiliary bishop Ansgar Puff, none of this seems to matter. He sharply criticized Trump and declared that the US president should not behave like the Messiah. He is plunging the poor into despair with his announcement of mass deportations, said Puff. (Source). Such a person was certainly not sent by God.

Messed up gospel

After all, the way he treats people shows whether he is a Christian politician or not, said the auxiliary bishop. Jesus Christ brought good news to the poor. But the gospel is not about politics, the gospel is “about the encounter between man and God and about the fact that this change, this encounter, makes change for the better possible,” said Puff.

The auxiliary bishop highlights the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church for his argument. Canon 2241 states that “wealthy nations” are obliged to accept foreigners from poorer countries. However, the receiving countries are also entitled to demand that immigrants comply with legal conditions in the interests of the common good.

Of course! Natural law

Aristotle's philosophy
Greek Philosophy – A Trademark of the Church of Rome

However, consideration of Canon 2241 highlights a fundamental problem in the Roman Catholic Church. The first paragraph reads:
“The more prosperous nations are obliged, to the extent they are able, to welcome the foreigner in search of the security and the means of livelihood which he cannot find in his country of origin. Public authorities should see to it that the natural right is respected that places a guest under the protection of those who receive him.”

It says “natural right” bluntly, clearly and without code. Natural law, however, has nothing to do with the gospel. It is no secret that Roman Catholic social teaching is based on natural law, i.e. the philosophy of ancient Hellenism, according to Aristotle, Plato and others. The Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching is particularly informative.

Another fundamental question is why it seems so obvious that even a single country, whether the USA or any other state, should orient itself according to the ideas and teachings of the Church of Rome. The argument is indeed due to the position of the auxiliary bishop of this church, but it is nevertheless astonishing how naturally this catechism should be seen as a guideline or guideline for politics in this world.

It also becomes very clear that US politics, although its constitution provides for a strict separation between church and state, should definitely be Christian. Or rather, Roman Catholic. The auxiliary bishop obviously takes this for granted.

Familiar misinterpretation

Added to this is the reinterpretation of the gospel that the Roman Catholic Church has been accustomed to since its beginnings. Jesus Christ came into this world to proclaim the good news. But not just for the poor, as the Cologne auxiliary bishop suggests, but for all people. Rich and poor, rulers and slaves. The message is not about people finding each other and ensuring world peace, but about the salvation of every individual person. Every person is hopelessly lost because of their transgressions of one of God’s laws (sin). The good news is that there is a way of salvation.

The auxiliary bishop should actually know if he only showed interest in paying attention to the words of the Bible, especially the words of Jesus. Matthew 10:34-36:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

Clear and obvious. Not world peace, but the division of people. The division through society separates believers and unbelievers, those faithful to God and heathens. This separation is logically inevitable if one only takes into account that the “good news” (gospel) describes the salvation of the individual and not peace within an assimilated mass of people. This in the sense of the Church of Rome, even in the position of total rebellion against God and His statutes.

Defense of the “monopoly position”?

Das Oberhaupt der mindestens 3-fachen Täuschung

The auxiliary bishop’s complaint that Trump is behaving like the Messiah, which he is not, is almost ironic, actually cynical. The clergyman is right about that. But is there a position in the Church of Rome that has been filled by succession for many centuries, in which an earthly divinity is claimed as the representative of Jesus Christ? “Vicarius Christi” or “Vicarius filii dei” are the names of the Pope, who, in addition to his self-image as a political emperor over the kings of the earth, also sees himself as a saint worthy of worship on earth.

Numerous examples were given by the popes and the “saints” of this organization themselves – here

Quite a few such figures with the title “Pope” demonstrated their distance from the Gospel through their merciless persecution of all who did not conform to the catechism of the Roman Church. One example that stands out is Pope Innocent III. He acted as if he wanted to outdo the “top charts” of eradicated (true) Christians of an Emperor Nero or Diocletian. Truly a successful representation of the unprecedented hypocrisy of this Church, which is maintained as a tradition.

Bottom line: just pseudo-Christianity

Cleverly orchestrated, one might say. Trump is pretending to be Christian. Well, the “Christianity” that the US president represents is a mixture of Catholicism and the charismatic ambitions of evangelicals like Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn. The common point of intersection can be found in the Second Vatican Council anyway. “All roads lead to Rome.” The auxiliary bishop of Cologne denounces Trump’s “unchristian” behavior in order to underscore the urgent need for a “true Christian” policy. This, of course, in accordance with the statutes of the Roman Church. So Roman Catholic and not Christian.

And don’t forget: this is a criticism of an announcement, not of the actual implementation. As usual, there are two different dimensions between the promises or announcements made by politicians and the actual implementation. But the wrangling is clearly serving its purpose.

The image of the first beast

The Beast, his image and his mark

The beast from the sea raises a demanding finger at the beast from the earth (Info). It should please bring to light the policies that correspond to Rome’s ideas. To create the image that ultimately deserves attention and “admiration”.

The interaction of both beasts according to Revelation 13 is becoming more and more obvious (Info). The apparent friction between the “moral” church representatives and the “immoral” US president merely involves the poisoned wine of Babylon, which is also intended to make “ordinary” people drunk.

“Shoemaker, stick to your last” and (true) Christian, stick to the Word of God!

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:9

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

Trump criticized by Church of Rome – He is “unchristian”
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