A Christmas without a Christmas tree would be like a hot dog without sausage. The fir or spruce in the living room, decorated with lots of light and decoration, is therefore an absolute must. This tradition has a much older history than just the 16th century. Even in ancient Rome and Babylon, the tree was a symbol of pagan gods in December.
Inhalt / Content
- 1 As usual, nothing contained in the gospel
- 2 Officially it started in the 16th century
- 3 The Catholic explanation of the Christmas tree
- 4 The “Christianized” tree decoration
- 5 Der Weihnachtsbaum im antiken Rom
- 6 The mistletoe – pagan mediator
- 7 Old-fashioned drinking party at Christmas
- 8 Grape harvesting back then – lead pouring today
- 9 Paganism is being presented more and more openly
As usual, nothing contained in the gospel
The Christmas tree is one of the most important utensils in the ceremonies around December 25th known as the Nativity of Christ. A colorfully decorated, green spruce tree. Usually a spruce tree. For an even more upscale atmosphere, it can also be a noble blue fir, provided the household budget (still) allows this.
Since there is no evidence in the Bible that the supposed birthday of Jesus Christ was ever discussed in this way in the middle of winter, a fruitless search for traces of a Christmas tree and all the glittering lights around it is no surprise. None of this appears in the gospel. Rather, the Bible contains some information that places the birth of Jesus Christ at a completely different time of year (Info).
Officially it started in the 16th century
The Christmas tree in Christian households must have had a beginning at some point. The celebration of Christmas itself goes back a long way to around 330 AD. The church in Rome apparently “felt compelled” to give a “Christian answer” to the pagan hustle and bustle of the winter solstice and the “gods” hidden behind it. Instead of celebrating the (re)birth of the “Sun God,” the birth of (a) Christ was celebrated. Therefore, Christmas can also be viewed as a highly Catholic festival.
The Christmas tree only appeared for the first time around 1,200 years after the first winter solstice celebrated as Christmas. The first Christmas decorations, also known as Christmas trees, are said to have originated in Germany in the early 16th century. At that time it was still displayed in churches as a prop and as a symbol as a tree of paradise from which Adam and Eve were expelled. The Evangelical Regional Church in Württemberg reports that such a Christmas tree was first mentioned on December 21, 1521 (Source). It is therefore an invoice entry from the then accountant of Schlettstadt in Alsace, now Sélestat (Alsace). The oldest entry in the world to date where a tree is mentioned for such celebrations.
A document from 1539 once again confirms a Christmas tree in Strasbourg Cathedral. This makes it clear that, in addition to Christmas itself, the so-called Christmas tree also comes from a Catholic home.
The Catholic explanation of the Christmas tree
The Catholic origin is not surprising, since even before the Christmas tree, it was customary within the “Holy Roman Empire” to equip a nativity play known as the “Paradise Play” with a “Paradise Tree”. Even back then, fir trees decorated with red apples and, alternatively, holly were used. This game, held by the Roman Catholic Church, focused on Mary as the “new Eve.” According to Catholic dogma, she was not burdened with original sin and gave birth to the child in this condition. One reason that the well-known mother and child picture depicted as Mary and Jesus often also contains an apple.
According to the oldest records, the first Christmas tree decorated with candles appeared in 1611. The decoration to its present extent began.
The “Christianized” tree decoration
The Evangelical Church of Hesse-Nassau (EKHN) believes it knows what meanings lie behind the individual Christmas tree utensils. The church even describes decorating the tree as a “meditative experience.” Accordingly, the red balls symbolize the red apples originally used, which in turn represented the fruits of the Garden of Eden.
The straw stars are a replica of the hosts in churches for the Lord’s Supper. According to “evangelical understanding,” these restored the special relationship between people and God. Other tree decorations represented the ideas of the kingdom of God. The birds made of glass were a symbol of the birds of the sky described by Jesus, which lived in the branches.
Celebrating Christmas is like looking through the keyhole into paradise, according to the EKHN’s interpretation (Source).
Der Weihnachtsbaum im antiken Rom
Anyone who takes the Gospel seriously, as the Word of God is written, will also develop a certain skepticism against any “cherished” traditions from the church of Rome.
The church, located in the “eternal city” of Rome, has Roman roots in the literal sense. The fir tree used today as a Christmas tree may have only become part of everyday life in the “Holy Roman Empire” at the time of the Reformation, but it was already commonplace in the time of ancient Rome. This custom was even known in ancient Egypt, but based on a palm tree. In ancient Rome, this tree served as a very specific symbol as part of the festival of “natalis invicti solis” (“Birthday of the Invincible Sun”). On this day the pagans celebrated the rebirth of the victorious sun and the reappearance on earth. That was December 25th.
The mistletoe – pagan mediator
One day before the “big day” of rebirth, i.e. on December 24th, a mistletoe played a major role. This mistletoe already symbolized the “man of the branch” in ancient Babylon and this represented their “Messiah”. In this context, it is good to know that “Messiah” means the “anointed one” and for this the Greek word “Christos”, i.e “Christ” is written. When the Church of Rome speaks of “a” Christ, one can be skeptical.
This mistletoe came down from heaven, landed on the bare tree and grew to new heights. A sign of “divine reconciliation” with man. If people still kiss under mistletoe in certain regions today, then the origin of this custom can be found here.
In ancient Rome, this birth from the “Christmas tree” symbolized the newborn “god” Baal-Berith, the “Lord of the Covenant.” The Egyptians knew the identical treatise, but called the man born Baal-Tamar. According to pagan belief, the fir tree itself was the “miraculously” transformed mother of the born “Baal” and also the mother of the sun god Adonis.
At this point you can also clearly see the interplay between the Egyptian “deities” Osiris, Isis and Horus, while the Catholic Mary, alongside Isis (Info), can also be identified as the Christmas tree in the ancient Roman “style”. *1)
Old-fashioned drinking party at Christmas
The EKHN recently demonstrated how close even the (once) Protestant churches could be to these pagan customs of ancient Rome. On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, this church published the reassuring words “don’t be afraid” on social media. At the same time, the church called for people to “celebrate” now because “He is at the start.” “Today we celebrate that you are with us, God, thank you!” and one should not be afraid, as the savior was born today, said the caption of an image shown, created by “pop art AI”. This picture shows people in a good mood partying with lots of alcoholic drinks in a winter atmosphere.
At the winter solstice, the Romans celebrated the festival of Saturn according to an order from the Emperor Caligula (37-41 AD). Another legacy from Babylon, also found in ancient Egypt in interaction with the enemy of Osiris, Seth. This festival lasted five days and was accompanied by drunkenness and loud revelry. The Babylonians practiced the same festival, called the Feast of Bacchus, in the month of Thebeth (now December). During these days everything was turned upside down. The masters served their servants. The chief servant was dressed in a purple robe and represented the king. This so-called “Zoganes” ruled over the house.
In the early Middle Ages, Catholic countries celebrated the same festival called “Lord of Disorderly Relations.” People drank and ate as much as they could. The Babylonians used to light candles on the eve of the festival to honor the Babylonian god. *2)
Grape harvesting back then – lead pouring today
After this “Christmas” solstice feast, the ceremony followed on the last day of the last month of the year. Until the 4th century, tables were set up with lavishly prepared food and drinks, particularly in Alexandria and Rome. People used to read the “fertility of the coming year” from the mixture of the new wine. A similar practice that is still common today in some households on New Year’s Eve with lead pouring.
Paganism is being presented more and more openly
The time before, during and after Christmas, with the Christmas tree and other decorations, the festive feasts, all point to the pagan origin of the Egypt-Babylon-Rome “axis”, and not a shred of the Gospel. Traditions that have existed for many centuries. Only today the difference is that paganism, which is actually only clothed with Christianity, is kept less and less hidden and is brought to light more and more openly.
Paul got to the point in his letter to the church in Rome. The conditions in Rome at that time were known beyond the borders (Romans 1). History repeats itself.
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 1:21-23
Bible verses from King James Version
1) Source: “The Two Babylons” from Alexander Hislop (1807-1865), page 90
2) Source: “The Two Babylons” from Alexander Hislop (1807-1865), page 88-89