There may not be many nations on earth whose national anthem is also sung in churches. This is the case in Switzerland. The Swiss Psalm seems to be entirely qualified for this. Most of the attributes apply to the sun god Mithras. Only one name in this hymn can also be found in the Bible. As a name for Satan.
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The Swiss Psalm – Swiss national anthem

The Swiss are doing well. They have a national anthem that is even sung in the churches of both major denominations. The so-called Swiss Psalm. It’s nice when every Sunday (Sun-Day) you have the chance to sing about the rising sun over Switzerland.
Excerpts from the individual verses
The national anthem of Switzerland, at least according to the official statement, sings about our God. In relation, this is of course easy to understand, to the nation of Switzerland. Below is an excerpt from the individual verses of the Swiss Psalm (Source).
Vers 1
You come along in the dawn,
I see you in the sea of rays,
You, you exalted, glorious one!
When the Alpine snow turns red,
Pray, free Swiss, pray!
Vers 2
You come along in the evening glow,
I find you in the starry army,
You, you philanthropist, lover!
In the bright spaces of heaven
Can I dream happily and happily;
Vers 3
You move along in the mist,
I’m looking for you in the sea of clouds,
You, you unfathomable, eternal one!
From the gray air structure
The sun breaks clear and mild,
Vers 4
You drive along in a wild storm,
You yourself are our refuge and defense,
You, all-powerful ruler, savior!
In thunderstorm night and horror
Let us childlike trust in him!
Is this really the God of the Bible?
The attributes in the individual verses of the Swiss Psalm include dawn (morning sun), sea of radiance, sublime and glorious, evening glow, starry host, philanthropic and loving, sea of clouds, aerial structure, sun, omnipotent ruling and saving one. Everything sounded like the God of the Bible. Really?
A look into the Bible shows a passage in which a dawn is described, in Isaiah 14:12:
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!“
However, as in Ezekiel 28 and Revelation 12, this passage in the book of Isaiah clearly refers to God’s adversary, Satan. The one who is cast from the kingdom of heaven to earth and is here called “Son of the Dawn.”
The sun god Mithras contrasted
If you look at the attributes of the Roman Mithras, a worship of the sun god secretly practiced within the framework of paganism and by the Roman Catholic Church, and identify the author of the Swiss Psalm, then a “grave suspicion” arises here.
The author of this hymn, written in 1841, was Alberich Zwyssig. He was a Cistercian monk from the Wettingen monastery, Switzerland. So he’s an arch-Catholic from the ground up. This Swiss Psalm is also a component of the respective hymn books of the Roman Catholic Church and the Evangelical Reformed Churches in German-speaking Switzerland. The reformed church that, based in Zurich, operates a “queer channel” called “Holy Shit” (!) on YouTube, among other things (Info).
Francis of Assisi – A full-blooded pantheist

So, a text from thoroughly Roman Catholic pens and also its spirit. You only have to open your eyes a little to notice that the pagan religion of Mithraism is the actual teaching of the Roman Catholic Church (Info). This is also directly expressed in Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si'” (2015).
The monk Francis of Assisi as a shining example of his “theology” and also the namesake of the current pontiff. Assisi was a nature worshiper, a pantheist who viewed creation not as the pure work of God, but as the meeting place of God. God can be found everywhere, in the tree, in the flower, under the stone and especially visible in the sun in the form of the sun god Mithras. Even in the once Protestant churches people are already talking about “Brother Sun, Sister Water, Mother Earth”.
Papacy continues pagan Rome
Pagan Rome adopted this Mithras from the Persians and added him to their own pantheon. In this context, the mythology surrounding this figure also took on a new look. Accordingly, Mithras was born on December 25th in a rock grotto. He emerged from the rock. His “God Father” sent him to “save the world.” Mithras, the sun god, rises from the east every morning. The great spectacle of the dawn. Traveling in a chariot, he roams the celestial firmament, through the clouds and, with his descent in the west, creates an evening glow. Mithras wears a cloak, the inside of which has a decoration in the form of a starry sky.
As the “almighty world savior” Mithras has loyal followers on Earth. This sun god marks them with an “X” on their forehead. Mithras particularly “loves” these people and rewards them with a wealthy, prosperous existence on earth.
One of the well-known symbols for this Mithras is an “X”, which is known as the so-called “Pax Christi”. Already minted in his coins by Emperor Constantine, a staunch supporter of Mithras. Another symbol, also very common in once Protestant churches, is the right-legged cross. If you can’t imagine what this looks like, just look at the white cross on the Swiss flag. That’s exactly what it looks like.
Not without wrinkles and without spots

This Swiss psalm therefore has all the attributes of the pagan god Mithras. One of them can even be found in the Gospel. However, as a naming for Satan. This hymn is written by a member of the institution described in the Bible as “the man of sin, son of perdition, abomination of the earth, whore of Babylon and Antichrist”. (Info).
The Gotthard Tunnel was officially opened in Switzerland on June 1st, 2016. A state ceremony attended by international representatives from politics and business. However, the art performance presented at the opening ceremony, described as “incredibly impressive,” was a blatant glorification of Lucifer. This is at an official, state level.
Everyone can make up their own mind whether this Swiss hymn, the Swiss Psalm, addresses the God of the Bible, any god, or specifically Satan, embodied in the sun god Mithras.
With whom [Whore of Babylon] the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
Revelation 17:2
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)