Sunday and the rest prescribed on this day is now taking shape. In the USA, a Sunday law, the so-called Blue Laws, is already being discussed. This after many years of media preparation.
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Sunday becomes a hot topic
Movement comes into play. Sunday as a general day of rest is clearly on the agenda. What has been a matter of course in Germany since the Weimar era is currently the subject of heated debate, especially in the USA. The closure of shops on Sunday and declaring it a day of “family, relaxation and nature conservation”. Just a few days ago, such a law was discussed and ultimately rejected in the US state of North Dakota. The bill envisaged a compulsory closure of general shops on a Sunday and also contained a catalog of sanctions for violations. Such a bill is still pending in the state of Utah.

The idea of a Sunday law also brought back memories of the so-called “Blue Laws”. These laws for Sunday closures or trade restrictions are therefore controversial because they are clearly of religious origin. A regulation envisaged by the (Roman) Church in order to protect the “Christian Sunday”. However, this motive clashes with the US Constitution, which wants to guarantee a strict separation between church and state. Such a debate about the implementation of the Blue Laws already existed in 1888. At that time, such a law protecting Sundays was overturned.
Nevertheless, the issue was far from over. In the 1960s, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, particularly in connection with the ban on Sunday alcohol sales, that Sunday laws were permissible but had to be determined at the state level. At the US level, the same court ruled that the Blue Laws were perfectly permissible, even if these laws had religious origins, but such implementation would have to be justified in secular terms. This now seems to be taking shape again.
Pragmatism expected in Germany
In Germany, the unrest is likely to be met with incomprehension, as the “power of habit” already prevails. Sunday was already protected in Germany in 1919 in the Weimar Constitution and the Basic Law also refers to Article 139 of the Weimar Constitution. So it has been “normal” for generations. From the “church perspective” a type of “anticipatory obedience”.
It is happening as announced
However, these developments point to the consistent fulfillment of biblical prophecy. With the enforced quiet on every Sunday first implemented in the USA, this will then also be implemented in the rest of the world. The observance of Sunday. First with an urgent “recommendation”, then with the threat of sanctions for non-compliance and finally in connection with the ban on observing the weekly rest day on a Saturday, i.e. the biblical Sabbath. It is nothing less than the mark of the beast, according to Revelation 13 (Info).
The secular justification for such a Sunday law will probably concern the issues of family protection and environmental protection. The preparations for this have been going on for years. The campaigns for such a Sunday law are running at church, political and economic levels. A legislative package had already been drawn up for Donald Trump’s second term in office, Project 2025, and this also includes special treatment of Sunday (Info).
Sunday also made tasty in Israel

Even in the supposed land of the Sabbath, Israel, the seventh day of the week is questioned and Sunday, i.e. the first day of the week, is emphasized. As early as August 2023, “The Jerusalem Post” headlined that it was finally time to bring Sunday to Israel (Source). The many “advantages” of Sunday are emphasized, and there are also voices in favor of it.
“I would absolutely love to have Sundays off,“, Meira Weber is quoted as saying. “It’s time to recover from Shabbat (without the prep and scramble of Fridays), which means that Saturday night can be a true night off for both kids and adults, and Sunday can be a stress-free family day without a sunset curfew. Fridays don’t even come close to how amazing it is to have off on Sundays.“
You have to let it melt in your mouth. Taking Sunday off to recover from the Sabbath. How things are completely turned upside down here too. But that’s just how “today’s people” work and one can easily explain good as evil and evil as good. And the majority applauds in agreement.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)