Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Successful example of clumsy means from the Vatican court



A “successful” example presented by the rapporteur of the “Vatican Court” shows once again what crude means are sufficient to keep the faithful flock in a pious mood. A distortion of the gospel as a means of spreading one’s own philosophies.

Special Occasion – Special Stories

Last Sunday was another very special Sunday for the Roman Catholic Church. “Trinity Sunday” was in their liturgical calendar. An occasion particularly highlighted in the Vatican. The diocesan priest Erwin Albrecht from the Eichstätt district, Upper Bavaria, who was present on site, commented, as he has in the past 20 years, on the rituals held by the Pope in the faith center of the Roman Church (Source). The basis for his commentary is the biblical verses Matthew 28:16-20 (King James Version):

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Jesus Christ calls on His disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all peoples, including the Gentiles, to convert them and finally to baptize them. But the disciples will not be on their own, because Jesus Christ promised to accompany them at all times.

Many mountains – many paths to God

Mountains around Ararat
Get closer to heaven with mountains

For the Catholic priest, the fact that this scene also takes place on a mountain is further evidence that mountains play a particularly important role in the Gospel. “Many paths lead to God. One goes over the mountains,” is the quote used by Albrecht. These words always come to mind when he stands on a mountain himself. Peaks are often “high and holy” because you are a little closer to heaven. Many people throughout history have had such an experience.

Important encounters took place on a mountain, as well as in the mountains of Judea at the “summit meeting” between Elizabeth and Mary. Both were pregnant at the time. According to the priest, the disciple Matthew “composed” the central sentences of Jesus’ message, which are now known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” On the Mount of Olives, Jesus painfully realized what was about to happen to him, said Albrecht.


At this point the diocesan priest enters the realm of fantasy. While his excursions into the “holiness of Bergen” still leave room for interpretation, the statement that Jesus Christ (just) understands His approaching fate on the Mount of Olives is easily refutable. His announcement on the Mount of Olives that he would soon die but would also rise again on the third day was already the third announcement (Info).

Jesus Christ knew the writings of the prophets very well and from this point of view alone He was fully aware of who was announced in Daniel 9:27 and in Isaiah chapter 53 and what was to come. In this context, the Catholic priest seems to forget that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, who – in complete contrast to Catholic teaching (Info) – was born in flesh, begotten by the Holy Spirit.

Not a surprising fate

The atonement of Jesus, through His death and bloodshed, was not a fateful event, but an unconditional prerequisite in order to be able to open up a path to salvation for people. A plan of salvation that was announced to man after the fall (Genesis 3:15). How the priest comes to the conclusion that Jesus Christ only understood what was waiting for him on the Mount of Olives remains his secret.

The vibrations of the sounds of hope convey

Spreading the vibrations of sounds

The “heavenly sounds of hope” on the mountain in Galilee that Jesus conveyed to his disciples should not go unheard, the priest continued. Therefore, Jesus suggested to his friends to communicate these vibrations to everyone in the world and to let them become “resonator bodies” themselves. The disciples should “immerse people in the mystery of love” and let them feel what the disciples stand for. The people of this world should be connected to the water that enables abundant refreshment. It is the opening of a never-ending source of love, said the priest.

On Mount Galilee, Jesus wanted to “broaden the horizons of his friends and of all who seek life.” He did this very specifically, says Albrecht. Jesus wanted to remember something that he himself grew up with and that supported him. Jesus wanted to recommend this experience to everyone else as a “help in life”. “The mountain where God reveals his name and confirms his permanent presence is Sinai,” said the priest. On this mountain, Moses learned what he and his people needed for life to be successful. Everything will be fine with the 10 commandments, the 10 instructions.

Sinai and Horeb – 10 Commandments – Burning Bush

Once again the Catholic priest gives up guesswork about the sources from which he draws his stories. Albrecht explained in the introduction that mountains are often mentioned as places of encounter in the Bible. Places where the paths of God and man crossed. From this Albrecht formulated a “holiness of the mountains”. He goes on to say that God revealed his name “I AM THAT I AM THERE” on Mount Sinai. Obviously not an oversight, because the priest repeatedly says that God revealed his name on Mount Sinai.

Just plain wrong

Far from the truth

The Catholic priest’s stories are just plain wrong. Mount Sinai was the place where God gave His servant Moses the tablets of the law with the 10 commandments. After the liberation of the people of Israel from Egypt and at the beginning of the wanderings in the desert. By the way, the “original” 10 Commandments and not the modified version by the Roman Catholic Church (Info).

The place where God revealed his name was Mount Horeb in Midian. This was on the occasion of the rather famous “burning bush”. So before the liberation from Egypt and in a completely different place. God revealed himself to Moses to persuade him to return to Egypt. Moses had no idea what to say to the people of Israel who were held in slavery, what name to proclaim. The answer followed, Exodus 3:14:
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

How can it be that the Catholic priest sitting in the religious center of Rome confuses such striking and, above all, well-known events?

Accidentally tripped yourself up?

The Catholic priest highlights a supposed commandment as a basis “for a good life”: “You will not lie!”. This commandment does mean, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” (Exodus 20:16), i.e. a request and not a preview of compliance with what is required, but Albrecht still uses it The example he gave himself was probably accidentally directed against himself. “If someone lies to me, then I lose trust in him,” said the priest. Such a person has lost trust. “If someone distorts the truth or comes up with half-truths, I get angry and don’t believe them in the long run.”

What a “self-castigation” in view of the distortion of the truth and the coming up with half-truths that was previously carried out almost in one breath. A rhetorical masterpiece against this background to emphasize that lying divides, destroys trust and poisons the atmosphere. “Lies in small, everyday areas make living together more difficult,” said the priest. He is absolutely right and the ongoing mass exodus of former sheep from this church is evidence of this.

The philosophy conveyed by the Vatican’s “court reporter” aims at a familiar variant of the term “salvation.” Accordingly, Jesus Christ did not come into this world to save people from their sins, but to encourage people to live together peacefully. Man’s salvation does not consist in receiving eternal life, but in being able to lead a “humane life”. A philosophy advocated by Jesuits and their worshiped “Lord” that tries to bind people to this world and blocks the exclusive gate opened by Jesus Christ with a lot of spiritual rubbish.

Daniel spoke of the “Holy Mountain”

The Gospel certainly recognizes a mountain in the sense of holiness. The “Holy Mountain of God” is a symbol of His people, the people of God. The prophet Daniel prominently featured this mountain, found in chapter 11. Daniel was given a broad view of the future in his time, around 550 BC. Prophecy is about the time in which humanity currently finds itself. The Northern King will also pitch his “magnificent tent” between the seas on the “glorious mountain of the sanctuary”. But the North King will meet his end there and no one will help him. This northern king is unmistakably the power seated in Rome. More information about Daniel 11 – here.

Gullibility of the sheep

Passover lamb
Carefree lamb – open ear for everything

What is frightening here is not, as the current example once again shows, the clumsy approach to distorting the Gospel, but rather the fact that they continue to target little believers. A starving crocodile is more likely to rescue a lamb that has fallen into the water to the safety of the shore than to expect the truth from the Roman Catholic Church. That would speak completely against her genetic makeup (Info). After all, all that can be expected from a voracious crocodile is to devour anything and everything that moves. Yet more than a billion people worldwide adhere to this institution, sitting like a rabbit hypnotized by the snake. It would be so easy to convict this institution and its zealous representatives of lying.

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Bible verses from King James Version

Successful example of clumsy means from the Vatican court
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