Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

St. John’s fire – midsummer fire – pagan tradition in a Christian deceptive package


The longest day of the year is once again an occasion for another pagan tradition maintained by the churches. The St. John’s fire or the solstice fire on June 24th. “Ghosts, witches and gods”, wrapped up in the deceptive package “Christianity”.

The longest day of the year

With the beginning of summer each year, another tradition practiced by the churches is on the agenda. In many places, fires are lit, the so-called St. John’s fire, also often referred to as the solstice fire. The Protestant and Catholic churches generally refer to the annual spectacle as St. John’s bonfire, because the reference to the solstice would bring the pagan background of this ritual too much to the fore.

Bible topics used appropriately

Consultant ideas
Biblical themes misused for paganism

The summer solstice, i.e. the longest day or shortest night, occurs on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. So why do the churches celebrate this fire festival not on June 21st, but on June 24th? This is due to the supposed birthday of John the Baptist. The Gospel provides an important indication that John the Baptist is six months older than Jesus Christ. Since the birth of Jesus was set by the church on December 25th, it stands to reason that St. John’s Day would be celebrated 6 months earlier, i.e. the night before the Baptist’s birthday.

Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was already six months pregnant when the angel Gabriel visited Mary to announce the birth of Jesus Christ, Luke 1:26-28:
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

By the way, this is further evidence that this ritual, known as St. John’s fire, has just as much of a pagan background as the celebrated Christmas. The birthday of Jesus Christ is not mentioned in the Bible, but it could not have been around December (Info).

Odin – Mithras – Catholicism

As at Christmas and Easter, neither Jesus Christ of the Bible nor John the Baptist play an actual role at St. John’s fire, but rather it is about the worship of a secretly worshiped “Sun God”.

June 21st marks the longest day or shortest night of the year. For Germanic peoples and Celts, this day was the occasion to light a large fire that night. An artificial extension of daylight, in honor of the “god” Odin, who ascended into the sky that night to bless the upcoming harvest. Even if Christianity is mentioned here, which took over this ritual and squeezed it into its own framework, it was still specifically the Roman Catholic Church.

Just as Christmas marks the “Christianized” ritual of the winter sun turning, the church adopted its summer counterpart to honor its secretly worshiped “sol invictus” (“invincible sun”) of Mithraism (Info).

EV churches in the same boat

During the Reformation, the once Protestant churches emancipated themselves from the mother organization in some respects and came a good step closer to the teachings of the Gospel, but still held on to some of the pagan traditions of the Church of Rome. This also includes the St. John’s fire. In the meantime, the Protestant churches have turned back to the mother. The protest has long since died down, and the once “rebellious daughters” are currently in the process of reversing the reformations they once carried out (Info).

A few keywords for label fraud

John the Baptist, who was born six months earlier than Jesus Christ, was perfect for these purposes. The Holy Spirit is also depicted in the Bible as fire or tongues of fire. How fitting to connect the pagan festival of the summer solstice celebration with the Holy Spirit. After all, John announced Jesus Christ in advance and baptized Him in the River Jordan. The man Jesus Christ was the light of this world. And just like that, the pagan ritual of the great fire was a “Christian” affair. This principle of obvious label fraud also applies to Easter (Info).

Permissible heresy?

Heresy usually ended at the stake

It was the Roman Catholic Church that, for many centuries, persecuted anyone who dared to disobey the religious dictates of this church. Deviations were condemned as heresy and the consequences were dispossession of the accused and his family at the time of accusation, torture and, in most cases, death by public execution at the stake. The period of witch hunts had a very special character. It is therefore surprising that the Roman Catholic Church simply tolerates strange customs around St. John’s fire without involving the Inquisition.

In “particularly Catholic” Bavaria, it was customary to circle around the St. John’s fire to celebrate the mantra-like murmurs with a rosary in hand (Info). The Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church, very concerned about the correctness of its sheep, at least allowed a straw doll to be placed next to the fire from the 15th century onwards. This symbolized the “weather witch” or a “winter demon”.

According to the tradition of this church, this doll was burned over the St. John’s fire (Source). Winter was considered to have been finally defeated, and with it all the “evil spirits”. This was followed by fire jumping, where one could be blessed. This promised protection from “evil spirits”, illnesses and even witches. The people then scattered the ashes of the burned down St. John’s fire onto the fields to protect them from weather damage and as a blessing for a good harvest. So a whole package of ritualized witch and ghost cults, pure superstition, with at least the toleration of the Roman Church.

Usual deception from the church

Relic death cult
Witches, ghosts, bones, skulls – the terrain of the Roman church

It is obvious that, in addition to Christmas and Easter, a hoax label is also used for St. John’s fire. Another sham package called “Christianity” for the fraudulent teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Fraud, misleading and seduction are the great dangers for people. The Church of Rome, the Papacy, “the man of sin, son of perdition, abomination of the earth, mother of all whores,” meets all of these criteria. The Bible is crystal clear why this is so (Info).

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Revelation 22:15

Bible verses from King James Version

St. John’s fire – midsummer fire – pagan tradition in a Christian deceptive package
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