Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Soon desire for the kings to give up power to the beast

Hängematte - Relax


Chapter 17 of Revelation predicts a transfer of power from kings to the beast. It is difficult to imagine that governments would come up with the idea of ​​handing over their “competences” to a third party. But not if the broad masses wanted it with all their hearts.

The royal road will be taken

How might the transfer of power from “kings” to the beast take place according to Revelation 17? An internal agreement to then surprise the public with a press conference about the transfer of power? Probably not, the resistance will simply be too great. A strategy that would create acceptance among the general population for handing over the scepter would seem much better. The silver bullet would be the express wish of the population to hand over power to the animal. And this silver bullet is already emerging.

Maximizing adverse circumstances

Family poverty
Poverty is becoming increasingly widespread

Falling income, higher unemployment, rising prices for electricity, gas, gasoline and food, with the logical consequence of increasing poverty. Rental prices also continue to rise due to the generosity of the public sector to finance a place to stay for those in need of protection in an increasingly tight housing market. Rising homelessness is another consequence of the current ongoing policy. A 20 billion surplus in the health fund quickly turned into a gaping hole.

This financial vacuum, in turn, entails cuts in health care and further increases in contributions for employees. Rising non-wage labor costs also mean higher labor costs for the employer. The latter are becoming fewer and fewer due to an ongoing wave of insolvencies. At the same time, those responsible are writing up countless billions as additional debts in order to keep the arms manufacturers of the world in good spirits with this already exported capital.

For the people who stayed at home, as compensation and relief, legislation is being offered to open a colorful, rainbow-colored party world. With the friendly support of the churches, which proclaim to everyone that it is an expression of unbiased, limitlessly tolerant love and therefore wanted by God.

Are these circumstances that make the heart of a “normal consumer” beat faster because, as a completely undeserving beneficiary, they can feel like a maggot in the bacon? Not even with wild imagination.

RKI protocols – another blow to trust

With the now published and completely unredacted protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) over the course of the “pandemic” from 2020 to 2023, there is another hammer blow to any (remaining) trust in politics and the media. In view of the accessible protocols, at least a good 4,000 pages, one can now claim completely “tinfoil hat-free” that the circumstances presented to the public – to put it mildly – did not correspond entirely to the truth.

Political influence

Basically, it is clear that the RKI, presented as a scientific institute that is independent of politics, has caved in to the instructions, or rather the political motives, of the Federal Ministry of Health, namely Jens Spahn and subsequently Karl Lauterbach. Accordingly, the RKI knew about a desired communication that was supposed to turn a fly into an elephant. It can also be seen in the protocol that the agents described as vaccines were either not adequately tested or no test results were available at all.

“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”

Constructed scapegoats – nothing new

In 2021, the slogan “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was thrown around people’s ears. Those who had already been injected, refreshed and boosted were particularly receptive. Because even though they had this “game changer” included, they were still punished with quarantine and restrictions. The culprits were the “uninjected”. “Tyranny of the unvaccinated” was a variation on this claim. This perfidious claim still has an impact today.

In this regard, the RKI recorded in the protocols of November 5, 2021 that the claim that it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, which was fully taken up by the media, was “not correct from a technical point of view”. The decisive factor for this contradiction were the transfers of those who had already been “injected”. Why didn’t the RKI, as an independent institution, object? The explanation for this is also in the protocols. Health Minister Jens Spahn repeated this statement at every press conference. The RKI therefore assumed that this was “probably done consciously”. Therefore, this assessment cannot be corrected.

Pretty much everything is “fake”

This “style” also extends to all other aspects of this “pandemic”. Decisions were politically motivated, shot from the hip, without medical evidence. This also applied to the postulated (untested) effects, side effects, risks of infection, protective effect, vaccination breakthrough, etc. Vaccination recommendations (even for small children!) were also completely arbitrary, as were the enforced measures according to 1G, 2G and 3G, compulsory quarantine, bans on visits Hospitals and retirement homes.

Excerpts from the RKI protocols

  • “Draft text Christian Drosten: recommendation for the fall, presentation of ideas and assessment. Context: The article is confidential. Mr. Drosten has since decided not to publish the paper because untargeted testing in the text is not considered useful and this contradicts government action.” (RKI protocols, July 29, 2020)
  • “Vaccination of children: Even if vaccination of children is not recommended (by) STIKO, BM Spahn is still planning a vaccination program.” (RKI protocols, May 19, 2021)
  • “The media is talking about a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Incorrect from a technical point of view. Total population contributes. Should this be taken up in communication?” (RKI protocols, November 5, 2021)
  • “Indication to reduce contact in the following 10 days makes sense, additional benefit from testing is questionable. It’s purely a political decision, it doesn’t make sense from an epidemiological point of view.” (RKI protocols, January 7, 2022)
  • “The time of publication depends on the approval of the BMG, probably not before the MPK on February 16, 2022. A downgrade beforehand would possibly be interpreted as a de-escalation signal and therefore politically undesirable.” (RKI protocols, February 9, 2022)
  • “Reducing the risk from very high to high was rejected by the BMG. Text of the risk assessment is no longer up to date.” (RKI protocols, February 25, 2022)
  • “AL3 has informed BMG that no additional data collection systems are necessary or useful.
    These are often politically motivated inquiries or may come from the expert advisory board; technical arguments have no priority” (RKI protocols, April 25, 2022)
  • “The summer break begins on July 7th, then it should be considered whether teasers will be removed/replaced in early/mid-July
    Minister does not want to de-escalate, this should also be taken into account.” (RKI protocols, June 8, 2022)
  • “We know from outbreaks in old people’s homes (exposure is the same for everyone) that the effect of vaccination tends to be overestimated. Difficult topic that should not be formulated in the vaccination report.” (RKI protocols, October 26, 2022)
  • “There is no evidence for the use of FFP2 masks outside of occupational safety, this could also be made available to the public.” (RKI protocols, October 30, 2022)
  • “Monthly reports and vaccination dashboard will be discontinued in May. Assessment of vaccination side effects will no longer be possible. – This must be accompanied very well by communication so that it does not fall back on RKI.” (RKI protocols, January 18, 2023)

As far as the excess mortality compared to before “alarm mode”, during the measures and especially after the start of the injection campaigns, speaks a separate but equally clear language.

Simply put: A single structure of lies, politically motivated, medically parried. Covered in black on white, spread over around 4000 pages.

Desire to “cede power” in sight

The beast, his image and his mark

Even this shedding of some truth does not help citizens’ trust in the politicians, who they accepted directly or indirectly, depending on the position of the tick, by taking part in the election. If the media were to run at full speed because of these protocols, as they did about the “deaths and incidences” in the years 2020 to the beginning of 2023, one could be sure that the masses would long ago be causing unrest with wet rags on the streets.

The direction chosen for society and thus also for people’s (dis)satisfaction will continue to be pursued. With the increasing adversities and challenges, possibly another surprise that takes people by surprise, the express desire to hand over power, consisting of full-blooded competencies such as Scholz, Baerbock and Habeck (German government members), to the (ready) savior from the emergency will soon be apparent on the agenda.

It could work like this in detail, but it doesn’t have to. What is certain, however, is that the prophecies of the Bible will be realized with corresponding results.

Serenity is the recipe

Hammock - Relax
Calmness pays off in this ‘game’

So what remains to be done? Is it about channeling anger towards certain actors and those responsible, let alone acting it out? Not at all! Here it is more a matter of “waiting and drinking tea” because it is the program and who will have the last word has already been decided (Revelation from chapter 18). Anyone who rages here becomes a part of this game and falls right into this trap that has been set up.

The book of Revelation, chapter 13 and chapter 17 predict the upcoming events.

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
Revelation 17:12-13

Bible verses from King James Version

Soon desire for the kings to give up power to the beast
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