Hardly anything is as dear to the Roman Catholic Church as its own traditions. “Sola Scriptura” gives her fat pustules. Based on their self-imposed apostolicity as successors of Peter, body of Christ and the resulting infallibility. A genetically determined arrogance and mendacity.
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“Only the Scripture” – Pustules on the Church of Rome
“Sola scriptura” is one of the guiding theses of Protestantism. “Only the Scripture” and that means the Bible. There is no other source of faith than the Word of God, the Gospel. At least this was once the belief of the pioneers of Protestantism, such as Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Huldrych Zwingli and many others. “Sola scriptura” is an expression that causes pustules on the skin of some clerics and scholars of the Roman Catholic Church.
Martin Luther stood before the emperor and empire in Worms and was supposed to revoke his theses and writings. In addition to the lucrative indulgence trade, he particularly denounced the many contradictions in Catholic dogmas and unbiblical traditions. Luther agreed to revoke his theses if they could be refuted based on Scripture. This has not happened to this day. Likewise, of course, the lifting of his excommunication by Pope Leo X in January 1521.
Expulsion from the church was generally a death sentence at that time. This is executed by the state subject to the Pope, according to a previously issued imperial ban. However, Martin Luther had a patron saint. That was Elector Friedrich III of Saxony. He was even prepared for the future on the night of October 31, 1517 (Info).
All “Sola theses” are now a thing of the past (Info). The churches that still call themselves Protestant today have long since sold and betrayed their “church fathers”. (Info).
Infallibility of the Church
Tradition takes precedence over the Bible, according to the orientation of the Roman Catholic Church. Deviations from this are referred to as heresy and can also result in excommunication. The Church of Rome claims that the Sola Scriptura thesis is a mistake because tradition is the interpretation of the biblical messages. Added to this is the apostolic mission underlying it as the successor of Peter and the body of Christ. This in turn establishes the infallibility of their decisions on questions of faith. From this it automatically follows that tradition is the “infallible interpretation of the Bible”. (Source).
Another clear indication of the infallibility of various traditions is their introduction as early as the times of the first church fathers. If a tradition already played a role in the 2nd century, then this is “irrefutable proof” of its correctness. If biblical statements are not clearly understandable, it can be helpful to look at the old traditions. This is then the correct answer for open questions.
Implausible argument
Such theses cannot be plausibly proven. Just because the early church fathers entertained some belief or speculation does not mean that they were correct. Even maintaining a tradition for more than 1,600 years does not transform an error into truth. Paul warned the churches during his lifetime that the “lawless one” was already active and waiting to expand his influence,2. Thessalonians 2:7-8:
“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:“
The explanation that the tradition is based on the (infallible) interpretation of the Bible is equally inconclusive. The most popular example is the legendary Catholic version of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Immaculateness, sinlessness, ascended to heaven body and soul, queen of heaven, intercessor, co-redemptrix, etc., etc., are all qualities and circumstances that are not mentioned with a single syllable in the Bible.
Assumption of Mary biblical?
The fairy tale of the Assumption of Mary was only made a dogma in 1950(!). Apart from her status as mother of Jesus, the Catholic Mary does not fulfill a single criterion according to the Bible, but consistently fulfills all the characteristics of the pagan “goddess” of Egypt Isis (Info).
Other extra-biblical traditions include the images of hell (Info), Purgatory (Limbus), immortal soul, Christmas, Easter, Eucharist, indulgences (trade), forgiveness of sins by priests, Corpus Christi (Info) and pretty much the rest of the Roman Catholic church calendar.
Genetically anchored mendacity
The teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the dogmas that determine salvation, are light years away from the truth (Info). The countless, impressive rituals of this religious institution only serve to blind people from recognizing the paganism that is being practiced (Info).
The Papacy, the operator of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy See in the Vatican City State, is the “man of sin, lawless, son of perdition, whore of Babylon, abomination of the earth and Antichrist” described in the Bible. (Info).
History repeats itself
This atrocious institution did everything possible to keep people from recognizing this and banning people from owning the Bible was the first choice. People who speak the truth, such as Wycliffe and Hus, as well as countless others, were summarily murdered. Revelation 6:9:
“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:“
The character of this Roman institution is as immutable as the “infallible” dogmas. This religious syndicate, which is under the wing of the dragon, is currently only missing the handle, as Paul once expressed it in his time. The Dark Ages will be repeated, but for a significantly shorter period of time.
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 19:20
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)