Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Shocks in the SDA church – Conscience decides



The tremors within the Seventh-day Adventist Church are becoming increasingly violent. The “North King” has long since set up his tents in the “Holy Mountain of God”. The time is slowly approaching when each individual member of the community must make their own individual and responsible conscience decision.

It’s slowly officially becoming a crisis.

After the large, once Protestant churches, as well as (almost) all evangelical denominations, have long since turned towards Rome, the community of “Laodicea” has not been spared from the shocks. The speech by Dr. Conrad Vine at the Caribou camp meeting in Maine, USA. This meeting took place between August 13 and 17, 2024. Conrad Vine is president of Adventist Frontier Missions in the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Vine gave one of his speeches under the title “Rest Church, Respect Church or Regime Church” and addressed it to his own denomination. “There is something really rotten in the state of Denmark” and Conrad Vine directly addressed these long-obvious grievances. His speech caused huge waves of approval and also outrage, depending on who was on which of the pages revealed by Vine.

The tentacles of the “North King”

The tentacles reach everywhere

Just as the developments in the geographical mini-state of Vatican City and its right arm in Washington DC, USA, offer the open display of the fulfillment of the prophecies found primarily in the Book of Revelation, so too is the clear disclosure of the developments within the Seventh-day-Adventist Church s (SDA) a presentation of the former conditions in the last church of God that were already predicted by the prophet.

And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him,” says Daniel 11:45. What is meant is the (symbolic) North King. He will overrun and defeat his opponent, the South King. The sea represents peoples, nations, and languages ​​(see Revelation 17:15). The “glorious mountain of the sanctuary” is God’s people, those who bear the testimony of Jesus and do His commandments.

This verse therefore says that the northern king will not stop at the people of God to introduce his (Babylonian) teachings and to impose his own character, system and order there. The “half-hearted” believers in particular will not be able to resist such contamination through slow but steady and increasingly aggressive infiltration. There must inevitably be a split or a separation between so-called nominal Christians and true Christians. A process that is certainly desirable; it must ultimately be possible to visibly separate the wheat from the chaff. Until harvest time comes, wheat and weeds grow side by side.

Once good intentions in mind

Conrad Vein’s speech impressively shows that the northern king had already spread his tent in the last people of God (Laodicea, Revelation 3) and even built a certain infrastructure. As a long-time pastor and president of the missionary department, Vine has a good insight into the structures of the SDA church, especially the “upper levels”.

Once good intentions in mind

Conrad Vein’s speech impressively shows that the northern king had already spread his tent in the last people of God (Laodicea, Revelation 3) and even built a certain infrastructure. As a long-time pastor and president of the missionary department, Vine has a good insight into the structures of the SDA church, especially the “upper levels”.

Vine particularly emphasizes the freedom for every member of the community to decide according to their own conscience, which was once upheld by the SDA. Knowing about the work of the Holy Spirit, it is incumbent on every person to be able to make their own decision without any pressure. This maxim of freedom of conscience was established around 130 years ago by the internal International Religious Liberty Association (IRLA.org).The determination made in 1893 has not been changed to this day.

The document entitled “The Limits of Civil Power” states, among other things:
Man’s first and highest allegiance in all things is due to his Creator; therefore the domain of conscience is one which human government, whether of one or of many, has nor tight to invade.
No man can surrender his consience to the keeping of another, and maintain his loyalty to God;
but as a responsible moral being, he must remain loyal to his Creator at whatever cost, even at the sacrifice of life itself.

Times have changed

An (end-time) wind is blowing

Practice often differs from theory. This also applies to the latest use of freedom of conscience for every person when dealing with the so-called pandemic in the years 2020 to the beginning of 2023. The Executive Administration of the General Conference (GC), the highest level of the STA based in the USA, announced On the occasion of the vaccination campaigns that have begun, a letter is issued that requires the acceptance of this injection in order to remain employed within the church.

This obligation particularly affected staff in the hospital and nursing services sector. Numerous STA members were killed because of their decision not to allow themselves to be contaminated by this – as we now demonstrably know – experimental serum. As early as 2022, Conrad Vine commented on this and provided evidence that this department of the GA did not have the authority to issue any regulations regarding faith and freedom of conscience. In other words, this letter could also have been published by the porter or the cleaning specialist.

Those affected reported that they were treated like criminals and escorted out of the hospital or the nursing department without any notice. To this day there has been no rehabilitation or at least compensation for this injustice that actually occurred.

Freedom of conscience within a defined framework

Conscience under pressure

In October 2021, the GC once again declared its stance on freedom of conscience, but in the shadow of the proclaimed pandemic:
The Seventh-day Adventist Church, in consultation with the Health Ministries and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty departments of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is convinced that the vaccination programs that are generally being carried out are important for the safety and health of our members and the larger community.
Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately in objecting to government amndates or emplyer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities

A clear negation of the declared freedom of conscience in favor of the narrative of supposed safety for one’s fellow human beings if one had the injection given to oneself, which has long since been recognized as untrue. Not to mention the unspeakable side effects.

Adjustments to freedom of conscience

Conrad Vine clearly compared both statements on freedom of conscience:

GC Vote of February 1893 GC Adcom from October 2021
„…we are and of right ought to be, free and independent of all connection, direction, dictation, interference, or control of the government of the United States, in matters of religion or religious observances or religious institutions of any kind or degree” Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately in objecting to government amndates or emplyer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities.

How quickly things can change, and especially in which direction. Vine had already highlighted in his speech in 2022 that the denial of freedom of conscience due to the desires of the government (addition: and pharmaceuticals) corresponds to the call to disregard the Holy Spirit. The voice of the declared “common good” weighs more heavily. The quality is even blasphemous.

More appearance than reality?

At the IRLA 9th World Congress between August 21st and 23rd, 2023, Dr. Ganoune Diop the SDA’s view on religious freedom. This is:
„…the right to profess, practice and propagate one’s faith without coercion, intimidation or manipulation”
“…freedom from being forced to do something that goes against one’s deep convictions or conscience.”

Again, a reversal of the actual practice carried out in 2021 to 2023. It looks like “water is preached but wine is drunk.”

The church went into the pandemic as a “respect church” and came out as a “regime church” with a papal system, according to Vine.

Incidence numbers over months

Very few people will have already forgotten that from spring 2020 onwards they crawled out of bed with the latest numbers and incidences, were showered with them all day long and were accompanied to sleep with final updates late in the evening. Accordingly, the sovereignty of interpretation was defined and cemented. Deviations from this were discredited as “hoaxes and conspiracy theories” by “tinfoil hat wearers”. Well-known virologists and doctors who preached a different message than the mainstream did were destroyed professionally, socially and financially.

Interested in the truth?

It is up to each person personally how strong their interest in the truth is. The narrative, which was widely rolled out in the media, was countered by numerous sources with statements, some of which were in opposition. Conrad Vine has shown examples of the contrary versions:

Statements CDC, NIH, Fauci, MSM, GC SDA Church Statement “Great Barrington Declaration”, scientists, physicists and seekers of truth (each worldwide)
The virus did not originate from the Wuhan Institute of Virology The virus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
No federally funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology Federal funding for illegal gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
The virus had an accidental zoological origin in a market in Wuhan The virus did not originate in a market in Wuhan
There are no effective therapeutic options to treat COVID-19 other than vaccines There were highly effective outpatient treatment protocols for COVID-19
The COVID-19 vaccines provide complete immunity against COVID-19.
If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID-19
Each time a patient is vaccinated, only the manufacturer, the medical staff involved, the hospital system and the employer who ordered the vaccinations gain full legal immunity.
The more COVID-19 vaccines the patient receives, the more likely they are to get COVID-19
Effects of social distancing and wearing masks are based on scientific findings Effects of social distancing and wearing masks are not based on any scientific studies. The rules were simply enforced.

Anyone who deviates from this official narrative is spreading “misinformation” and careers are being destroyed by professional, social and financial cancel culture.
Conrad Vine comments on this as follows:
The truth-tellers and the unvaccinated have been demonized, including in the SDA Church. In a postmodern era of moral relativism and subjectivity, absolute truth still matters. Truth has profound personal and social consequences when used by society and the leaders of the SDA Church are rejected.

Historical repetition

A situation that is not unknown to the Bible, because as King Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun.” History repeats itself, Isaiah 28:14-15:
Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

A consistent thought

World division
Choose your own path

The North King, as described above, will spread more of his countless tentacles in the Holy Mountain of God. A reversal is completely impossible given the overwhelming power. And more importantly and crucially, it is prophesied in the Bible. An earthly power will not be able to stop the activities of the northern king, in plain language, the papacy. (Info). The “kings of the earth” (governments) have all drunk of the “hot wine of the whore of Babylon (Info) and the merchants of the earth are also feasting on the lavish wealth of this “institution of the North King,” also called Babylon (Revelation 18).

The path to totalitarianism has long been taken, worldwide. A look at the history of the STA shows that the community has already been exposed to such developments, even if not worldwide and at the same time. There was a split within the community, as Vine explains. One group followed the regime’s narrative and its orientation, which was completely opposite to the gospel. Another group held on to the gospel and faith. This second group, the gospel-holding church, became a kind of underground church.

Division will be inevitable

Orange cut
Inevitable division

The tendencies towards a renewed division of the community have been visible for decades. A striking example is the setting of global politics towards climate protection. Already in 1995, on December 19, the GC ADCOM made a corresponding statement. It says, among other things:
The SDA Church officially requested all world governments to take steps necessary to avert the danger”
“By fulfilling the agreement reached in Rio de Janeiro (1992 Convention on Climae Change) to stabilize carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2000 at 1990 levels”
“By esttablising plans for further reductions in carbon dioxide emissions after the year 2000

In view of these narratives, the SDA Church is threatened with being divided into two groups:
1. Adventists who reject the alleged authority of GC ADCOM over their conscience, who remain faithful to Scripture and our Creed, and thus reject the advance of cultural Marxism in SDA institutions and among SDA leaders, professors and pastors.

2. Adventists who accept the GC-ADCOMs as authority over their individual consciences and are either afraid to fight for the faith that has been handed down to us and actually support the abandonment of Scripture in favor of cultural Marxism.

Expected alignments after split

The possibilities are not numerous because the developments, which are broadly opposed, cannot be influenced. All that remains is a reaction instead of a wrongly motivated action.

Faithful and convinced Adventists Institutional and Cultural Adventists
Independent of public funds Dependent on public money
Preservation of freedom of conscience Trample on freedom of conscience whenever it makes financial or social sense
An underground network of lay-led house churches A visible network of conference-affiliated churches in conference-owned buildings
Able to freely preach and live the eternal gospel and biblical truth Self-censorship in the proclamation of biblical truths when they are directed against cultural Marxism
Rejecting LGBTQ ideology and leading a normal lifestyle Acceptance of LGBTQ ideology and adaptation to this lifestyle
Focusing on spreading the gospel to all nations, all languages ​​and all peoples Focus on the preservation of institutions, pension funds, the visible hierarchy and administrative income
Seeking the eternal spiritual benefit of individual members and non-members, regardless of cost Striving for the temporal financial survival of the institutional hierarchy and institutions, regardless of costs

The decision is individual

The decision must be made

Each individual member of the community could be faced with the following choices:
– Do nothing
– Actively pray for our leaders to uphold freedom of conscience and fight for the faith that has been passed down to us.
– If the GC supports future mandates over the conscience of members, the creation of a para-church movement within Adventism
– Joining an underground house church movement led by bi-professional elders or pastors

The course has long since been set, the train driver and the direction of travel are known. The headwind, which can already be clearly felt, is likely to soon develop into a real storm. The decision as to which path to follow lies with each individual, individually and independently.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17

Bible verses from King James Version

Shocks in the SDA church – Conscience decides
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