A call for the celebration of the “Creation Sabbath” is currently making the rounds. A special Sabbath of the year, every 4th Saturday of October. The call is supposedly made through the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. But a closer look reveals some oddities.
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Separate Creation Sabbath is “new idea”
In an attempt to mislead people who particularly adhere to the Word of God, the “ecumenists” and lovers of “roses, stars and angels” always come up with something new. Anyone who wants to hold on to the true Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, according to the Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8-11), despite the enormous propaganda by the Roman Catholic and thus pagan version of Sunday observance, should be seduced into following the idea of ”preserving creation” to succumb through the back door. In this case, more likely through a trap door. The Church of Rome’s campaign against the Sabbath will be fought to the end (Info).
Calling all SDA Churches

Next Saturday, October 28, 2023, is a “special Sabbath”, according to the idea of an initiative that claims to be Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) and also the website “Creation Sabbath” (Source). Accordingly, every fourth Saturday in October is the special “Creation Sabbath”.
There are even calls on social media for the celebration of the “Creation Sabbath” by the respective higher-level SDA organizations, such as in the USA and also in the South Asia-Pacific region.
The special “Creation Sabbath”
The supposedly special thing about this “Creation Sabbath” is described using 4 points:
1. Creation Sabbath is a chance to rejoice, praise, and rest with God as we enjoy the creation He made.
2. It’s a time to acknowledge God as our Creator and share this truth with friends and family.
3. The Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrates the fourth Sabbath in October as Creation Sabbath.
4. EVERYONE can celebrate Creation Sabbath.
There is also a call to celebrate this “Creation Sabbath” in every SDA community.
At this point, however, you automatically ask yourself what is so special about it. Every Sabbath, i.e. the 7th day of the week (Saturday), is set up as a day of remembrance of the Creator and His creation. After all, it is the Fourth Commandment and this day was already established by God at the end of His creation (Genesis 2:1-3)
Ominous website “Creation Sabbath”

However, a closer look at this ominous site, which certainly uses the logo of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, reveals anomalies and inconsistencies. All links to the legal pages (imprint, etc.) refer to external content of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (adventist.org). On this page, in addition to the many references to the responsibility of various sites, there is no reference to this ominous “Creation Sabbath” site.
The “news” prepared by this site all refer to external news sites.
The Origin of the “Creation Sabbath”
Particularly interesting is the origin of the “special Sabbath” described on the “Creation Sabbath”.
“Why is it on the 4th Sabbath of every October?
The first Creation Sabbath event was Oct 24, 2009. This had more to do with the year than the day of the event, as 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of his book, The Origin of Species by Natural Selection. Nikolaus Satelmajer, associate secretary of the church’s Ministerial Association organized the event. Initially there were no plans for this to become an annual event but successful participation and enthusiam has led to a yearly, global celebration of Creation Sabbath.“
In all seriousness, this “Creation Sabbath” was introduced on the occasion of Charles Darwin’s anniversary. So as a memorial day for the start of the theory of evolution.
Image with an occult background?
However, the banners or posters in various sizes that are (actually) available for download are particularly informative (Source). The picture speaks a clear language.
On the left is the Minora (7-armed candlestick). The cross is on the right. In the middle (not very clearly visible) on the stairs are open iron shackles. In the background there is an ominous city and it is framed in an almost closed circular gate.
The message of this picture could therefore be: “Freed from the shackles of Christianity, passed through the Babylonian gate into the promised land. Entry into the new city”. This city in the background could well represent the promised new Jerusalem, but in the opposite sense of various occultists.
The inscription on the sheet reads: “CREDO UT INTELLIGAM”
That’s Latin and means: “I believe in order to understand.”
Well, if this isn’t a statement according to the philosophy of Albert Pike.
Introduction to creation worship

Whoever may have created and distributed this site and the associated initiative, it is deception par excellence. There is no such “special Sabbath” on the fourth Sabbath of October in the Bible. The focus is on the narrative “creation” in connection with “preservation of creation”. The epitome of the now hot ecumenism for the final worship of creation instead of the Creator. This is absolutely mandatory every Sunday. But this is the mark of the beast (Info). However, God’s (seal) sign is the Sabbath, on the 7th day of the week within a year.
Every Sabbath must be observed as this ominous “special Sabbath” propagates. It is not a “may” but a “shall” (4th commandment). The Sabbath given by God is valid for every person (Info). On this day every single person will be measured. For just as every other commandment must be observed, the Sabbath must also be observed. James 2:10:
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
Bible verses from King James Version