Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Saturday – Sabbath declared by the Pope to be the “Day of Evil”.



The seventh day of the week is under increasing direct attack in several aspects. It is unmistakable that in the minds of Christians and atheists alike, the real Sabbath is to be exchanged for a fictitious Sabbath.

Moving the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday

St. Peter's Square Rome
Pope declares Saturday as the day of evil

The seventh day of the week as a day of rest, or Sabbath, was used by God immediately after six days of creation. God declared the 7th day blessed and sanctified it, so in Genesis 2:3. The 7th day ordained by the LORD is also literally central to the 10 Commandments (the 4th Commandment), so in Exodus 20:8-11. This provision has not been repealed or postponed. Even the change of the calendar under Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 (Gregorian calendar) did not change the maintained rhythm of 7 days per week. The fact that Sunday is celebrated today as the “Lord’s Day” goes back to a 1,700-year tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. This institution arbitrarily laid hands on God’s sabbath rule and summarily changed the sabbath (Saturday) to the 1st day of the week (Sunday).

The Sabbath is now associated with Sunday

For centuries, the true Sabbath has existed as the so-called “Jewish Sabbath.” For the churches it was clear that the Sabbath applies to the Jewish faith and the Christians keep Sunday. Meanwhile, the definition of the Sabbath was changing. More and more Catholics and Protestants talk about Sabbath, but naturally relate this day to Sunday. This is intended to cement the connection “Sabbath = Sunday” in people’s minds. In order to get non-believers on board as well, the (false) Sabbath is simply linked to nature. “Mother Earth” needs a rest Sabbath. The climate must also be protected and this is best done with a global rest day on the “Sunday Sabbath”. Then everyone can enjoy “Mother Earth” together with “Sister Sun” and “Brother Water” in a family state of relaxation.

Direct attack on true Sabbath already underway

Merely with the new Sunday link to the Sabbath does not seem to be enough. The seventh day and thus the true Sabbath must be badmouthed, even demonized. Pope Francis, who currently sees himself as the “highest moral authority on earth”, is already leaning out of the window to hoist Sunday to new heavenly heights and attribute Saturday straight to the dark abyss.

Evil is in the penultimate day – Saturday

Pope Francis used the three days of crucifixion, rest and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In America Magazine (Jesuit Review) from 05/26/21 the pontiff emphasized that the third day was the day of resurrection, that is, Sunday. “Evil is master of the penultimate day. Remember it well. Evil is never the lord of the last day, no: the penultimate, the moment when the night is darkest, just before dawn,” Francis said in his contribution, continuing: “Then, on the penultimate day, the temptation comes when the devil makes us believe that he has won”. Therefore God is Lord of the last day, because this belongs to God alone, “and it is the day on which all human longings for salvation to be fulfilled.”

“Evil is the lord of the penultimate day. Evil is never the lord of the last day.”
In short: Sunday is the “last day” and the day of the Lord. Saturday is the “penultimate day” and the devil’s day.

It is obvious that in the near future Sunday will be introduced as a legal rest day for worship. The developments related to the topics of nature and climate protection as well as the unification of all religions under the Roman roof are unmistakable. The prophecy according to Revelation 13 including the Mark of the Beast is already in its fulfillment.

Saturday – Sabbath declared by the Pope to be the “Day of Evil”.
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