Old camels on the warming plate and now the recipe for them in a new light. Sabbath for the “old creation” and Sunday observance for the “new creation”. The Roman Catholic Church acts like a chameleon that has merely changed colors.
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Reinforcing falsehoods
Jesus Christ himself broke the Sabbath, thereby at least softening it, if not even abolishing it. This thesis is a standard to justify the observance of Sundays introduced since the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. After all, Jesus Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week and Easter, which is celebrated once a year, could then finally be celebrated on every Sunday. After all, it was also the “Day of the Lord”. These narratives have long been cemented in the minds of the members of the once Protestant churches, those who continued the tradition of Sunday observance despite the Reformation and the contradiction to the Gospel.
A series of suggestive questions
An article from the Catholic magazine “Die Tagespost” demonstrates the matter-of-factness with which this untruth – to put it mildly – is still formulated. On this occasion, another fantasy product is also used, because the title is, “The eighth day is the day of resurrection”. As is well known, the week only has 7 days.
The author of this article is even extremely unabashed. The suggestive assumption is that Jesus is irritating with his interpretation of the commandments. Nevertheless, Jesus is not a liberal, because he interprets the Scriptures for people in a consistent way (Source).
Further suggestive questions follow, without invalidating this at any point. The author questions whether Jesus was a “liberal rabbi” who did not take the commandments of the Torah very seriously, or whether he was a critic of “legalistic Judaism”. Did Jesus proclaim a “people-friendly God” by provocatively violating Torah commandments, including the Sabbath commandment? This in order to make “people and their needs the pivotal point of religious practice”? According to the author, Jesus countered the Pharisees by saying that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).
Another question was whether Jesus’ actions initiated a shift away from theocentricity and towards anthropocentricity. This is so that “the church should finally come to the realization that man is called to the freedom to determine the laws of his own actions”?
New understanding of the statements
The author admits that the story of Jesus is actually understood this way by many, because even in Paul’s time there were groups with such ideas within the first movements of Christianity. For this purpose, the author cited the Bible passage Galatians 5:13-25. However, such an understanding falls short, according to the author, citing “careful reading of the Holy Scriptures.”
The connections would have to be reinterpreted. “Therefore the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath,” said Jesus according to Mark 2:28. According to the author, this is evidence that Jesus did not reject God’s commandments handed down in Scripture, but rather reinterpreted them for himself. Like a magnet that realigns the iron filings, but none of these filings are lost. A new profile is created.
The basic contents of the Sabbath consist of rest and worship on the seventh day of the week. This has not been lost in the Christian tradition. This day merely passed on to “the eighth day of the week, the first day of the new creation.” The author further states that the history of God and his people as witnessed in the Old Testament, including the revelation of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, has not been rejected. This was merely “placed in the light of the beginning.”
With the resurrection of Jesus on the third day, a new creation began. This does not mean that the story of God with his people, which is attested to in the Old Testament and which also includes the revelation at Sinai with the Ten Commandments, is rejected, but rather placed in the light of the beginning, according to the author.
A strange “Catholic Jesus”
The simple logic behind it is that the Sabbath introduced by God on the seventh day of creation with the resurrection of Jesus on the first day of the week was automatically “drawn” to Sunday so that from now on it stands for the “new creation”. Sounds plausible, but on the one hand it is an imaginative attempt to justify one’s own arbitrariness, and on the other hand it is a denial of many statements made by previous church leaders.
Church insists on recognizing Sabbath change
One of these statements by a pope, which not only explains the actual reason for moving the Sabbath to Sunday, but also proves the arbitrariness, is even more recent, from Pope Pius XI in 1934:
We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith. Besides the Bible we have the living Church, the authority of the Church, as a rule to guide us. We say this Church, instituted by Christ, to teach and guide men through life, has the right to change the Ceremonial laws of the Old Testament and hence, we accept her change of the Sabbath to the Sunday. We frankly say, “Yes, the Church made this change, made this law, as she made many other laws, for instance, the Friday Abstinence, the unmarried priesthood, the laws concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of Catholic marriages, and a thousand other laws“
Further clear statements from the Roman Catholic Church about the reason and motives for sanctifying the first day of the week instead of the biblical seventh day of the week can be found here.
Fundamentally misleading approaches
Did Jesus Christ break the Sabbath or not? No he did `nt! In the above-mentioned scene, Jesus Christ allowed ears of grain to be plucked in order to eat them. A blatant “violation” of the Sabbath, according to the Pharisees’ argument. A violation of whose rule? God’s rule? No, this was a rule held up by the Pharisees from their own traditions. Once formulated by some rabbis in the past.
The prohibition against plucking ears of grain on the Sabbath or even carrying mats has the same quality as the prohibition against eating eggs laid by chickens on a Sabbath. There are well over a thousand such rules. Of course, Jesus Christ ignored exactly this kind of nonsense (more info).
A complete denial
The significance of accusing Jesus Christ of breaking or reorienting a commandment of God is completely ignored or not even recognized.
“If you love me, keep my commandments!“, said Jesus Christ according to John 14:15. His commandments. On the one hand, the Church of Rome declares with a “tightened corner of its mouth” that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, but on the other hand, it places Jesus apart from the commandments. As if He doesn’t have much to do with it other than simply reevaluate it. This is an assumed arbitrariness that is at home in the nature of this church itself.
God does not change, the gospel is eternal and Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, is today and remains the same forever. But “just like that” realign the self-imposed laws for an dawning age of “new creation”? Is there still anything left of God’s eternal righteousness? All of this is rejected with the “theology” of this church.
The author suggests a change intended by Jesus, away from God-centeredness and towards human-centeredness. So Jesus Christ is no longer at the center, but man himself. That is what defines humanism, as it was redefined in the course of the French Revolution (Info). From this “spirit” such figures as Hegel, Schiller and especially Kant and his formulated “categorical imperative” emerged. The author himself gave a clear nod to the fence post with his suggestion to “give yourself the laws of your actions”.
Short Summary:
Jesus Christ did not change the commandments one bit and neither did he realign society
Jesus Christ did not break the Sabbath, he just ignored Pharisee rules
Jesus Christ in no way defined man as a new center. See John 14:6.
The Roman Catholic Church itself moved the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday in order to do justice to its sun worship and to demonstrate to humanity its “divine authority.”
Nowhere in the Bible is there any abolition of the Sabbath (7th day).
It remains as usual. The Sabbath on the 7th day, which has remained unchanged since creation, still applies to all people (Info)
Catholicism as it is
Once again clearly proven. The Church of Rome, which has never really followed the path of the Gospel, reaffirms its claim to sovereignty and the right to interpret the Word of God. It is only successful because, although the Gospel is freely available to everyone, people are immaturity, as described by Kant. Unable or unwilling to attend to the truth itself and to examine the content of such statements as the article presents against Scripture. Deluded blinders take the blind by the hand. This can’t end well.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:10
Bible verses from King James Version