Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Reverse gospel credibly sold as Christian



What has been a given in the Roman Catholic Church for around 1,700 years has long since found its way into once Protestant houses. The sometimes complete reversal of the gospel while maintaining a Christian appearance. This was achieved through sustained preparatory work in the education system and also in the name of science. Black became white and white became black.

Creeping reversal of the gospel

God’s great adversary, Satan, has succeeded in copying just about every aspect of the gospel and turning the meaning on its head. This was also implemented in such a way that the result still had the appearance of Christianity. The “great art” lies in making even the opposite of what the Bible says appear to be biblical truth. However, this could only be achieved by initially keeping the truth, i.e. the Gospel, under wraps by prohibiting possession, and then declaring the Bible and the statements it contained to be unbelievable. This while at the same time transforming thinking within society.

Bible ban by Roman church

Vatican Basilica
The Vatican – Historically assured unchanging character

For centuries, the adversary’s earthly henchman (Info), the Roman Catholic Church, was responsible for the ban on Bible possession, which was imposed under threat of death (Revelation 13:2). In addition, and this still applies today, the Church of Rome, as the church supposedly founded by Jesus Christ, with the Pope as the successor to the Apostle Peter, claims to have sole authority to correctly interpret the Bible. Furthermore, every statement of the Gospel must be viewed in the light of the catechism and tradition. Our own traditions are higher than the Bible and traditions arose on the basis of “divine authority,” according to the self-image of the Church of Rome.

Reformation abolished the sovereignty of interpretation

With the Reformation, the Vatican’s monopoly on the right to own and interpret the Gospel, which had been kept secret from the public, ended. People were no longer dependent on having to endure masses and sermons in incomprehensible Latin and believing the priest’s statements, but instead had the opportunity to read the Bible in their own native language. The printing press, which was invented around 70 years before the start of the Reformation, also enabled the rapid distribution of new Bible translations at a (relatively) manageable price. It is fitting that the main work of the inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg, is a Bible (“Gutenberg Bible”). However, in the Roman Catholic version of the Vulgate, i.e. in Latin and in parts with a Gnostic background.

The war against Protestantism began

The loss of sphere of influence and sovereignty of interpretation through the Reformation was drastic for the Roman Catholic institution. To reverse this process, Pope Paul III approved in 1540 the Jesuit order founded (1534) by the Basque Ignatius of Loyola. The military-structured order made it its main task to restore the church’s original power. Therefore, the goal, the total destruction of the Reformation, was merely a logical consequence. The so-called Counter-Reformation began. The destruction of the Bible in their respective national languages ​​was not successful. The large-scale attack on England by the Spanish Armada with the help of King Philip II, who was loyal to the Pope, was also a complete failure. England’s Queen Elizabeth I, a Protestant, could not be overthrown.

Continued Setback for Papacy

Even the death of Queen Elizabeth brought no satisfaction to the papacy. On the contrary. In a smooth transition, the Protestant King of Scotland, James I (Jacob I), also became King of England. Just a few years later, King James I commissioned the Bible to be translated into English. This Bible, based on the majority text (textus receptus), was completed in 1611. The King James Version (1611), which is still in use today. With the loss of the Armada, the papacy had not only suffered a bitter defeat a few years earlier, but had also lost a further considerable amount of sovereignty in interpreting the Holy Scriptures.

Hollywood a la Loyola – Guy Fawkes story

However, the Jesuit order would not live up to its definition if it had already given up at this point. “The end justifies the means” and “Perjury and murder are not only excusable, but are to be welcomed when they are in the service of the church” are just two of such Jesuit “wisdom”. This also applies to the attempt to put an end to Protestantism and the upcoming Bible according to King James.

Guy Fawkes failure

The character Guy Fawkes appeared on the Jesuit game board. An arch-loyal Catholic and bitter enemy of the Protestant royal family in England. He organized a bomb attack against the royal family and the English parliament. To do this, Fawkes and his helpers deposited numerous barrels of gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament in London. The attack was planned for November 5, 1605. However, the plan was discovered, Fawkes and his helpers were arrested and ultimately executed. This event is still referred to and celebrated in England today as the “Gunpowder Plot”.

The most famous symbol for Guy Fawkes, which can still be seen again and again today, and thus with a subtle reference to the Jesuit order, is the so-called “Anonymous mask”. This may also be the reason why there was a “shift in history” when this event was filmed. Guy Fawkes did not suffer defeat in this “Hollywood ham” but “successfully” blew up the Parliament. In a figurative sense, this is certainly true given the current situation. The once Protestant Anglican Church has long since returned to Rome and the British Parliament sings its songs.

Partial success in the Augsburg Religious Peace

The strangling of the Reformation and the associated spread of the uncorrupted Bible stalled. On the other hand, the church achieved partial success on the European continent with the so-called Peace of Augsburg in 1555. What was declared to be a “Solomon-wise agreement” was nothing more than a lazy compromise in favor of the Church of Rome. The motto was: “cujus regio, ejus religio”. Whose territory, whose religion. The “Holy Roman Empire”, which was divided into countless fragments at the time, had a correspondingly large number of sovereigns.

With the agreement reached in Augsburg, the residents of the state were obliged to adopt the same religion as the sovereign. Anyone who wanted to move as a Catholic from the Kingdom of Bavaria to Protestant Saxony had to become a Protestant in order to have permanent residence rights. And vice versa. This meant that the strategic Jesuit order had it much easier. Entire ethnic groups no longer had to be “returned” to Catholicism; it was enough to intervene in the ruling house. If a Protestant sovereign was baptized as a Catholic, his subjects had to do the same or leave the country.

30 Years’ War – “Multi-cultural”

The Thirty Years’ War, which raged between 1618 and 1648, was a slaughter without precedent. The actual war between Protestantism and Catholicism was mixed with tangible geopolitical interests of the respective participants in the war. Sweden, a country in northern Europe, sent its soldiers as far south as Germany. Poland sided with the papacy and also expressed interest in larger catchment areas. As early as 1600, a dispute over the succession broke out and conflicts arose between Sweden and Poland in cooperation with Lithuania. These disputes and others were added to the religious war.

Taking over the education system

Empty rows of chairs
Georgetown University – Forge for Intellectual Transformation

It didn’t help at all. Protestantism and the truth associated with it, at least with the correct Bible translation, could not be eradicated by the Jesuit order in the service of the Church of Rome. The Loyola Order recently gained a foothold in education. Schools and universities that were (are) run by Jesuits are considered elite educational institutions. A strategically excellent starting point. If the truth cannot be eradicated, then people’s view of the truth and their thinking about it could be “adjusted”. That’s exactly what was implemented. Entire “think tanks” set out to develop procedures that change people’s thinking in such a way that the truth of the Bible and belief in it are gradually undermined.

In the course of the 18th century, numerous “poets, thinkers and philosophers” emerged who spoke about wisdom and enlightenment. The most luminous figures include Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Immanuel Kant and François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire. One philosophized about enlightenment and human reason, the other something about the “categorical imperative”. Everything is very “sensible” and, above all, morally, ethically justifiable. The apostle Paul already had to deal with such figures when he confronted the “wisdom” of the scholars in Athens (Acts 17). Like Voltaire, the Roman Catholic Church also has the Greek philosopher Plato as a role model. The founder of natural law, which to this day represents the measure of all things within the Church of Rome.

“Reasonable Revolution”

French Revolution
This is the result of human ‘reason’

The idea of ​​the Enlightenment and human reason resulted in the French Revolution between the years 1789 and 1799. War was declared against the aristocracy as well as against the sphere of the papacy. The royal family was “beheaded”, a prostitute was enthroned as the “goddess of reason” instead and Pope Pius VI was deposed in 1798. The cards seemed to have been completely reshuffled. But only apparently, because the Jacobin group that drove the French Revolution was anything but uninfluenced by the Jesuit order.

This order did not officially exist at that time, having been officially declared dissolved by Pope Clement XIV in 1793, but only officially. By 1814, this “defunct” order had found shelter in Prussia and Russia. There, of all places governed by Protestants, they did not want to do without the “educational arts” of this order.

The Jesuit order’s educational strategy had great success. “Learning against learning” is the tactic, based on Loyola’s “Spiritual Exercises”. The aim of this was not only to make people believe what the church determined, but also to vehemently defend it. If the Church decrees that something white should be considered black, then people must be led to see this reversal of reality as truth.

Protestantism is crashing

Already at the end of the 18th century, filled with the idea of ​​human reason, a major change was taking place in Protestantism. With Johann Salomo Semler the “scientific-critical” examination of the Bible began and with it the steep decline of the Protestant churches that today only exist on paper. This was followed by new considerations of the biblical texts and statements, openly expressed doubts about historical reports due to the (not yet) finding of archaeological evidence. Most Bible editions available today are filled with this “scientific spirit” of unbelief (Info).

Science takes over

In the middle of the 18th century, especially in 1844, further “accidental” developments followed. In an old monastery on Mount Sinai, old scriptures from the Bible were found in a trash can. The so-called Codex Sinaiticus today forms the basis for modern editions of the Bible, although the number of identical copies is only marginal. However, the majority text with well over 5,200 (almost) identical copies was rejected. The translations by Martin Luther (1984 and 2017 no longer), William Tyndall and also King James are based on this majority text (Textus Receptus).

In 1844, Charles Darwin completed his first draft of his book “Origin of Species.” This milestone in today’s evolutionary theory was published in 1859. A theory that remains to this day due to a lack of evidence, but is treated as reality (Info). A teaching that would not only overturn the Bible’s creation account, but also turn it on its head in numerous aspects. Just in the same way that God’s adversary generally uses.

Bible statements versus evolutionary theory

Statement Bible Statement of the theory of evolution
The earth was before the sun The sun was before the earth
Oceans were before land Land was before the oceans
Light was before the sun Sun was before the light
Trees and fruits were before the fish Fish were before trees and fruits
Land plants came first Sea life came first
Whales were before insects Insects were before whales
The theory of evolution is untenable

The Bible speaks of a creation period of 6 literal days, plus a day of rest (7. Day Sabbath). The theory of evolution speaks of a period of around 4.5 billion years. The particular sticking point in the above comparison, which the “evolution theorists” still cannot answer today, is the origin of whales. These are mammals. According to theory, these were created on land after the “dinosaur era”.

Thus, according to the chain of countless coincidences and the principle of the “stronger”, a land mammal must have “evolved” to live in water. Over a period of many millions of years, as with any other evolution of an animal, countless fossils would have to be found that depicted some intermediate stage. So “half land animal, half whale”, or “half mouse, half bat”. But these do not exist, anywhere, at any time and not for any animal.

Some Reversals of the Gospel

These obvious copies and their reversal are significant and clearly bear the mark of the adversary of God. The following are some examples of the negation of God’s statutes and institutions.

God’s statute/rule Upside down copy
Father, Son, Holy Spirit Dragon, beast, false prophet
Jesus Christ received a fatal wound (crucifixion) The animal received a fatal wound
Jesus Christ resurrected The animal’s fatal wound heals again
Saturday holy day Sunday holy day
Thou shalt not steal You may cover your needs by taking away (natural law)
Honor father and mother Children should rebel against parents
Have no other gods Own god of free choice
Do not venerate or worship images, images. Prayers to “Saints”, Mary, statues
God created man and woman Men and women are just social constructs
God instituted marriage between a man and a woman in the Garden of Eden Everyone can marry whatever they want, whether man-man, woman-woman or the house cat
God’s Eternal Laws (10 Commandments) Laws have been repealed

This list could be continued (almost) indefinitely.

Snow is black and faith is colorful

To this day, the Roman Catholic Church has continued its exclusive interpretation of the Bible based on its own traditions. The once Protestant churches, on the other hand, have long since abandoned the path of truth and only use biblical statements to misuse verses taken out of context to support their own thesis. The Church of Rome turns everything on its head and its returned daughters cherry pick their “rainbow fair weather theology.”

Nourished, through thorough preparatory work, by the Jesuit thought patterns. People believe in the impossibility of the theory of evolution. Just as if everyone described a snow-white surface as coal-black. As if a man could become a woman, or a woman could become a man, just because someone imagined it. All linked to the pressure created by predefined morals and ethics, tolerance and anti-discrimination. In this way, good can be defined as evil and evil as good.

Out of convenience and lack of love for the truth

Gospel Study
Bible – anchor in the turmoil of our time

Just as the truth is trampled to the ground, so too is the praise of the corrupt Bibles of our time and just as the sermons of many pastors wrapped in rainbow scarves. The gospel has been completely turned upside down, God’s commandments have not only been distorted, but have also been declared abolished, especially in evangelical circles. It is only enough to rely on the “love of God,” who will save everyone in some way. It is completely irrelevant whether it is the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who led Israel out of Egypt, or a God that you like best for maintaining your own way of life. “God welcomes everyone, stay as you are, because that’s how God created you,” is the magic saying in modern theology.

That all sounds wonderful and acceptable. And what feels so good must ultimately correspond to the truth. The “new reality” has already been created, completely opposed to God’s statutes, and yet retaining the veneer of Christianity. These lull themselves into absolute security of “inevitable salvation”. What a fatal mistake. A result of convenience and a lack of love for the truth. They shout “Jesus Christ” loudly and stretch their arms towards heaven. Anyone who nevertheless tramples God’s statutes to the ground will hear the words that Jesus Christ has already announced as a human being in this world:

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:23

Bible verses from King James Version

Reverse gospel credibly sold as Christian
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