Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Reactions against extremism after the caliphate march in Hamburg



It didn’t take long for political reactions to emerge after the media spectacle about the caliphate march in Hamburg. The quality of the demands can only be seen in the appearances of a “Christian socialist” and a “secular Islam”.

Hamburg caliphate march was startling

The march of around 1,100 participants in the Islamic network “Muslim Interaktiv” on April 27th in Hamburg and their demands for a caliphate and the introduction of Sharia law in Germany provoked a huge outcry in the media. The organization, classified as extremist, invoked freedom of expression and assembly for its public appearance. In addition, the organization is free to represent its own world views, so the claim.

Borders had been crossed

Red Lines
One of the (flexible) red lines was crossed

The response was obviously so great that the so-called Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of View, Frank Schwabe from the SPD, felt called upon to comment. The SPD politician explained to the “Rheinische Post” (Source) that there are definitely limits to the exercise of religious freedom. Religious freedom means practicing one’s own religion, witnessing it and promoting it. Hatred and agitation as well as the undermining of the “free-democratic basic order” are incompatible with religious freedom. Therefore, a project that questions this basic order cannot invoke religious freedom, said the SPD politician. This approach has just as little to do with religious freedom as “right-wing extremists who supposedly want to defend Christianity.”

A “socialist” and Christian (?)

Frank Schwabe describes himself as a Protestant Christian. The SPD politician has been carrying out his role as Commissioner for Freedom of View since the beginning of 2022. Apparently, Schwabe is walking a tightrope between the free exercise of religion and the limits he has now clearly set for this. In mid-March 2024, on the occasion of the “World Day Against Islamophobia”, he called for more commitment against “anti-Muslim racism” (Source).

If the SPD politician Schwabe were even a fraction of what his “Christian existence” is trying to portray, then he would also know that he is completely out of place on the political stage. Either … or. As is well known, the merger between state and church has been anything but good to humanity for centuries – unless one has forgotten history. After all, the term “Dark Ages” is not based on a permanent solar eclipse.

How similar the pictures are

Mirror image
The present is a reflection of history

A look back at history. The ancient Western Rome collapsed miserably in 476 AD under the Emperor Romulus Augustulus amidst the lively enthusiasm of the current Bishop of Rome, Simplicius. Already weakened by rampant decadence and internal unrest, the massive movements and advances of the Germanic tribes within the Western Empire provided the final “coup de grace”. Simplicius recognized the opportunity and immediately allied himself with the Merovingian Clovis, King of Franconia. Thanks to his military power, the Bishop of Rome eliminated the recalcitrant Heruli and Vandal tribes by the end of the 5th century, as well as the remaining Ostrogoths in Rome in 538. The pope’s religious and state monopoly power was thus secured.

A bit of irony on the side: The king of the destroyed Ostrogoths, Theodoric, was a financial patron of the “retired” emperor Romulus Augustulus.

The Eastern Roman Empire with its capital Constantinople, founded by Emperor Constantine, lasted longer, by almost 1000 years. Defeated well until the last emperor of Eastern Rome with his significant name Constantine XI in 1453 AD. In this case it was the Ottomans, avowed followers of Allah’s Prophet, who apparently no longer considered the name of the capital Constantinople to be contemporary and advocated for its renaming to Istanbul. As a “collateral” they brought an end to the empire of Eastern Rome. A rogue who thinks evil when young, able-bodied people seeking protection who have arrived in the West make their demands for asylum wearing a T-shirt “Istanbul 1453”.

As the saying goes, if you don’t learn anything from the past, you have to repeat it. Or, “there is nothing new under the sun,” said Israel’s wisest king, Solomon.

Strange formations announced

A demonstration against Islamism has been announced for tomorrow, Saturday, in Steindamm, Hamburg. Expected participants are a Kurdish community and the associations “Secular Islam” and “Culture Bridge”. The “Secular Islam” association appears to be particularly interesting here. Whatever this group is supposed to represent, who would come up with the idea of ​​founding an association of “secular Catholicism” or “atheist Christians”? An oxymoron that couldn’t be worded better. Representatives of the political parties CDU and SPD also want to take part. An exciting mix.

The hideous mask of extremism

There is much more behind this mask than you thought

One cannot shake the feeling that a general danger of religious extremism of all stripes is being constructed. Islam and its special forms in the sense of a caliphate and the rules of Sharia do a disservice to this. The term “fundamentalism,” already stripped of its original definition (Info), is the forerunner of the “extreme views” within religions that are now being targeted. The framework for this is obviously being constructed just so that something can then be described as extremism at will and treated accordingly. The completely justified “skepticism” towards Islam is transformed back into the form of “fear and terror” within society based on the demands for a caliphate loudly conveyed by the media.

“Everything, just no caliphate and never Sharia law,” was the possible unanimous demand of “Western society.” A welcome opportunity to rescue the people who are loudly crying for help from their desperate situation with an outstretched hand and “charitable intention”. But it should hardly come as a surprise if the long arm of “salvation” reaches into the center of Rome, as the migration issue has long been one of the core competencies of the extremely busy Jesuit order.

Building a new enemy image

The common enemy must be defined

Is it already extremism if one firmly insists on the standpoint of the written Word of God, the Gospel, in the age of “tolerance and mutual understanding”, of working out common denominators with an inevitable willingness to compromise? The suspicion is very obvious. Because the teachings sometimes taught by the Protestant churches, which were once close to the gospel, now only have a decorative connection with the written word of God. Quite apart from the traditional distance from the gospel of the Roman Catholic Church.

The credo set by Rome is: “Approximation with everything and everyone” (Info). Once the fear-inducing mask of “extremism” has been placed on the fixed position on the gospel, the next enemy image has already been created. A welcome opportunity to begin the interventions to the thunderous applause of the intimidated public.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17

Bible verses from King James Version

Reactions against extremism after the caliphate march in Hamburg
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