Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Preparation for the return of Jesus Christ – now and right



Every person is called upon to replenish their oil reserves (unwavering faith). The calls about the imminent return of Jesus Christ are not wrong per se, but their nature still carries the risk of false preparation. Especially when it comes to timing, because it could be far too late.

Unprepared despite preparation

Social media is filled with warnings that Jesus Christ will soon return. You have to prepare for it now. That’s not wrong. However, these reports are coupled with the theses that there will be a rapture before the tribulation period that follows, or that the judgment will take place afterwards.

In short, the pre-rapture of the Christian community before a great tribulation is a Jesuit fairy tale (Info). The coming judgment is not concerned with determining who will be saved and who will not, but rather it is the execution of a judgment that has long been established. Because before Jesus Christ returns, the judgment is already certain (Info).

Potential for confusion

Total chaos possible

Such mixing of truths, half-truths and fairy tales can lead to people preparing completely incorrectly or not at all. Because the necessary preparation must be completed before Jesus returns. Long before that. The judgment highlighted in Revelation 14:7 has been underway for a long time (Info). Did it make sense to prepare only when the arrival of Jesus Christ was already evident? No, because then it will already be too late. The doors are already closed, Revelation 22:11:
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

The times towards the end will be or have long since been as they were at the time of Noah. Jesus Christ announced this on the Mount of Olives, Matthew 24:37:
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

There will be no shortage of careless people and scoffers.

Being in the ark is the goal

It is one thing to prepare for the return of Jesus, it is another thing to actually be on the saving ark when the destruction of the world we know occurs. Neither a rubber dinghy nor an umbrella could have saved the people during the flood. Today as then, it will overcome them when they believe they are safe and shout “peace at last.”

The primary goal in the present time must be to be among the (symbolic) 144,000 sealed (Revelation 7). After the sealing, things became “suspiciously” quiet, as described in Revelation 8:1:
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

“Half an hour” of peace. In prophetic time (day-year principle – Info) this is 7.5 days. That sounds suspiciously like the 7 days of peace and quiet between the closing of the gate of the ark and the rushing waters of the flood.

Replenish oil reserves

Anointing oil
Fill up with the Holy Spirit

The necessary preparation now is to fill up the oil reserves, i.e. to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to be absolutely strengthened in the faith. Even the so-called minor tribulation period becomes extremely challenging and this is the all-important phase. Because the so-called great tribulation period concerns the pouring out of the bowls of wrath, i.e. the last seven plagues. At the time of the plague everything has already been decided. The Minor Tribulation refers to the increasing pressure placed on believers to accept the mark of the beast (Info).

This must be overcome. Each person is faced with the decision to either submit to human legislation that contradicts God’s laws, or to hold fast to God’s authority and remain faithful to Him. The initiator of legislation that contradicts God’s statutes is the papacy (Info), implemented by his executive power, the so-called beast from the earth (Info).

Now is the time

It’s about time

These oil reserves are essential for the believer because God will finally withdraw His Spirit. Jesus Christ has ended His mediatorial ministry, and the world will be left to the influences of the great adversary. Man must be solid in his faith and have overcome the world, as Jesus Christ once set as a shining example. The hearts of men are left to their own devices, without the moderating influence of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who starts thinking about finally taking in the Word of God as it is written shortly before the final withdrawal of the Spirit of God could be a lot too late.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
1 John 5:4

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

Preparation for the return of Jesus Christ – now and right
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