Olli Dürr

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Praying the rosary – prayers to Mary – false idolatry

Occult Rosary


One of the “greatest goods” of the Roman Catholic Church is the rosary. A homage to Mary using a variety of different prayer formulas. Scholarly false idolatry, paganism and a blatant violation of God’s commandment.

“Indispensable” praying of the Rosary

Praying the rosary is declared essential by the Roman Catholic Church. A ritual addressed to the (Catholic) Mary. Without it, people could have a bad hand if Jesus is too “grumpy” or his grace is exhausted. By interceding with Mary, the Catholic has the “best chance” of still experiencing grace based on maternal influence. On the one hand, when there is audible criticism of the rosary prayer, it is emphasized that this ritual is definitely addressing Jesus, but on the other hand, the mantra-like fuss with this pearl necklace has around ten times more “Ave Maria” than a speech from our Lord (Info).

Rosicrucian paganism
Occultists also know what to do with the rose

Furthermore, according to the Roman Catholic Church, praying the rosary should provide strength, protection against evil and increasing spirituality. The church takes the justification for this pearl necklace ritual, which comes from paganism, from Luke 1:28:
And the angel came in to her and said: Greetings, you who have been favored! The Lord is with you, you who are blessed among women!

The angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would become pregnant with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. For the Church of Rome, however, this is an occasion to describe Mary as “holy, our hope and our life” in addition to God’s grace to her (blessed one) based on the rosary prayer. All attributes that are attributed exclusively to God. John 1:1-14; Colossians 3:4; 1 Timothy 1:1; Ephesians 2:12; Titus 2:13.

The “venerable Immaculate”

After all, she never sinned (immaculate), was not afflicted by (Catholic) original sin and always remained a virgin (eternal virgin) even after the birth of Jesus. As if man could receive righteousness through Mary, even though 2 Corinthians 5:21 clearly names Jesus Christ.
“For he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

But the gospel is crystal clear. Righteousness comes only, exclusively, through Jesus Christ. Presented in 1 John 1:9-21. Even Mary, as a sinner, needed a Savior, as she herself said (Luke 1:47). Salvation from sin through a Savior, and that can only be Jesus Christ. He came to save us sinful people from sin (Matthew 1:21). However, the Roman Catholic Church does not care about biblical statements, but rather creates its own “gospel”. This church claims that Mary is freed from sin in all aspects.

Maria is dead. She can neither hear anything nor communicate anything, let alone intercede. Jesus Christ is our only Savior. Galatians 3:13; 4:4-5; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 1:18-19.

Sheer false idolatry

Occult Rosary
Candle and Rosary – Practiced Paganism

The main problem that rosary prayers face is the complete misdirection of their prayers. It is a Rosary PRAYER. The majority of these are directed at Maria. So it is bluntly about the adoration of Mary. This was also done by countless Catholics around the world at the same time. This means that Mary is credited with omnipresence and also omniscience. So a divinity. However, these characteristics only apply to God himself. Jesus Christ taught His disciples what a simple prayer looks like. Clearly addressed to the “Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9).

Nothing or anyone else deserves worship. Neither “saints” nor “angels” may be worshiped. The Bible states this in addition to the First Commandment (Info) further information. Acts 10:25-26; 14:13-16; Matthew 4:10; Revelation 19:10; 22:8-9.

The rosary prayer is dedicated to the “Queen of Heaven”. An fictional character, but not an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. Even apostate Israel used to worship a “Queen of Heaven”. The prophet Jeremiah had his hands full trying to turn people away from this idolatry. Jeremiah 7:17-19; 44:16-27.

Outright violation of the commandment

Open Bible
The Bible remains the only standard

Superstition, complete deception, childish naivety (“tooth fairy”), the reasons for this idolatry can be diverse. Worship, intercession, or worship of anyone or anything other than the one true God and Creator is blatantly false idolatry and a blatant violation of the First Commandment. In the case of Mary it is even the worship of a hidden false “goddess” (Info).

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

Praying the rosary – prayers to Mary – false idolatry
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