Using “prayer suggestions” to a very, very young or even infantile readership by the Evangelical Church in Germany, the “theology” they actually practice can now be read out. The adversary of God is slowly emerging to the surface.
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Questionable prayer suggestion
A suggestion for a “morning prayer” with a lot of information “between the lines”. The media mouthpiece of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD),, publishes a daily saying or “prayer” on Facebook as a suggestion to bring your personal concerns to God. Last Saturday the “Morning Prayer” presented was:
“God, grant me the certainty that even chaos is okay“.
These and qualitatively similar prayer suggestions seem to have selected the age range of 10 years as the target group anyway. It is true that requests for “the courage to do a backflip while bathing” and “God’s availability at night while the cell phone is on stand-by” are made from completely infantile adults.
While one regularly gets the impression that those responsible for the media in this organization radiate a subtle amount of scorn and ridicule, the request that is supposedly addressed to God for recognition of the chaos has a special character.
God is a proponent of order
Anyone who knows the Gospel and therefore also knows God or Jesus Christ knows exactly that God will never approve of chaos. He is a god of order, regulation, beauty and also perfection. There are only two places in the Bible where God is named as the author of a mess. In the first case, chaos only reigned for a short time due to the chronology. That was on the first day of creation,Genesis 1:2:
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.“
In this verse, “without form, and void” has the Hebrew word “tohu-wa-bohu.” However, God immediately removed the present darkness by introducing light. The further days of creation gradually eliminated the “commotion” due to the “proper” creation. At the end of the sixth day, God looked at His creation and found it to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31). That’s it for the “chaos” caused by or from God.
The second case is virtually the counterpart of the (first) creation. At the end of days the earth and everything that lives on it will come to an end. All life is wiped out and the Earth is repeatedly in a state of chaos. However, this is not for one day, but for a whole 1,000 years (Info). But God will also eliminate this chaos after the final judgment and the elimination of sin and everything unclean through a new earth created in perfect order (Revelation 21)..
Accurate order at the tabernacle
Further evidence of God’s sense of accurate order is His instructions for the construction of the tabernacle to the people of Israel who had just left Egypt (Exodus 25 to 27). God left nothing to the discretion of the master craftsmen. Everything had to be made to the right size, in the right material and placed in its exactly specified position. The Tabernacle with the Holy of Holies, the seat of God with His people, symbolized nothing less than the Heavenly Sanctuary (Info). An equally accurate (spiritual) institution that represents the way and principle of man’s salvation.
Only one welcomes the chaos
Chaos as an acceptable or even desirable state of affairs completely contradicts God’s character and will. But there is someone in the Bible to whom the wish for a shambles certainly applies. This is called “Διάβολος” 39 times in Greek in the Bible in the New Testament (Textus Receptus). “Diabolos”, the name for the devil, Satan, the adversary of God. The word “Diabolos” literally means “muddler”. How fitting for the concept of confusion, chaos.
At this point the question arises as to which “god” the EKD media representatives actually address or to which they pay homage. The answer could also be a “prayer suggestion” directly from the EKD, just a few days before the “request for recognition of the chaos”. The EKD graphically depicted a man on the beach in front of a sea and the setting sun. The first lines of this “prayer” were included:
“Radiant, warming God, I thank you for the summer on my skin, so that I can feel the heat, the cooling wind and the refreshment in the water“.
The quality is also similar to an accident, but also revealing which “deity” is at the center here. The sun. Even in ancient times, this celestial object was always one of the main gods of numerous cultures. The sun god Osiris and his light-bearing son Horus for the Egyptians, as well as the sun god Mithras of ancient Rome. However, through Emperor Constantine, he found a smooth connection to the Roman Catholic Church as “sol invictus” (“invincible sun”). The cult of Mithras is still the core philosophy of this church today, just in a Christian style (Info).
The majority don’t see it
Whatever guise a pagan “deity” may come in, as Osiris, as Isis (catholic Mary), as Gaia, as Pan, as Horus, as Seth, and whatever fictional gods, the supporting figure behind it is always the adversary God, Satan. This also applies to the worship of the sun, in whatever form. Paul already warned the church in Rome not to follow the example of these pagans who worship creation (e.g. heavenly stars) instead of the Creator (Romans 1).
The Protestant churches, the daughters who have long since returned to the mother church of Rome, are making their adherence to the idolatry of the Roman Church more and more obvious to the public. The veil is slowly being lifted. They can also afford to do so with impunity, because the majority, disgusted and turned away by the colorful hustle and bustle of these churches, are completely disinterested and no longer take any notice of it, let alone understand what is going on.
When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.
Proverbs 26:25
Bible verses from King James Version