The Pope’s visit to the Far East marked another milestone on the path of ecumenism. Despite some clear criticism of the pontiff’s statements, which were condemned as heresy, Francis continues on his path completely unconcerned. The Vatican boss even stepped up his game.
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Between pragmatism and denial
Pope Francis’ words during his stay in Singapore made waves around the world. In front of a group of young people, the pontiff explained that different religions are simply different languages of faith that all lead to God. Heresy was spoken of in Catholic circles, but others tried to limit the damage by describing these words as “taken out of context” or making excuses for the fact that they were not pronounced “ex cathedra”.

The Catholic magazine “Tagespost” tried to place the problem not on the Pope, but on the people. According to the magazine, some people cannot distinguish “between a casual conversation and a theological definition,” and those predicting doom would first have to learn it (Source). This is what submissive loyalty looks like.
No matter how loudly the horror was proclaimed in the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church at the words of their “Holy Father”, it remained silent in the ranks of the once Protestant churches (Info). After all, good daughters don’t fuss and regard their mother’s spoken word as “holy law” (Info).
Pope completely undeterred

However, Pope Francis saw no reason to correct what the Catholic magazine described as “inconsequential words”. He neither weakened his statements nor spoke of a misunderstanding. On the contrary, Francis went one better and reaffirmed his “theology.” After his trip to the Far East, the pontiff is now in the capital of Albania, Tirana. There he found the opportunity to comment on the clearly audible criticisms.
After all, “unity is not uniformity” because God loves all people and makes no distinctions between people, said the Vatican chief. “The diversity of our cultural and religious identities is a gift from God” (Source).
A “different god”
One wonders, which “God” is the head of the Roman Catholic Church actually talking about? On the one hand, he praises the “liveliness” of Christians in Indonesia, who only make up around ten percent of the world’s largest Muslim country in terms of population, and speaks of holistic development through the “leaven of the Gospel”. Papua New Guinea, on the other hand, speaks of a “universal God” who himself brought all different religions into the world as a sign of his diversity.
Pope Francis cannot have meant the God of the Bible, specifically, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who led Israel out of Egypt with an outstretched arm and a strong hand. Since this very god has placed everything but the variety of different gods on his own. Even the basic basics of the Christian faith contain the First Commandment (Exodus 20:3).:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.“
1 Samuel 12:21 says what the situation is with other “gods” and idols:
“And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain.“
However, Pope Francis quickly turns these clear statements of the (true) Gospel into the opposite. “The diversity of our cultural and religious identities is a gift from God,” said the Jesuit pontiff.
The facade was removed

It’s amazing that despite occasional loud calls of protest from Catholic(!) ranks, the big tsunami didn’t happen. After all, the current Pope is now openly and visibly laying his hands on the foundations of Christianity in order to simply tear them down. For many centuries before, the Church of Rome tried to at least preserve its appearance of Christianity by all possible means. Mithraism, which was practiced at its core, was still to remain “shrouded in mystery” (see Revelation 17:5). (Info). Countless people have died because of the Roman Catholic Church’s interventions to “defend their faith.”
Anyone who did not conform to the Church law of absolute submission to the authority of the Church and who did not fully obey the catechism was simply declared a heretic. In 1199, Pope Innocent III formulated a “laesae maiestatis” out of heresy so that the “heretics” could not get away unscathed due to the secular sanctions that would automatically follow. Pope Francis, the first Jesuit in the pontificate, is finally tearing down this facade.
Once a chameleon, always a chameleon

This church has already completed the change from an externally “absolute, inviolable, infallible, divine institution” to an institution of “all-unifying human love”. The Pope’s “club brothers”, the Jesuit order, expressed this miraculous transformation themselves in February 2023 (Info). But a chameleon always remains a chameleon, regardless of whether it appears in purple, scarlet or coal-black.
The inexorable “absolute, inviolable, infallible, divine authority” remains at the core of this hypocritical institution. Mills grind slowly but thoroughly. The Papacy, through its novel-looking dogmas and the creation of correspondingly adverse circumstances, will succeed in transmitting its actual infamy to the mass of people. The church as the moral authority and the people who are subordinate to it will be responsible for fighting the “common good” it conveys against any departure from the “unity of diversity” by all possible means. The Church of Rome will, as always, be able to wash its hands in the purest innocence, because after all it only wants the best for humanity.
Dress rehearsal already completed

The extremely easy division of society into “good people” and “bad people” was demonstrated very impressively during the years 2020 and the end of 2022. All that was necessary was to create an atmosphere of almost panic-like fear and at the same time the solution to these frightening problems to offer. How easy it became to demonize people who were not gullible and who immediately followed suit and to brand them as the cause of all problems. One’s own colleague, one’s long-time neighbor, one-time friend, and even close family members turned out to be “guardians of the common good”, accusers and zealous informers.
This is exactly how it will happen repeatedly. The “defenders of the faith and common good” will follow in the footsteps of the persecutors. It is finally announced, Revelation 12:17:
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Persecution of those who “assumed” not to follow the moral standards of Rome, but instead remained faithful to the Gospel, kept the commandments of God and bore the testimony of Jesus (Info). The “God-willed” unity of humanity declared by the Pope alone proves that the Pontiff secretly worships a completely different “God” (see Revelation 13:4).
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
Matthew 10:35-36
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)