Olli Dürr

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Pope explains his own view of glorifying God



Using the theme “Glorification of God,” Pope Francis once again clarified his understanding of the Gospel and the (possible) salvation for people that it describes. For the last Angelus, the pontiff once again offered a concentrate of a very “extraordinary” theology.

Pope declares the glorification of God

The Pontiff announced his ideas about the Gospel last Sunday, framed during the current Roman Catholic Lent. Pope Francis tried to explain the glorification of Jesus Christ to the audience present at the Angelus. The basis is the statement in the Gospel of John, chapter 12. “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.“, so Jesus Christ according to verse 23. The Savior announced (again) His imminent death. The glorification of God, as in verse 28: “Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.“.

It is understandable that the statement that the death of Jesus Christ served to glorify God and the associated glorification of Jesus Christ himself can be met with great astonishment. What does such a cruel death on the cross have to do with glorifying God?

The declaration of the “glorification” of the Pontiff

Pope cheers
Francis proclaims his personal faith

Pope Francis made the following statement (Source): Jesus wanted to express that glory is not “equated with human success, fame, or popularity.” For God, glory has nothing self-centered, because it does not represent a “grandiose demonstration of power followed by public applause.” For God, glory means love, and this leads to the sacrifice of one’s own life. For God, one’s own glorification means one’s own devotion, the offer of love and the opening of one’s own accessibility. All of this culminated at the cross. On the cross, Jesus displayed God’s love to its full extent, said the pontiff. He fully revealed his merciful face and forgave those who crucified him and gave us all life.

The true glory of God lies in surrender and forgiveness that never fades. This is what the Lord taught us from the Cross, the “cathedra of God,” said Francis. For humans, surrender and forgiveness are the way of life. This represents completely different criteria than what we see around us and within ourselves when we imagine glory as something that one receives and not as something that one gives; as something that one receives owns instead of offering it.” But this worldly glory will pass away and will leave no joy in the heart. This glory does not bring the “prosperity of all, but rather division, discord and envy.”

The framework of the gospel is missing

If you want to contrast this philosophy presented by the (Jesuit) Pope with the Gospel, you almost don’t know where to start when listing the differences. The Pope denies fundamental things that must first be highlighted in order to be able to put the “glorification” of God in the correct context.

What is meant by glorification?

What is glorifying God all about? It has less to do with the “homage” of God through the fervent worship of believers, and more to do with man’s way of life in the pleasure of God. Is God love and does He love His creatures? Yes! He proved this by sacrificing His only, beloved Son. Something that He announced very impressively to Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice Abraham’s beloved son Isaac, but ultimately did not demand this finally. Jesus Christ died for all (!) people. Why? Because Jesus Christ, by taking on all the sins committed by man, made himself sin and paid the only possible price for it, death. Through His bloodshed (without bloodshed there is no forgiveness, Hebrews 9:22), He vicariously served the punishment that each individual sinner deserved.

The accusation against God

God is accused of injustice by Satan

God’s adversary, Satan, accuses God of being arbitrary and unjust. Man is incapable of keeping God’s law. After all, God reduced man, who was initially created in God’s image, to a fallen being after the Fall, and the rest of creation as well (Curse of Creation, Genesis 3:17). Because of Satan’s accusation, God himself is a defendant or defendant. Satan claims that God is unjust, God Himself says He is just. Word agains word. After all, Satan managed to convert around a third of God’s angels to his side (Revelation 12:4).

If God simply destroyed His adversary and his followers, then the possible doubt about God’s justice would still remain. His understanding of love is based on pure voluntariness and neither out of coercion (“programming”) nor out of fear. Love cannot be forced, impossible. God therefore wants to prove His justice. So that all creatures in the universe are convinced of His justice as well as of the love for His creatures. God proved the latter with the sacrifice of His Son.

Prove God’s justice

Glorifying God now consists in proving that God is right. Man, even in his fallen state, is fully capable of living a life that includes compliance with God’s statutes. Jesus Christ was the physical proof of this. His nature was that of a completely normal human being. Satan tempted Jesus Christ to sin in the desert after 40 days of fasting. Proof that Jesus Christ could have sinned and thus fallen. In this case, man would also have been lost without any hope.

But Jesus Christ overcame this (sinful) world and died without ever having committed any sin. With this, Jesus Christ glorified our Heavenly Father. The person who also strives for justice, under the “active” support of God through the Holy Spirit, glorifies Jesus Christ and thus also the Father. So it is also consistent and logical that the Father handed over all judgment to His Son. Because the defendant cannot also be a judge.

“It is finished” was one of the last words of Jesus Christ on the cross (Info). He overcame the world, sinless. Jesus Christ was raised on the cross, as was indicated to the people of Israel by the bronze serpent in the desert. John 3:14:
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
With Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, the entire “package” of sacrificial rituals around the tabernacle or temple was fulfilled. The opening of a path to salvation for the otherwise lost person was thus accomplished. This is the glorification of God. Satan was finally defeated, and since then he has only been raging around in the world he controls in order to take as many of God’s creation with him as possible in his lost position.

A “small but nice” lie

The Pope claims that Jesus forgave those who crucified him. In fact, Jesus Christ asked our Heavenly Father to forgive them, Luke 23:34:
Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
So Jesus asked our Father to forgive them, but he himself did not do so. A small, but significant difference. There are striking statements about this elsewhere in the Bible. Jesus Christ explained to the accusing chief priests, rulers and elders in Matthew 26:64:
Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.“.

Satan is the father of lies

Jesus Christ revealed Himself to them and they knew who He really is. They also knew about His miracles and His authority in the sermons. They had absolutely nothing to counter Him (argumentatively). The priestly caste only feared power for position. This was also evident when they bribed the Roman guards after Jesus’ tomb was empty. They knew exactly what they were doing. These can be considered excluded when Jesus asks for forgiveness. Rather, these priests and elders will witness the arrival of Jesus, i.e. have an (intermediate) resurrection, only to fall back into the grave afterwards.

Another important indication of the pontiff’s “error” is found in Revelation 1:7:
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
The people who pierced Jesus Christ will also experience His arrival. This is only possible if they are resurrected in the meantime. They will “wail.” This is not an expression of joy, but of sheer horror, of lamentation, of howling.

Thus, the Pope’s statement that Jesus Christ forgave everyone who brought Him to the cross is a blatant lie. Much closer is the forgiveness of the Roman legionaries, who lend their hand to this (unsuspecting recipients of orders). Some of them realized who He really was at the ninth hour when Jesus Christ died. Matthew 27:54:
Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

The cross, a “chair of God”?

Calling the cross the “cathedra of God”, i.e. the chair of God, again has such a decidedly “blasphemous touch” (Info). It is an open secret that for the Roman Catholic Church the death of Jesus Christ represents the victory of Satan and is therefore the desired permanent state. This shows the preferred depiction of Jesus dying or already dead on the cross and the “Sun God” ritual with the subsequent eating of the body of the re-sacrificed Jesus Christ. The Church calls this ritual “Eucharist” (Info).

The cathedral, the dwelling of the shepherd, i.e. the bishop, is a temple to the dead. A covered cemetery containing the venerated remains of people who have been canonized. Anyone who enters a cathedral can be fairly certain that they will be walking across the bones of the deceased. Today’s cathedrals are usually built on sites where pagan cult sites could still be found in ancient times. In the area of ​​the former Roman Empire, especially the former sites of Mithraism. Calling the cross, which according to Jesuit standards has something “beautiful” about it (Info)the chair of God, illustrates the true nature of the “god” actually worshiped by the Church of Rome, the dragon (Rev. 13:2-4).

Natural law must not be missing

One of the current pontiff’s self-absorbed favorite works is his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, published in October 2020. A manifesto of “fraternity”, as Francis himself would probably describe it or a copy of the “Communist Manifesto”, as many critics would described. The Pope connects the glory of God with the possession and distribution of earthly goods. Institutions that were secular on the outside (but completely occult on the inside) formulated famous sentences like “no longer own anything and be happy.” According to the “scholastic logic” of the Loyola disciple Francis, the glorification of God is expressed in the renunciation of possessions, in the service of the common good and the unification of man without discord and envy.

To do this, the pontiff uses a flat reversal of God’s commandment by reversing guilt. According to the Roman shepherd, possession caused discord and envy. The owner is therefore to blame for this development. A logic that the insurance industry also adopts. Anyone who goes on vacation and leaves the window tilted is (at least partially) to blame if a break-in occurs. Leaving the key in the car is a reason for refusing compensation after theft. If you’re a woman walking in the city park late at night, it’s your own fault, etc. etc.

Pope’s view is opposed to the gospel

Bibel way
Only the Bible shows the right path

God’s Tenth Commandment says, “Thou shalt not covet!”, the Eighth Commandment, “Thou shalt not steal!” (Info). It’s crystal clear. The thief is the guilty party and not the possessor. If you can’t leave a full basket of apples alone because you have to worry that half of them will have been stolen in the evening, then that speaks for the state of the world, but not for any wrongdoing on the part of the owner.

If you love your neighbor as yourself, you won’t even think of stealing from your neighbor or doing any other harm. This also means automatic compliance with the commandments. It’s that simple. But the pontiff naturally sees it completely differently and, given his status and position, he is exactly diametrically opposed to the word of God (Info)

But everything that the pontiff and his loyal followers say sounds so “wonderfully Christian”. Jesus Christ warned about this:

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Matthew 24:4

Bible verses from King James Version

Pope explains his own view of glorifying God
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