The climate suffers hardship and potentially people too. This could make a valuable contribution through “climate fasting”. EV-Pfarrer hopes for the Pope’s word of power to reintroduce Friday fasting as a global requirement.
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Perversion of fasting

According to the gospel, man is required to fast when he is penitent, repentant and asking God for forgiveness. A change of heart and character for the better, which no human being can bring about anyway, but depends on God’s intervention, can also be prayed for through fasting. There is no such thing as a regular Lent based on calendar time, as traditionally proclaimed by the churches. As usual, just human tradition instead of God’s Word.
The fasting tradition has changed somewhat in recent years and now not only serves one’s own physical and spiritual well-being, but also the well-being of the climate. According to the narrative, eating less leaves a smaller carbon footprint. The perversion of biblical fasting is apparently far from exhausted.
EV church in sibling competition
Unsurprisingly at the forefront of “climate fasting” is the evangelical church. This institution seems to be in competition with the Catholic Church when it comes to offering improved climate protection through as much fasting as possible. Of course, it is purely a sibling competition for mutual motivation, because within the family one does not want to be a repeated “nester” (based on the Council of Trent, 1545 to 1563), nor a bad role model for the global deliver continued ecumenism.
Revival of tradition with “climate fasting”
With the now announced “Climate Fasting” campaign, people should learn how life can become “more climate-friendly” in their personal area. The Schweinfurt “City Church pastor” Heiko Kuschel is visibly on fire for the self-limiting life, provided with a rather miserable touch of Christianity. Kuschel probably gave in his lived “climate protection” as a matter of course an equally lived evidence for the actually pursued agenda of the Roman Catholic parent organization. “Anyone who follows Roman Catholic rules has been shown to protect the climate,” says Kuschel. Now a theologian who upholds the gospel should immediately notice that the cath. Church has never really come to terms with God’s Word. Tradition and catechism are above the Bible, according to one of the many quotes called out from Rome. With blasphemies were the Bishop of Rome and his entourage have never been particularly thrifty.
Catholic Church is a role model
The Citykirchen pastor emphasizes the advantages of the tradition of Friday fasting cultivated by the Catholic Church. Fish instead of meat on the plate has been a tradition for centuries. Kuschel regrets that Rome has since dropped this “commandment”, but makes no secret of the fact that the meat fast on Fridays is also a pure tradition. But what the heck, now more than ever, because after all it helps the climate. If you are already a vegetarian or vegan anyway, you already have the better cards in your hand. Kuschel dreams of a worldwide “Christian renunciation of meat per week” across all denominations. Christians could thus make a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. This is already great progress.
Hope for Pope
After all, the weekly meat fasting of a quarter of Catholics, who make up 10 percent of the population of England and Wales, could save around 55,000 tons of CO2 per year, according to the City Church pastor, citing a study by Cambridge University. Kuschel is hoping for a word of power from the Pope, with which he reintroduced Friday meat fasting worldwide.
The False Prophet

You couldn’t present yourself more clearly than the fringes of the Pope’s white cassock. The Bible describes these conditions around the “man of sin”. The great descent is at least well underway, if not nearing completion. The false prophet preaches the word of Babylon, quoting from “Laudato si“. Earth and climate protection are given a Christian touch with the slogan “Climate Fasting”. Conversely, anyone who fasts once a week in favor of the climate can call themselves a “true Christian.” All this has nothing to do with the teaching of the gospel. This is just plain nonsense.
Tradition above all
Even on the declared explosive nature of climate protection, the Schweinfurt pastor does not lose a syllable about Jesus Christ. But even if he was mentioned, he had a short, crisp answer ready for such “candidates”:
“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Mark 7:7)
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