Palm Sunday was once again reason enough to mix in the idiosyncratic teachings of the Roman Catholic Churches with mankind. For this, a sermon by former Pope Benedict XVI was allowed this year. serve. A prime example of the reversal of meaning for the teaching of Christian-looking heresies.
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Even the term “Palm Sunday” is Catholic
Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. A very important day for the Christian world because of a very important event. On that day Jesus Christ went up to Jerusalem riding on a young donkey. On the occasion of this day, which, however, only regularly falls on Sunday (“sunday”) due to the change in the calendar according to Pope Gregory XIII, Vatican News published a sermon held on St. Peter’s Square on April 9, 2006 by the Pope who died on December 31, 2022 Benedict XVI excavated and presented this lesson in Catholic dogma.
Jesus came riding on a donkey

In his sermon, Benedict particularly emphasized the donkey. As a rule, it was assumed that a king would enter the city of Jerusalem in all his splendor on horseback, possibly with his court. But Jesus remained true to His self-taught humility. In addition, the entry into Jerusalem was predicted in some detail in the Old Testament, as Benedict rightly put it. That’s what it says in Zechariah 9:9:
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”
In fact, this young donkey was not even owned by any of the disciples, only on loan. In doing so, Jesus Christ fulfilled one of the many prophecies.
The 3 messages of Jesus according to Benedict
According to the former pontiff, Jesus wanted to convey three messages to mankind with His ride on the donkey towards Jerusalem.
The first message
The first message was the expression that “he will be the king of the poor, a poor among the poor and for the poor.”
“Poverty in the sense of Jesus presupposes, above all, inner freedom from greed for possessions and power,” said Benedict in his sermon. By cheering on Palm Sunday, believers said they would like to be taken along on the path of Jesus.
The second message
For the explanation of the second conveyed message, Benedict calls Jesus Christ the prophet who will be a king of peace. Chariots and steeds will vanish through him. “In the figure of Jesus, this becomes a reality in the sign of the cross. The cross is the broken arch, in a way the new, true rainbow of God, connecting heaven and earth and building a bridge across the abyss and between the continents. ” Benedict describes the cross as the weapon that Jesus put into our hands. “A sign of reconciliation, of forgiveness, a sign of love that is stronger than death.”
The third message
Benedict claims to have recognized the “announcement of universality” as the third conveyed message. The Pope supports this knowledge with the prophet Zechariah, who said that the kingdom of the king of peace extends from sea to sea to the ends of the earth. The space occupied by the “Messianic King” is no longer a specific country, but the earth, the whole world. He overcomes any demarcation, creates diversity of cultures unity. “He comes everywhere, in all cultures and in all parts of the world, in the poor huts and needy rural areas as well as in the splendor of the cathedrals,” said Benedict.
The bottom line
The proclaimed characteristics of the “prophet” are poverty, peace, universality and these are summarized in the sign of the cross. Therefore, Palm Sunday stands for “the true, great ‘yes’ of the cross, that the cross is the true tree of life.”
Jesus must not be the Christ
As usual and yet always striking, Jesus Christ is never called that in this sermon by Benedict. He is either just Jesus, the messianic king, or the prophet. But not “Jesus Christ”. Knowing of the incompatibility with the ecumenism that is being promoted, Jesus must in no way be identified as Jesus the (announced) Messiah, but rather even be denied as this. Any Messiah (“anointed”), as King Cyrus was called, may be quiet, but not the Messiah Jesus, who was announced and rejected in Isaiah 53, among other things. Therefore, only “Jesus, Messiah or Prophet” remains interpretable. One does not expect Jesus Christ to be recognized by Benedict as “THE Son of God”.
About the first message:
The fact that a pope, of all people, emphasizes Jesus as a role model for poverty and the poor, whose path is to be followed and the papacy plays itself as “vicarius christi” or even “vicarius filii dei”, lacks a certain comedy. The centuries of plundering of the Roman Church have grown this institution into one of the richest, if not secretly the richest, on the planet. Preaching poverty and suffocating in pomp and splendor, how does that go together?
About the second message:
John 14:6 alone is enough to overthrow Benedict’s interpretation of the meaning, purpose and symbol of the cross. The papacy once took over the title “pontifex maximus” from the Roman emperor Gratian and still bears this title to this day. An inheritance from the Babylonian pagans presented in 133 BC. “Latinized” by the last king of Pergamum, Attalus III, and subsequently by the Romans. This title means something like “supreme bridge builder” and once applied to the Babylonian high priest. The first Roman to “activate” this title was Julius Caesar. It is therefore not surprising that Benedikt, holder of the title “Supreme Bridge Builder”, wants to recognize connecting arches and bridges everywhere.
The cross as a weapon, you have to come to that first. Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, died for our sins, paying with His blood. Salvation by grace because of faith. This message, crystal clear in the gospel, was the Roman Catholic. Church has always been against. According to Roman Catholic According to dogma, Jesus’ death was not necessary for the opening of the way of salvation for fallen man. However, according to the typically blasphemous Catholic manner, this was absolutely necessary in order to enable priesthood. “Reconciliation, forgiveness and love” may sound Christian, but in this context they lead people away from the truth.
About the third message:
Benedict, the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Chief Inquisitor), is in his element when it comes to “universality”. Catholicism also means nothing other than “universality”. The Church of Rome is simply the “Universal Church” and that’s how it plays out. A church for all and above all above all. Everyone can remain what he is, the main thing is that the Pope is recognized as the supreme religious and moral leader. As a continuation of pagan Rome and its emperor, there will soon be a claim to worship. Benedict saw himself as pope in an “elevated and therefore all-encompassing position”. If he had called himself the “all-consumptive king” instead of Jesus, then Benedict would at least have come a little closer to the truth.
The usual 180° twist

Designating the cross as the “true tree of life” is also a trademark of the Roman Catholic Church. Church. In itself, Benedict’s comments on this conclusion sounded convincing, but that is precisely the art of explaining black as white, good as evil and evil as good. No. Death is not life and life is not death. The cross is the symbol of Jesus’ sacrificial death, representing our sins. He paid the only possible price for sin, with His life. He resumed this life on the third day. Jesus Christ is risen. At this point lies the symbol for (eternal) life. Death and resurrection are also represented by a properly performed baptism.
What the “tree of life” (after the Garden of Eden) is all about, Jesus Christ told John for the writing of the revelation itself, to be found in Chapter 22:1-2:
“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
No pope needs to come along to say anything else.
The warning about this came very early on
When the disciples asked Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives what would be the sign of His return and the end of the age, He replied that everyone should be careful not to be deceived. (siehe Matthew 24:3-4). A clear hint with the fence post. Seduction will thus play the greatest role and thus pose the greatest danger. Reversing the statements of the gospel and then making it look so Christian is this deception.
If the Church wants everyone to see something white as black and also to defend it, then this is a “sacred mandate”. So handled and described in the “Ignatianischen Exerzitien” (Exercise No. 13) by Ignatius of Loyola. The main founder of the “Society of Jesus” (Jesuit order). This exercise has thus been practiced since the 16th century and the current Pope Francis is from this forge. He masters this matter unmistakably perfect.
Bible verses from King James Version