The trimming of people to obedience and superstition to the dogmas propagated by the Roman Catholic Church was and is a prerequisite for the implementation of their goals. In the past, the open use of force, torture and execution helped. Today, with the same legislation, the Roman institution relies on seduction.
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It is to be obeyed
A primordial Catholic peculiarity is to fully accept the guidelines of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith set by the Pope with absolute obedience and as far as possible without questioning, let alone criticism. It’s even church law. Unchallenged obedience to the pointing authorities, that’s the motto. What worked during the “Dark Ages” via the official structures of a monopoly power, also in relation to states, is now happening indirectly and largely unnoticed by the public.
Obedience to church and its dogmas
The theologian and Apostolic Protonotary Professor Dr Georg May had something to say about obedience in the Catholic Church. He was professor of canon law, state church law and ecclesiastical legal history at the University of Mainz.
Obedience is necessary for social order, for the common good. It is an essential requirement of community life. Obedience promotes the development of the moral personality of the individual. By subordinating itself, the will makes the sacrifice of its arbitrariness, but not of its true freedom. True freedom consists in inner, constant self-determination for what is true and perfect, and this presupposes a moral bond with authority.
But such rules of obedience must also have “substance”. Therefore, corresponding specifications can also be found in the Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC), the canon law.
Heretics are still to be punished
Laws without the threat of sanctions are ineffective. Therefore, corresponding measures are threatened for disobedience.
§2. If contumacy of long duration or the gravity of scandal demands it, other penalties can be added, including dismissal from the clerical state.
1/ in addition to the case mentioned in can. 1364, §1, a person who teaches a doctrine condemned by the Roman Pontiff or an ecumenical council or who obstinately rejects the doctrine mentioned in can. 750, §2 or in can. 752 and who does not retract after having been admonished by the Apostolic See or an ordinary;
2/ a person who otherwise does not obey a legitimate precept or prohibition of the Apostolic See, an ordinary, or a superior and who persists in disobedience after a warning.
The Heretic in the Catholic Church
Now it remains only to determine what is a heretic for the Roman Catholic Church. The Archdiocese of Vienna has an answer ready:
A heretic is someone who teaches heresy.
The archdiocese also states that the facts of heresy are also fulfilled when the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is rejected. What is the official teaching? The Roman Catholic Catechism (CCC).
Now the Church of Rome did not place its catechism directly above the Bible, that would be too obvious, but the interpretation (exegesis) of the Bible must take place in the light of the catechism. As stated in “The Church’s Interpretation of the Bible“, April 15, 1993:
One of the aims of catechesis is precisely the introduction to a correct understanding of the Bible and its fruitful reading, so that the divine truth contained in it can be found and a generous response given to the message that God addresses to humanity through his word can be.
This letter was created in “cooperation” between Pope John Paul II and the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (“Chief Inquisitor”) Josef Cardinal Ratzinger.
The catechism must be used as a sort of filter to interpret the Bible.Summary:
Anyone who rejects or deviates from the official teaching of the Church (catechism) is a heretic. This heretic can look forward to a “just punishment” according to canon law. This leads to excommunication.
Expulsion from the Catholic Church is currently the maximum consequence and, to be honest, not a disadvantage. For many centuries, however, this step regularly meant imprisonment, torture and death of the “delinquent” unless he “repented” of turning back after a certain period and submitted to the church again without protest.
How did the Roman Church come to power?
One wonders how the church came to such power that even kings and emperors snuggled like a trained poodle. They even hiked barefoot (according to legend) across the Alps to Canossa, in order to beg to regain the favor of the pontiff.
truth was forbidden
The main principle is based on people’s superstitions. In its preliminary work, the Church of Rome took care to suppress the truth of the gospel by all means. Bans on the Bible, sermons in Latin, which the people did not understand, and last but not least, numerous genocides against peoples who believed in the Bible were the prerequisites for the dissemination of the (erroneous) teachings of the catechism. A conglomeration of their own interpretations of the Bible, worldviews and philosophies of the Church Fathers, as they are called today.
The people of that time did not know the truth of the Bible, only the erroneous pronouncements of the Roman Catholic Church. This also included the fairy tales about Hell and purgatory . Fear has always been a trump card. An excommunicated king and his people (e.g. Henry II, England) caused great “discomfort” among the people. After all, they were lost forever according to the teachings of the church and condemned to hell. Without the church there can be no salvation. Thus the papacy easily molded the rulers of the lands into docile “suppleness.” In addition, there were tempting assignments of land (principle of fiefdom) and other lucrative affections and privileges.
The political end was a change of scene
Napoleon Bonaparte put an end to this tyranny of Rome in 1798. The political power of the pope was broken. In connection with the “enlightenment” that was already established at the same time, the fear of hell and purgatory also disappeared. The fact that the leading forces of the French Revolution chose the Jacobin cap as a symbol speaks for another way pointing to Rome.
Seeming Liberation – New Era
However, what seemed like a blessing at first glance is the beginning of a new era. This time and events are described in the book of Revelation 11 in the Bible. The “Beast from the bottomless pit” appears for the first time. The destruction of the Bible-believing people over the past centuries finally failed. The newly pursued strategy that was started at that time is the turning away of people from any kind of Christianity or their belief in completely new philosophies. Atheism was also born and adapted curricula for schools are still being rolled out to this day.
Universal replacement religion
Threats of violence from the church would no longer be fruitful today. That’s why one can unashamedly present oneself as “changed” and “purified” after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). But canon law, catechism and rules laid down in past councils remained untouched. The supposedly toothless tiger now relies on the seduction and thus misleading people. The newly declared pantheistic religion for Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and also atheists is now “preservation of God’s creation”, in short: “climate and nature protection”..
This rapidly progressing change was heralded with Pope Francis. The “conservatives” in this church groan, brace themselves against it and will lose out in the face of the ongoing “cleansing”. The intended change of the pontiff can also be read from his official pectoral cross. A shepherd depicted as Jesus with a sheep on his shoulders, which is held in place by the crossed arms. On the one hand, the pharaoh Akhenaten rather than Jesus can be seen in this picture, on the other hand, the “X” stands for change and transformation.
Handover of the scepter soon
The Roman Catholic Church has long since regained the power to implement its plans globally. The final step, with which the rulers of the earth hand over their power to the “supreme peace and moral apostle” in Rome, is not far off. It doesn’t matter whether this happens through the ceremonial handover of the government deed or through the sovereign rights of the WHO.
The particularly dramatic thing will be that it will not be the church that will use force directly to enforce its legislation, as it did in the Dark Ages, but once again the “public authorities” and also a “completely convinced” majority of the people. The Protestant churches that have meanwhile returned and also fallen will lend a hand with the greatest zeal to the church of Rome.
Time for all people directly and indirectly involved, knowingly and unknowingly, to get out of there as soon as possible.