The number of Catholics has increased worldwide. Completely in contrast to the developments in Germany. What is always interesting is the number of Catholic priests and their sacrificial activities.
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In Germany it’s more of a mass exodus
The number of global Catholics increased by 1 percent in the year compared to 2021. An increase of a good 13 million to a total of 1.39 billion Catholics. The numbers come from the recently published annual church statistics, as reported by numerous Catholic magazines (Source). The global development is therefore opposite to the massive numbers of people leaving the country. In 2022, around 500,000 Catholics in Germany fled the country by leaving the church (Info).
Biggest increase in Catholics in Africa
The Roman Church in Africa saw the largest increase in Catholics. An increase of around 3 percent compared to 2021. In total, around 273 million people in Africa were adherents of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of 2022, only just behind the unchanged 286 million Catholics in Europe. Roughly a fifth of all Catholics are in Europe and another fifth in Africa.
In Asia, the number of Catholics rose by 0.6 percent. In America, the church recorded an increase of 0.9 percent.
Number of priests decreased slightly

While the number of people baptized as Catholics increased worldwide, the number of priests fell to 407,730. However, a minimal decrease of 0.03 percent. While the number of Catholic priests in Africa increased by 3.2 percent, the number in Europe fell by 1.7 percent. In Asia the number rose by 1.6 percent. In North and South America the number of priests remained almost unchanged.
The Catholic priest is not permitted to celebrate the Eucharist more than once a day. The faithful Catholic is obliged to take part in this “Holy Communion” at least once a year. So the priests have their hands full throughout the year distributing the slices of dough and sipping the wine themselves.
Assuming that every Catholic priest actually holds mass once a day. With 407,730 priests, this also meant 407,730 re-sacrifices of Jesus Christ per day, or almost 149 million sacrifices per year. On average, that’s 4.7 sacrificial ceremonies every second worldwide.
Blasphemy 5x per second
So, according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus Christ is required to humbly follow the priest’s instructions every 200 milliseconds and allow himself to be sacrificed by him.
Sounds incredible? But it is the way it comes from a “highly Catholic pen”. (Info). The Eucharist is an expression of veneration of the “Sun God” (host held up, sun-shaped monstrance), while at the same time mocking Jesus Christ (Info).

For the Roman Catholic Church, whose true revered “Lord” named Mithras was born from the rock of a grotto, it is therefore a satisfaction to depict the true Jesus Christ of the Gospel dying or already dead hanging on the cross. Mary, the “Mother of God”, embodies Isis (Info). She is the mother of Horus, again an Egyptian equivalent of Mithras. And Catholics don’t notice any of this. But these circumstances won’t last much longer.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Romans 1:18
Bible verses from King James Version