Olli Dürr

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Moldy host needs dignified treatment – Catholic madness



A once moldy host should not simply be thrown away. Something so “holy” needs to be treated with dignity. After all, dead people have to be buried. The more detailed the dogmas, traditions and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church are examined, the more clearly their completely anti-Christian attitude becomes apparent.

Simple recipe for “Holy”

Mix flour and water together, bake on a hot iron, punch out, and the wafer, which is called a “host” in the Roman Catholic Church, is ready. As a rule, special baking machines with a large kettle are used for the mass production of these dough discs, into which around 27 kg of flour and 37 liters of water can be filled.

With so many wafers and a decreasing number of interested people and VIPs in this church, the stored dough slices can sometimes exceed their expiration date and go bad. No longer found to be suitable for “transformation” into the flesh of Christ (“transubstantiation”) and certainly no longer suitable for consumption by those who believe in it.

The “true body of Christ” in the trash?

Don’t just throw the host in the trash – it’s too ‘holy’

What remains? Dispose of moldy items in the trash. But not in the Roman Catholic Church. Of course, simply disposing of it like any rotten bread is not allowed for such an intended purpose. Especially not when the wafer has already been transformed into the body of Christ according to Catholic mysticism. According to Catholic teaching, Christ becomes present through the transformed wafer and the transformed sacramental wine. The former is the true flesh and the wine is the true blood of Jesus. Not symbolically, but in the truest sense of the word.

The rotting of already transformed hosts occurs especially when the priest has transformed or had too many of the flour-water dough disks transformed into the true flesh of Christ in the Roman Catholic way, and the rush for this strange ritual is regular absent.

If the hosts have already changed, then let Jesus Christ be present, completely. However, the Savior did not present himself in great glory, but in all humility and modesty, as the theologian Dr. Peter Seul explained in an interview with “Domradio”. (Source). After all, he has to know because his specialty is homiletics. A spiritual science in the area of ​​sermons. The bottom line is the development of the liturgy within the framework of Catholic traditions.

Only half the “truth”

However, the “humility and modesty” on the part of Jesus Christ described by Seul does not appear to be entirely voluntary. This becomes clear when considering the more detailed explanations from Catholic scholar and priest John A. O’Brien. He explained further details about this mass ritual in “The Faith of Millions – The Credentials of the Catholic Religion” (1938).

Denn während die Heilige Jungfrau der menschliche Agent war, durch den Christus ein einziges Mal Mensch wurde, holt der Priester Christus vom Himmel herab und macht ihn auf unserem Altar als ewiges Opfer für die Sünden der Menschen gegenwärtig – nicht nur einmal, sondern tausendmal! Der Priester spricht und siehe da! Christus, der ewige und allmächtige Gott, neigt sein Haupt in demütigem Gehorsam gegenüber dem Befehl des Priesters.

The priest drags Jesus Christ from the heavenly throne down to the altar and orders Jesus, who is humbly looking down, to allow himself to be sacrificed by him (more blasphemies like this – here).

You can’t just throw it away

Flour-water baked goods for transformation

Of course, according to Catholic understanding, the body of Christ, which was formed into a disk of dough but has now become moldy, should not simply end up in the organic waste bin or even in the residual waste bin. The Roman Catholic Handbook of Mystical Practices even provides for this. The priest has a sacrarium available for such a case. A basin filled with water. The priest places the spoiled wafers (“Body of Christ”!) in the water and lets them dissolve in it. If the disc of dough has already been dissolved, the priest opens a drain that leads directly into the ground.

“You ‘bury’ the real symbol of Jesus,” says Seul. The host then goes the way of everything earthly and falls apart. For the Catholic Church, this is the appropriate form for dealing with spoiled hosts (“Body of Christ”!). If no sacrarium is available, a burial can also be carried out using a shovel. The same ritual also applies to spoiled wine and, in some cases, oils. The latter are regularly burned at the Easter bonfires.

The place of storage of an already “transformed” wafer is the tabernacle. It is no coincidence that this vessel received the same name as the tabernacle of ancient Israel (Tabernacle – Info). A place where God is present with the people, in the Holy of Holies. In front of this tabernacle of the church, the stored bread and wine are in the so-called sacristy.

Domradio asked Seul where these rituals, as well as the professional wiping up of spilled sacramental wine, were described. Seul named the “Roman Missal” and the “General Introduction to the Roman Missal” as the correct reference works, although the burial rituals for the body of Christ in the form of the host are not included there. When asked where these rites came from, the homiletics expert revealed his expertise: “They arose over time.”

The Catholic magazine recognizes the explosiveness of this topic and asks the expert priest how he would explain the rituals, as they may sound “totally absurd” to those who “have no connection to the Christian faith.” Here, however, the Catholic “specialist magazine” is treading on spongy ground, because these rituals have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity according to the Gospel. However, this is due to the general blasphemous arrogance of this church, which is particularly clearly expressed in such abnormalities surrounding the mass or Eucharist.

With his answer, the Catholic expert priest even gets to the point. Accordingly, the term “disposal” should generally be avoided. You do not throw away a host. These are things “that are most sacred to our faith.” He himself has a turtle on his desk and he would never throw it away. The importance of this turtle is simply too great for that. That’s why you don’t “dispose of” hosts, because “the dead are not ‘disposed of’ or ‘buried’, but buried.”

The full program for “dead Jesus Christ”

Mass idolatry
The Revered Disc of Dough – Idolatry & Paganism

You don’t “dispose of” the dead, you “bury” them. Therefore, the “transformed dough disk” should not be thrown away, but must be buried with dignity. This is exactly what the Mass or the Eucharist is all about in the Roman Catholic Church. A Jesus Christ sitting in heaven, at the right hand of God, is not allowed to live, but must be sacrificed again and again using this sacrificial ritual. Therefore, the host, which – it must be emphasized again and again – is represented in the Catholic Church as the real, true body of the humble Jesus Christ who has just been sacrificed again, is to be viewed as something dead.

Jesus Christ is constantly being sacrificed again, His depiction in this church is either as a helpless baby in the arms of Mary (Heidenfigur für Isis – Info) or as a dead man on the cross, His “true body” is to be eaten by the believers (cannibalism depicted!) and a moldy host must look like a Dead people are buried. The whole package. The real blood of Christ, which is supposed to be present at the mass, is withheld from the believing Catholic anyway, even though there can be no forgiveness without blood (Hebrews 9:22)!

Tabernacle also turned upside down

The tabernacle of the ancient people of Israel was a double tent. First the Holy, followed by the Blessed Sacrament. In front of the entrance was the forecourt. The altar of burnt offering was placed outdoors in this forecourt. The showbread, menorah and altar of incense were located in the first part of the tabernacle, in the holy place. The Ark of the Covenant was located in the Holy of Holies. Inside are the two tablets of the law of Moses, Aaron’s cast-out rod and a bowl of manna. This entire complex was aligned so that the entrance to the outer court and the entrance to the tabernacle were in the east and the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Covenant were in the west.

An ordinary church is oriented in exactly the opposite direction. The entrance in the west and the altar in the east. This is a complete reversal. The hosts, i.e. the sacrifice, are placed in this Roman Catholic tabernacle. And in front of the tabernacle there is bread and wine. This is another complete reversal of God’s instructions.

Tabernacle – Symbol of Heavenly Sanctuary

In the true structure of Israel, the (animal) sacrifices were in front of the tent, in the open air, and not in the tabernacle. The bread was in the tabernacle. The wine symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ. But for the forgiveness of sins this must be in the Tabernacle, first in the Holy Place and once a year (Day of Atonement, Yom Kipphur) in the Holy of Holies. The Roman Catholic Church simply turns it on its head. The blood (wine) and the word of God (bread) remain outside, the sacrifices (host) are taken into the tabernacle.

This is a total reversal of the path of salvation symbolized by the tabernacle according to the Heavenly Sanctuary (Info). If that’s not diabolical, what is?! Merely a characteristic of the earthly representative of the adversary (Info).

There is no excuse anymore

It is always astonishing how people can be misled with such childish superstitions in the face of this obvious, almost blatant mockery of Jesus Christ. In contrast to the darkest times of the Middle Ages, around the 4th to the beginning of the 16th century, when the Church of Rome forbade the possession of the Bible under pain of death for suppressing the truth, since the printing press and the freely available Bible there can no longer be any excuse, not having known the truth (Info).

Revelation 17:5

Bible verses from King James Version

Moldy host needs dignified treatment – Catholic madness
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