Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Liberal Theology: Amazing View of God the “Doers”



The view of some liberal theologians on God is sometimes very astonishing. Whether from a Catholic or Protestant camp. An impressive example from the pens of such teachers directly describes what is let loose on pupils and students as lecturers and teachers today.

The truth is to be told – no stories

Anyone who thinks they want to believe something else despite the obvious and easily recognizable truth is left to him or her to do so. You can draw attention to the truth, present one or two examples and also give well-intentioned advice later. If you meet open ears, then it just goes on. If, on the other hand, windows, doors and ears remain tightly closed, the issue has already been resolved. With that, an evangelical, that is, in the truest sense of the word, a believer who is committed to the gospel, would have done what is actually his job. Preach the gospel, or at least try to. This is the appropriate request in 2 Timothy 4:2:

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

The test instance for truth is everyone himself

Now it is up to every responsible person whether he follows the speeches of his pastor and some liberal theologians without checking them, or whether he pulls himself together to check the statements in the Bible himself. However, it becomes problematic when it comes to teaching children. The offspring are extremely inquisitive and also receptive. The responsibility of the teacher is particularly high in such a case. Jesus Christ had a clear message ready about the deception of “the little ones” who believe in Him, i.e. also children, adolescents, young people and students, Mark 9:42:

“And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”

Catholicism is up to your neck in it

The gospel always proves to be a life preserver

With this, the mediators of the Catholic catechism are not only a hair’s breadth from the edge, but are already right in the middle. Even the comparison of a few essential teachings between the Bible and the catechism that are decisive for salvation show the wide rift that has been torn open. In addition to the constant and repeated sacrifice of Jesus in the Eucharist, the three lies of the serpent in the Garden of Eden are part of the basic equipment of Catholic dogma. Furthermore, the self-image of this church is paved with arrogance and blasphemy.

Image and “saint” worship? Transgression done!

Without having to delve into the depths of the catechism, the Catholic practice of addressing prayers to “saints” and Mary “Our Lady” and to its images and statues is quite sufficient to qualify this as a clear violation of the real second commandment. Exodus 20:4-6:

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”

It is probably no accident that this second commandment disappeared from the official teaching of the Catholic Church. According to the Bible, this second commandment is “tinkered” with the first commandment in the catechism and is regularly concealed as its “appendage”.
The prayers are to be addressed to the “saints”, as is the request of Ignatius of Loyola, and God expressly forbids this. There is nothing to interpret here. 1 John 3:4: “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” A blatant transgression, a sin per se, Done! Completely incomprehensible that such clear facts can be ignored in such a way, as is the normal case with the Catholic believers in this church, who often have the best of intentions.

A strange view of our Creator

The article by a religion teacher who, in addition to English and history, also teaches Catholic religion, shows what a strange understanding of God and His Gospel some teachers can have. She found that God is obviously a “doer.”

Well. If you open the Bible and start with the very first verse, you read in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created heaven and earth”. If you continue reading, after more consecutive days of creation, you end up on day seven. On that seventh day of the week, blessed and sanctified by God, God states that everything He had made was “Very Good.” Is correct. God is obviously a “maker”.

God’s creation does not occur at all

But the religion teacher has obviously discovered completely different points of reference. It is not the active creation of a world that was still perfect at the time and that we cannot even imagine in a dream, which allows them to recognize God as the “doer”, but “(dis)turbance, irritation, unrest”(!). Despite all the “discomfort and inconvenience”, this could also be “the second name of Jesus, the second name of the Holy Spirit, the second name of God”. And these attributes should “get noticed”. This also applies where harmony and tranquility are desired or required. In case of doubt, this harmony and calm also exist in the cemetery, according to the author.

Inspiration of the Washing of the Feet

foot washing
Jesus Christ wanted to set an example – Mutual Forgiveness

At Easter this year, the “sermon on Maundy Thursday” inspired her to remember the washing of feet. “Where we wash one another’s feet, where we serve one another, church happens,” is the meaning of foot washing, which is not fully explained. But where this thought appears, church walls can also be blown up and the view expanded. Here the church becomes visible and tangible and also visible “in pastoral care and liturgy, in the proclamation of faith and charitable activities”.

According to the “rules of the game of antiquity”, washing someone else’s feet was slavery, according to the teacher. Washing someone else’s feet was literally dirty work. Therefore, this fact should not be hastily glossed over with “a reference to Jesus’ sovereign humility.” The disciples were never slave owners themselves and therefore this action of Jesus must have disturbed them.

The Catholic Misunderstanding

Simple Bible
A look at the scriptures could clear up misunderstandings

With this presentation, the history and religion teacher seems to have overlooked a “small” but important detail. Humility was a quality of Jesus, that’s right. But with His act of washing the feet, He gave an example and also a symbol for the mutual forgiveness of transgressions (not sin! This can only be forgiven by God). Jesus Christ said about this in John 13:14-15:

“If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.”

When the Pope washes someone’s feet again in a way that attracts the attention of the media, it is not an expression of humility, but evidence of his boundless arrogance. The pontifex plays himself as “Lord and Master” Jesus Christ (Representative on earth), who himself does not need to have his feet washed.

The expanded view

For the religion teacher, the church can be a place where people can see and experience how people do each other good, “where they lift one another up, encourage one another, make one another great or let them become great.” However, this is not absolute, but depends on the eye of the beholder to discover “church” there. However, this is less as a “fixed institution, but more in the sense of dynamic, possibly only selective succession.”

The author concludes with a “last thought”: It doesn’t really matter whether it is Jesus, his disciples, especially Peter, who “surprises” him with the washing of his feet, or whether the Holy Spirit drives the fishermen of Galilee onto the streets of Jerusalem, God is obviously a “doer”.

Elimination of the absolute through fictions

And? Already internalized the message of this teacher? One can only congratulate the masterminds and developers of the “learning against learning” strategy for their successful but completely disastrous work. The signature of this “exegesis” and the thought structures that completely deny the absolute and are filled with fictions can be unmistakably assigned to the “Loyola forge”. One involuntarily asks oneself, what is this article supposed to say? What is the gospel message? Not really matter. That’s just the thing of the teacher and also senior teacher (!).

This is how liberal theologians are born

University of Bonn
Tragedy about the ‘formation’ of so-called theologians in various universities

The dramatic thing, however, is that this way of thinking is conveyed to the young at the so-called theological colleges, and the thistles (not fruits) that disguise themselves today as mediators of the gospel also look accordingly. It depends on the detail and this is also reflected in the word “proclamation of faith” used by the religion teacher. Even here the “relative point of view” argument cannot apply. Because “proclamation of faith” in the Catholic sense is the dissemination of the Church’s own dogmas. These are binding to believe under threat of sanctions. The Bible-believing evangelical also recognizes “proclamation of the faith” as a Catholic quality. However, the Bible faithful himself speaks of “preaching the gospel”.

Disorder, irritation, restlessness” as a middle name? Terribly outlandish!
If you want to know what names (characteristics) Jesus Christ received in the gospel, you can find out here.

Bible verses from King James Version

Liberal Theology: Amazing View of God the “Doers”
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