Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Justification of purgatory in a “postmodern” narrative style



Purgatory is one of the indelible teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Undeterred by the obvious nonsense, this institution continues to cling to its former instrument of fear and panic. But the justification for this amounts to a perversion of “simple common sense”. Despite everything, this mother organization can enjoy a large following within the framework of ecumenism.

An old story revisited

Purgatory, the “place of purification,” is now one of the exclusive ideas of the Roman Catholic Church. The biblical basis for such purgatory is therefore very shaky. The only passages in the Bible mentioned include the statement in1. Corinthians 3:13-15:
Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Purgatory – A purely Catholic place of purification

Included is a statement that could only be used as purgatory as defined by the Catholic Church if the context is completely ignored. A connection that probably shouldn’t be presented in the overall picture because verse 11 already contains a very revealing statement:
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Other translations use the term “ground” for the word “foundation” (Greek: themelion). A statement that emphasizes Jesus Christ as the reason, the foundation and therefore also the rock of His church. This would easily expose the fraud that establishes Peter as the foundation of the Church and the Pope as his successor.

The context is in the foundation of faith

In the context of 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 is the foundation or strength of one’s own faith. Pure lip service is not built on the foundation of Jesus, but on “gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble” (verse 12). This is where fire comes into play. A fire would immediately reveal a subsoil made of wood, hay and straw to be completely worthless. Even any wealth (gold, silver, precious stones) is not immune to the consequences of a fire. The fire cannot withstand all of this. Such a fire burns not only the subsoil, but also any work that was built on it. It is void and therefore doomed to failure from the start.

However, the Church of Rome used Paul’s statement to the Corinthians to create a “purifying fire” for the “purification of imperfect souls”.

Gnostic writings have to help out

The Catholic Church has a preference for Gnostic writings

Another supposed support for the Catholic Church’s purgatory is a passage in the 2nd book of Maccabees, chapter 12, verses 43-45:
And making a gathering, he sent twelve thousand drachms of silver to Jerusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously concerning the resurrection, for if he had not hoped that they that were slain should rise again, it would have seemed superfluous and vain to pray for the dead, and because he considered that they who had fallen asleep with godliness, had great grace laid up for them.

The book of Maccabees is as much an exclusive of the Catholic Church as its purgatory story. The above example is taken from the “Douay-Rheims 1899” because this book, like other apocrypha, is not part of the Word of God. This verse alone explains very clearly why this book, the Word of God, has no place in the Bible.

Apparently the author of the book of Maccabees advocated the worship of the dead. This is pure spiritualism and is opposed to the gospel. The very teaching about an “immortal soul” is in stark contradiction to the Word of God (Info). Praying for the dead is not only pointless and unnecessary, but also an abomination to God.

But even from these verses, contained in a book written by Hellenistic Gnostics, it is only with extreme difficulty that a purgatory of the Roman Catholic Church can be derived.

Principles of Purgatory

It remains what it is. Purgatory is a fantasy product of the “church fathers” of Rome. A means of scaring people into their compliance. A lie as a means of pressure to take money out of people’s pockets through the sale of indulgences. Pope Leo X “industrialized” this money-making machine, the indulgence trade, and also sent Johann Tetzel to Wittenberg, in what was then Saxony. An Augustinian monk named Martin Luther was also present there at that time. He had exactly 95 reasons to publicly denounce this completely mendacious indulgence sale by the Church of Rome.

The Roman Church divides this purgatory, or the “thing somewhere in between,” into different categories. One is the “standard purgatory.” All souls who have confessed their sin to a Catholic come to this facility. Priests confessed, but could not compensate for this guilt with enough good works. These souls first have to “burn off” the remaining guilt.

Then there is an “intermediate thing” with an eternity character, the so-called limbus. All people, especially children, who died without first being baptized end up there. In this limbo, positioned somewhere between heaven and hell, these poor souls must remain for all eternity.

There is “reason for hope”

Unbaptized children may be able to go to paradise

But there is some “good news”. Pope Benedict XVI, in his “God-given authority,” simply abolished limbo in April 2007. Thanks to his mercy, unbaptized children now go straight to paradise. Is it really like that?
Unfortunately, this automatic passage of unbaptized children directly to paradise is not that safe. It would also have been too easy. Because a doctrine proclaimed in a state of “infallibility” cannot simply be corrected. The remaining limbo catch: From the theologians’ point of view, there is only a basis for the hope that unbaptized infants can be saved based on applicable liturgies.

That’s just Catholic theology (philosophy). This completely confused network of a hodgepodge of “spirit flashes” accumulated over many centuries is unprecedented. To put it in Luther’s words: All of this belonged on the dung heap of the Roman decretals.

The “ex cathedra” purgatory endures

The church still adheres to purgatory today. She can’t do anything else, because her self-ascribed infallibility in such teachings only forces further fantasies. The story about purgatory was proclaimed “ex cathedra” at the Council of Trent and must therefore be communicated to the outside world as irrefutable.

The “specialist magazine” catholic.com attempted such a defense of the purgatory myth (source). The act of pure cruelty (Catholic image of God), which was once conveyed as mental anguish, is now hardly taken at face value. The clerics adorned in purple and scarlet (Revelation 17:4) also had to admit this. Its current chief shepherd, placed in Rome, brought the “Wind of Change” into this church.

Pope Francis, a Jesuit, relies on “unconditional love” instead of fear, terror and cruelty, which would immediately come to mind to any person who has not forgotten history. The “good old days” that this church is currently mourning will return soon enough (Info).

An attempt at justification

Justicia without a blindfold
Catholic Justification – The blindfold is removed

Already in the introduction to the supposed justification of the doctrine of purgatory, the author shows how difficult it is for this church to maintain this historical nonsense even today. “Some Protestants criticize the doctrine of purgatory by saying it’s “bad news” in contrast to the “good news” of salvation revealed in the Bible.”

Should such “Protestants” really exist, or ever have existed? The Bible contains no reference to purgatory, as shown above. A Protestant rejects this purgatory tale because it is based on a spirit that has nothing at all to do with the gospel.

But in keeping with the snake’s method, one can certainly dare to make such a bold thesis. The Catholic author simply states something that may not have been said and refutes it in a “sovereign” manner. The example of this already exists in Genesis 3:1:
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

The Roman Catholic Catechism includes the 3 Lies of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden as official teaching (Info).

“Purgatory is a blessing for people”

But what follows in the supposed justification of the institution for the pure torture of souls set up by a “thoroughly vengeful and cruel God” (a mediated image of God) is evidence of the degenerate, even rotten spirit of this church in Rome. You simply turn the tables and declare purgatory as a blessing for all people directly and indirectly involved.

The author uses 4 points to explain why purgatory is “indeed good news” for the Catholic Church.
For this purpose, only the main theses stated are sufficient. If you really want to look into the details, you can do so on the said page of this Catholic “specialist magazine”.

1. Purgatory consoles believers concerning loved ones who die without the perfect holiness required for heaven.
2. Purgatory consoles believers in knowing that the relationship with our loved ones can continue after death even though they have not yet attained the beatific vision in heaven.
3. Purgatory consoles believers in knowing that the souls in purgatory can pray for us.
4. Purgatory consoles believers in knowing that our prayers console our loved ones in purgatory.

The cynicism is hard to beat

Purgatory, according to the original Catholic definition a place of terrible torment, is actually a stroke of luck according to the “postmodern” narrative!
What has to go wrong in someone’s head to not only believe such theses, but also to spread them?
The Church of Rome made tens of billions from the flourishing indulgence trade by telling people that their relatives were suffering terrible torments and that this time could be shortened by a few “thousand years” by purchasing indulgences. “When the coin clinks in the box, the soul jumps out of the fire,” is one of the most well-known traditional “advertising slogans”.

But the author adds one more thing.
“St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that love is ‘to wish good to someone,’ ‘just as he wills good to himself’.” Based on this definition of love, it could be deduced that “the good that the souls in Purgatory experience through the removal of their obstacles to heaven is experienced as our own good.” The consolation of the souls in purgatory is also our consolation, their source of joy is also our source of joy. For Catholics it is a special joy to pray for the dead.

In other words: Purgatory not only opens up the possibility of expressing love, but is itself an institution of practiced love.

A single perversion of the gospel

This clearly shows what perversion of “common sense” is necessary in order to press such incontrovertible teachings from earlier centuries into a new zeitgeist. The gospel is not even being compared here as a standard. However, the four theses of this author are Kahtolicism in its purest form. Spiritualism and twisting the Word of God into the complete opposite. Who would ever want to join forces with such an institution that unmistakably has the diabolical spirit of the dragon within it?

Joining forces through ecumenism

Bahai Religion
Ecumenism is the great deception and seduction – the blind follow

This supposed justification of purgatory does not come from the 5th, 16th or 18th centuries, but from the year 2023!
It is all the more incomprehensible to have such an institution, which is described in the Bible as the “son of perdition”, the “man of sin”, the “abomination of the earth” and the “whore of Babylon”, in common ecumenical circles wanting to do something. Closing ranks with the Church of Rome as the mother organization, head and supreme moral giver, is the direct denial of the Gospel, the rejection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Creator, our King and Savior.

Those in the circle of ecumenism, at whatever level, should be very careful not to follow this mother church one step further in the future. The danger of falling into the footsteps of the pursuers is very high, if not inevitable. All that remains is for you to return to the written word of God, to leave, to come out of Babylon (Info). But anyone who sits at the common table of this motherly association today can no longer recognize these connections due to their own blindness. This also applies to the inability to understand the newly introduced teachings about the “preservation of creation” (pantheism) as the great deception announced in the Gospel in the time of the end.

What else can help? Jesus Christ himself gave the answer. Obviously nothing, because leave them alone! Jesus Christ knows no coercion and He leaves people free to make their own decisions. Coercion, deception and violence, on the other hand, are the tools of the adversary and his earthly henchman based in Rome.
“But the church has changed for the better?!” The Church of Rome has never changed its character, goals and motives. Only their political disempowerment in 1798 led to a temporary end to their tyranny. The power that this church has now regained and the harmless appearance of this church is purely due to the current times. This church is a chameleon and simply changed its strategy. From her former brutality to the so-called Enlightenment to the current “love and gentleness” of a consuming Circe.

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Matthew 15:14

Bible verses from King James Version

Justification of purgatory in a “postmodern” narrative style
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