Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

John the Baptist – Herod – Herodias – Daughter – A type



The constellation and action in which John the Baptist stood before Herod and in the end John lost his head is a prime example of the constellations at the end of our time. If only the symbolism behind it is understood.

Familiar story

It is widely known that John the Baptist stood before the tetrarch in Galilee, Herod Antipas. Just as the gospel commands, John had no view of Herod. He warned Tetrakh that his marriage to Herodias was illegitimate before God. It is adultery because Herodias was previously the wife of her uncle Herod Boethos. However, he was still alive, so there was a divorce.

Herodias did not like this admonition at all and was correspondingly annoyed. For the occasion, Herod held a party at which Herodias’ daughter performed a dance. Her dance was so provocative that Herod promised her in front of the crowd that she could make a wish. He will fulfill it for her. Herodias asked her daughter to ask Herod for John’s head. She did that too. Herod wasn’t happy about it at all, but he did it because he didn’t want to be seen as a breaker of his word. John the Baptist was then beheaded.

The existing symbolism

Interior view of St. Peter's Basilica
The mother of all harlots will stir up her daughters

A well-known story. However, if one also takes into account the respective positions of the actors, this constellation can certainly be transferred to the current times. John the Baptist stands as a symbol for true believers. Herod represents state power. Herodia, as a woman, represents a church, as does her daughter, as a docile appendage. Revelation 17 describes such an apostate woman (harlot) as the “mother of all harlots” (Info).

The type – antitype

Herod – state power
Herodias – Roman Catholic Church
Daughter – Fallen, once Protestant churches (Info)
John the Baptists – True Believers

A constellation of the future (present)

A look at history reveals that the Church of Rome always washed its own hands in innocence, while those declared heretics were executed by the state. Pope Innocent III already ensured this at the end of the 12th century when he stipulated that heresy should be equated with insult to majesty. This automatically set the wheels of state power in motion when the church declared someone a heretic.

This will continue to be the case in the future. The Roman Catholic Church in its “highly moral innocence” will whisper its wishes to its daughters (fallen once Protestant churches). Their daughters will “dance provocatively” to the country’s leading minds so that these wishes become reality. The target will be the true believers. So those who hold to the gospel, keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Offenbarung 12,17

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

John the Baptist – Herod – Herodias – Daughter – A type
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