When a Jesuit preaches about Jesus Christ, there is no need to look critically between the lines. The rejection and mockery of the Son of God, the Word of God, is actually openly presented.
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Jesuit sermon very insightful
A sermon by a Jesuit shows once again what makes these monks tick when it comes to the Gospel, especially Jesus Christ. The Jesuit order describes itself as “Societas Jesu” (SJ, “Society of Jesus”), suggesting that it is particularly close to Jesus Christ. However, practice since 1540 has shown that they either actually represent the opposite or address a completely different figure with “Jesus” (“God saves”).

In the “offer” there is the pagan “sun god” Mithras, who is not only referred to as the “anointed one” (Greek Christos), but also as the “savior of the world” (Info).
In a sermon, the Jesuit Eberhard von Gemmingen SJ describes his view of the humanity of Jesus (Source). He asks what kind of person Jesus actually was and whether he could be divided into “our human categories”.
Gemmingen focuses on the letter to the Hebrews and addresses the temptations that Jesus was exposed to during his time of ministry. It is said that he was tempted as we are tempted. Jesuits know the Bible very well, especially those passages that concern Jesus Christ. After all, they are in the “society of Jesus”. Therefore, statements and details that deviate from the Bible can safely be viewed as intentional.
Temptation to escape
As an example, the Jesuit recalls the 40 days in which Jesus was tempted three times by the devil. A “small inaccuracy” has already crept in at this point. Jesus Christ was not tempted by Satan in the desert during the 40 days of Lent, but at the end of the fast (Matthew 4:1-11). However, Gemmingen believes that Jesus suffered the greatest temptation the evening before his crucifixion. Accordingly, Jesus Christ struggled with the temptation to simply run away. So an escape to Galilee was an option. Jesus knew about his coming suffering and the lack of understanding of his apostles.
But the Bible gives no indication whatsoever of Jesus’ temptation to take his feet and run away. Yes, Jesus Christ knew exactly what was coming, but His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane didn’t sound like He was wrestling with whether to flee, Matthew 26:39:
“And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.“
Denial Son of God

According to the Jesuit, Jesus was dealing with the stupidity of people and the cowardice of his disciples. But Jesus called himself a son of man. That is a huge claim. This means that Jesus sees himself “as sent by God in a special way, that he surpasses the great lawgiver Moses,” said Gemmingen. Moses said “Love your neighbor, hate your enemy.” But Jesus disagreed, saying, “Love your enemies.” The fact that Jesus placed himself above Moses was “extremely demanding”
The “huge claim of Jesus” is constructed, because “Son of Man” means nothing more and nothing less than “human being.” The Jesuit uses this to make Jesus’ own claim to be a separate messenger of God. Indirectly, Gemmingen denies that Jesus Christ is actually the Son of God, the Word of God who became man (John 1:1-3; 14). There is no need for a claim from this that might not even exist (Philippians 2:5-8).
The denial of Jesus, the Son of God, is also reflected in the wording “Moses the Lawgiver” used by the Jesuit. Moses was not the lawgiver, he was the messenger, but Jesus Christ himself is the lawgiver. The statement cited by the Jesuit, “hate your enemies”, was not a statement or a “law of Moses”, but the custom of the society of that time, which opposed Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:43:
“Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.“
Jesus Christ contradicted the tradition of men, but not His own law, which He never formulated in this way anyway. Jesus’ claimed “tremendous claim” to place himself above Moses merely confirms the Jesuits’ rejection of the Son of God.
Was “seduced” instead of “tempted”
The Jesuit switches to the Gospel of John, in which Jesus claims to be one with the Father. A reason for the chief priests to condemn Jesus to death because they recognized Jesus’ claim. On the one hand, Jesus appears very confident and confident, but on the other hand, he is seduced by the devil, says Gemmingen. It is written in Hebrews that we have a high priest who knows our weaknesses, who was tempted but did not sin.
Something always sticks. The Jesuit describes Jesus’ self-confident appearance and his “seduction” by the devil. But the appropriate formulation would have been, “he will be tempted by the devil.” “Seduction” suggests a completed act of falling.
300 years to the early church

The Jesuit comes to the conclusion that the question of who Jesus actually is remains open if one takes him seriously(!). “He’s a secret,” said Gemmingen. Therefore, it is no wonder that it took the “early church” around 300 years to recognize that “he is man and God”. He is not only a “temptable man” and not only a God who has become visible, but both.
“This is the faith of the church” and “modern Christians” have to deal with “this mystery” throughout their lives, said the Jesuit. In the past, people had an easier time because they believed what the “authority of the church” taught.
A complete reach into the void and yet insightful. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, was written around the year 95. By then the apostles had already spread the gospel widely. They were blessed by the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) and had full understanding of the nature of Jesus Christ and His messages. The Jesuit wants to make it known that it took around 300 years for understanding to mature.
Actually proof that the Roman Catholic Church and the “original church” called by the Jesuits have nothing at all to do with the Gospel, except by using individual Bible passages to maintain the appearance of Christianity. This approximately 300 years “after” includes the period in which Emperor Constantine, then the “Pontifex Maximus” and “sol invictus”, introduced the Sunday law in 321 and four years later convened the Council of Nicaea. At that time, the established syncretism of Christianity and the Mithras cult was established as official teaching. The very “original church” that is now known as the Roman Catholic Church.
Blatant rejection of Jesus Christ

It’s actually obvious. The Roman Catholic Church and its military spearhead, the Jesuit Order, reject Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Living Word of God, in His entirety. The Church of Rome’s own statements prove this (Info). It is clear that the terms “Jesus” and “Christ” do not describe the Jesus Christ of the Gospel, but rather the pseudo-god Mithras, who is actually worshiped by the Church of Rome.
The cult of Mithras, rooted in ancient Egypt, is also evident in the abhorrent practice of the Eucharist (Info) and the structure of the Roman Catholic priesthood (Info).
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 19:20
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)