Often, just a few words are enough to reveal one’s true attitude. According to a Jesuit, the death of Jesus is the hope of Christians. In doing so, he bluntly reveals his Roman Catholic orientation.
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A Jesuit “warns”
Often it is only the little things that can be seen in what is written down “between the lines” that reveal the actual motivation. Showing concern for people’s salvation, the Jesuit Klaus Mertes warned in the magazine “Stimmen der Zeit” (August issue) about the lost knowledge of Christianity. This “cultural magazine”, printed by the Freiburg publishing house Herder, has existed since 1865. The publisher is the German Province of the Jesuits.
Concern about faith-knowledge
The current article by Jesuit Mertes was discussed by the online magazine “katholisch.de”. (Source). Accordingly, Mertes warned against Western society turning away from Christianity. This would not only unsettle “church-oriented people”, but also non-Christians. Only religious knowledge makes faith possible. This is the prerequisite for being able to open up a connection to faith to non-religious people.
Mertes experienced a father and his 10-year-old son entering an empty church. The son asked the father who “that man on the cross” was. But the father had no answer.
If the question of who this man on the cross is lost, there is more at stake than “just the knowledge of a historical crucifixion on Golgotha,” said the Jesuit. If this knowledge is lost, then this also brings with it the loss of the religious belief, according to which the death of Jesus brings with it hope for all people beyond death.
The rest of the views of the Jesuit Mertes can be ignored, since the core statement has already been made.
Hope lies in the death of Jesus?
With his statement that the death of Jesus is the hope of people, he describes exactly the actual philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church. With the death of Jesus Christ, hope is far from being nourished. Although death is the prerequisite for resurrection, this aspect is completely ignored by the Church of Rome. For the hope of people in true Christianity, not in Catholicism, lies not in the death of Jesus Christ, but in His resurrection.
Mertes visibly ignored the resurrection of Jesus by simply formulating it “beyond death”. What should there be “after death” anyway? The Roman Catholic Church teaches that an immortal soul separates from the body. However, the Gospel says that the person who has died knows nothing at all, because the person does not have a soul, but as a living person he is the soul (more info).
Purely Catholic teaching
A dead Jesus on the (Catholic) cross, the teaching that Jesus Christ did not have to die for our sins (Info), and the pagan ritual of the Eucharist (constant re-sacrifice of Jesus – info) prove that the death of Jesus was only for the Roman Catholic Church represents a hope, since this fundamentally pagan institution does not worship the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who led Israel out of the land of Egypt, but His opponent.
Only with the death of Jesus Christ would this Roman organization have hope that the dragon that gave power to the “beast from the sea” (Revelation 13:2) could achieve his goal (Info). However, this hope is in vain, because the judgment of the unfortunate trio “Babylon” is already certain.
Hope in the resurrection
The hope for the Christian lies in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not in His death. Because what does a person want to be able to do with death alone? Nothing. If Jesus Christ had not been resurrected, all hope would be in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:13-15:
“But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.“
Beyond death there is either eternal life or ultimately eternal non-existence. Salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ brings eternal life, and life has as little in common with death as light as with darkness. Knowing that the battle has already been lost, Satan’s only concern is to drag as many people as possible into his fate. The Church of Rome, probably through self-deceived actors, helps him with a lot of commitment.
The hope of the Roman Catholic institution lies in the death of Jesus Christ, not in His resurrection so that Satan can take over the reign. But that won’t be the case. Therefore, completely in vain and wasted.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Revelation 13:6
Bible verses from King James Version