Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Interesting search results for years 2024 to 2031



A simple search query on the top search engine produces very interesting results. What seems to be affecting people, authors and Hollywood for the years 2024 to 2031. Or where would you “preferably” go?

Just look for the year

Entering the simple year “2024”, “2025”, “2026”, etc. into the Google search engine produces interesting results. Below is the respective screen capture of the first results displayed for “searched” images, matching the search query.

The search results for the years

Screenshot 2024
Screenshot for 2024
Screenshot 2025
Screenshot for 2025

Screenshot 2026
Screenshot for 2026
Screenshot 2027
Screenshot for 2027

Screenshot 2028
Screenshot for 2028
Screenshot 2029
Screenshot for 2029

Screenshot 2030
Screenshot for 2030
Screenshot 2031
Screenshot for 2031

Quite a variety of abnormalities

It goes without saying that the search results do not demonstrate prophecy or a specific agenda. The search engine from Alphabet may well have excellent knowledge of how best to screen users it sees as commodities in order to make maximum capital out of them. Google also shapes the public’s opinion by highlighting search results on various topics, as well as outright censorship, but prophecy is definitely not one of its skills.

Nevertheless, the respective focal points presented cannot be denied. While the images for the year 2024 appear completely harmless and have no context other than the year displayed, things look completely different for the search query “2025”. Here, a much bleaker picture emerges compared to the still colorful 2024. The film industry is very happy to take on various topics that can have an agenda, push them or even initiate certain trends themselves. Unfortunately, the success so far with the masses, who take the illusions of the jugglers a la Hollywood and Co. at face value, speaks for itself.

2025 to 2027

The prominent themes for 2025 even describe a “lockdown” and the “enslavement of society”. The “Project 2025”, which certainly has a real political background, also found its way into the top positions after a corresponding search query (Project 2025 – Info).

The year 2026 is clearly marked by the planned World Cup. In 2026, the competition will take place on the American continent, Canada, Mexico and the USA. Just a year later, in 2027, the tables will be turned again. Apparently, various authors have dedicated themselves to this year separately. In the first place a scene of the “end of the world”. Depictions of a burning earth, the “return of the Messiah”, the fall of civilization and the “Antichrist” are the focus for 2027.

2028 to 2031

The apocalypse “initiated” in 2027 will continue in 2028. Apparently there is a showdown between good and evil. The USA appears to be playing a prominent role again and, according to one author, the “secret rapture” is also on the horizon. However, anyone who believes the gospel more than “apocalyptically oriented” authors knows that this rapture will happen (Info).

The search results for 2029 show the darkest picture overall. It really looks like the end of the world mood. Some apologists see problems raining down on Earth this year due to a cosmic catastrophe. Compared to the leaden, heavy black for the year 2029, the search results for 2030 are in striking contrast. An almost refreshing blue of a “brave new world”. Everything seems to be in perfect order, a new order. The strong breeze of science fiction cannot be overlooked.

The overall picture for the 2031 search results shows a certain return to (current) normality. Continued science fiction, a latecomer to the apocalypse theme, but otherwise dominated by ordinary calendars and years.

Prospect of providence or guidance?

Topics that move people, or rather that people should be moved to? Here is a statement from the theosophist and mentor for the UN education network (Info), Alice Ann Bailey, aus “The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, 1957 (Source):

“- The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.

– The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.

– The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership.”

The year 2025 has long been in sight

The organization Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifers Trust), founded by Bailey, puts the year 2025 at the prophetic focus. Although the philosophies and predictions of a Bailey, Blavatsky and a Crowley can safely be thrown into the trash in terms of value, the perspectives presented should not be underestimated in terms of the educated agenda that they represent for humanity (Source).

2025 is a Jubilee year in the Christian and Jewish calendar that is also the focus of prophecy. The ageless wisdom suggests that in the 25th year of every century there is a gathering on the subtle planes of all Masters, Saints, Rishis and Enlightened Beings, and over time this is followed by significant changes in humanity.

[…] This might mean people who have achieved some measure of spiritual enlightenment emerging as leaders in all manner of human affairs, uniting the hundreds of thousands of world servers from every part of the planet, initiating a renaissance in global culture and civilization. Prophecy even suggests the emergence, at some undefined time, of a Christ-like figure recognized by people of spiritual inclination in all faiths.

The Roman Catholic Church has declared 2025 a “Holy Year” as part of its 25-year cycle. Also the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea (325). The “leap year” for this church, in which their practiced paganism was elevated to dogma.

No reason to worry

Should you be afraid? No! Anyone who stands on the foundation of the gospel, and not on the stories from many pulpits and lecterns, can look forward with excitement to what developments are to be expected. After all, the direction of travel is (roughly) given and simply needs to be read in the books of Daniel and Revelation (Info). Only those who persistently refuse to accept the truth of the Gospel are on very dangerous ground. He always has reason to fear what is to come. Because it is clear who will have the last word.

And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
Isaiah 2:19

Bible verses from King James Version

Interesting search results for years 2024 to 2031
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