Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

God’s often strange ways have a reason



God’s ways are usually anything but understandable. His actions always raise questions. But when the background is taken into account, the reasons seem quite understandable.

Guessing about God’s ways

At times you might wonder why God acts the way he does. At times it seems very strange, not to mention somehow understandable. On the one hand, God knows everything in advance, but on the other hand, He acts as if He didn’t know. Or, God plays with “drawn cards”.

Who other than God knows everything in advance and can therefore look into the future as if it were the present? Nobody else.

God is the accused

Satan accuses God

In order to figure out the “secret,” a few circumstances must be taken into account. God is a defendant! Not to be confused with actually being guilty. It is enough for someone to bring charges, regardless of whether the charges are justified or not, to be considered a defendant. In this case, it is Satan who accuses God. The adversary claims that God’s laws (10 Commandments) can never be kept by humans. They are unfair and arbitrary. God is therefore a despot and tyrant. Satan, on the other hand, presents his own thesis that man is so free that he can do whatever he wants, because man’s own morality is ultimately directed towards the good.

With this thesis, Satan himself began his own rebellion against God and also managed to finally get a third of the angels on his side (Revelation 12:4). The Adversary continued his rebellion on earth and also bought the right through deceit through his seductive lies to Eve and Adam (Info).

Why didn’t God just destroy Satan?

This disturbing question would have been raised sooner or later by the angels who remained faithful to God. God wants His creatures to love Him as much as He loves His creatures. Obedience to the laws necessary for a perfectly harmonious world for beings with a free will not out of love and knowledge of God’s love, but out of fear. That is not in God’s spirit.

God wants to prove it

Eliminating all adversaries with one stroke of a hand doesn’t seem particularly convincing of God’s justice and love. Therefore, the Creator wants to demonstrate His true nature (Romans 3:26). This only works because the world can see for itself where the sin brought into the world by Satan is leading and that this is countered by the absolute justice and love of God. The world is a witness (1 Corinthians 4:9).

For humans, obedience to God primarily means glorifying God. The person who keeps God’s commandments out of genuine faith and love for God and fellow human beings is proof of the possibility of being able to keep the commandments at all (Info).

The world as a witness can thereby be convinced that God’s laws are good and just. The ultimate example was set by Jesus Christ. The Word of God who came into this world as a human being and remained without any sin. Likewise, the world sees with its own eyes where sin leads. All you need to do is look into this world.

Since the accused cannot be a judge at the same time, God the Father has handed over all judgment to His Son (John 5:22).

The world will be convinced

Find magnifying glass
The world is watching very closely

For this reason, God acts as if He does not know what will happen in the future. Only He knows what is coming and no one else. Only in this way can the witnessing world understand and recognize that God’s actions and ways are just, that everyone reserves their own will for their own decision. The fact that Satan was able to carry out his rebellion for so long is proof that God does not deprive His creatures of their free choice.

Satan has already lost his rebellion against Jesus Christ. The battle was decided with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Satan has nothing against Jesus. Any accusation would immediately be recognized as a false allegation. Therefore, Satan’s battle is no longer focused on Jesus Christ himself, but on the remnant of true believers (Revelation 12:17). Satan knows exactly what will happen to him and his vassals, just as Jesus Christ revealed to John on Patmos (Revelation 19:20; 20:10).

However, Jesus Christ sees Satan’s attacks on the remaining true believers as an attack on Him personally (e.g. Acts 9:4). The people of God are like the apple of His own eye (Zechariah 2:8).

The world is about to reach its peak

“Only” the conclusion of the long-running court is now pending. The world is heading towards the climax of the (spiritual) battle between good and evil. Satan and his minions will rise once again to fight the final battle. Satan, with the aim of dragging as many people as possible into his downfall and the earthly henchmen in their deception that the adversary will one day take over rule. But even they have only been led astray by Satan in their rebellion against God.

In the end, God’s justice and love will be proven. The world could see this for itself. Sin will be no more.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

God’s often strange ways have a reason
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