Anyone who relies on others is abandoned. This saying applies once again to the expectant question of a reader concerned about his salvation to the expertise of the Protestant Church. The professional answer once again confirms the completely incorrect image of God with a fatally mistaken promise of salvation.
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Should divine judgment be feared?
Again in “good faith”, an interested and visibly concerned reader turned to the “expertise” of the Protestant Church with a question in order to receive an answer to an essential topic. As is so often the case (Info), the technical information from a media specialist from the Protestant Church just amazes you.
In a very brief question, a reader would like to know what lies behind the creed, “from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.” The interested person also wants to know whether he is loved by God, even when he sins, is not perfect and makes mistakes (Source).
The answer from the expertise
The apparently leading expert of this media institution of the Protestant churches sees this question as the actual spark of the Reformation. Accordingly, Martin Luther once asked himself how he could get a merciful God. Luther also realized that he could never be flawless. The fact that he would one day have to stand before the judgment seat of God caused Luther great fear. Therefore, the confession that “from there he will come to judge” could become a threat. “Who wants to be accused in court for something they can’t do anything about!” said the expert.
Accordingly, Luther found the answer to this question. He was referring to a statement made by Paul. According to the expert, he is of the opinion that no matter how hard people can try, good deeds will not make God love people so much that there is nothing to fear in judgment. God’s love cannot be earned, it can only be accepted. Luther recognized that people simply have to believe that God loves us so much that he himself became human.
Accordingly, Luther found the answer to this question. He was referring to a statement made by Paul. According to the expert, he is of the opinion that no matter how hard people can try, good deeds will not make God love people so much that there is nothing to fear in judgment. God’s love cannot be earned, it can only be accepted. Luther recognized that people simply have to believe that God loves us so much that he himself became human.
The requested creed expresses Christians’ confession of waiting for the return of Jesus. This will also herald the end of the world as it exists today. Christianity hopes that God will bring his kingdom to completion. According to the expert, Jesus will “judge” all people for this purpose. In connection with the knowledge of God’s love for people, the consequence is that we all have to face our mistakes. “It won’t be fun, but we can rely on God to forgive us,” said the Protestant church expert.
What Martin Luther actually wrote
A source from the “expert” about Martin Luther’s conclusions would have been appropriate. It’s not just about fundamental statements, but also about the timing of these statements. One can assume that Martin Luther once held up the host, celebrated “holy” communion and gave absolution. Martin Luther was a Catholic through and through and also a professor of Catholic theology. But only up to a certain point.
A concrete statement by Martin Luther about justification by faith and the consequences of sincere belief can be found in his letter “On the Freedom of a Christian.” It consists of 30 theses that Luther wrote in response to the papal bull containing the threat of banishment. Luther burned the bull, did not respond to the Pope’s threats and instead wrote this letter in 1520.
On the sixth
In this Luther writing it says, among other things, in “On the sixth”:
“You shall surrender to it with firm faith and trust in it freshly. Therefore, for the sake of this faith, all your sins shall be forgiven and all your corruption overcome, and you shall be just, true, peaceable, right; and all the commandments shall be fulfilled, and you shall be free from all things as Paul says Romans 1: A justified Christian lives only by his faith. And Romans 10: Christ is the end and the fulfillment of all the commandments for those who believe in him.“
On the seventh
Another statement by Luther about faith and justification can be found in the section “On the Seventh”:
“God will make a short end on earth and at this short end justice will flow in like a flood. This means that faith, in which, in short, the fulfillment of all commandments consists, will justify all those who have it in abundance, so that they no longer need anything in order to be just and good. Likewise, Paul says in Romans 10: Believing from the heart makes a person righteous and good.“
On the ninth
In the “Ninth” section of the letter, Martin Luther once again speaks plainly:
“If a person has learned and experienced his inability from the commandments, so that he is now afraid of how he can fulfill the commandment – especially since the commandment must be fulfilled or he must be damned -, so he is truly humbled and brought to nothing in his own eyes: he finds nothing in himself by which he can become righteous. But then the other word comes, the divine promise and promise, and says: If you want to fulfill all the commandments, get rid of your evil desires and sin, as the commandments force and demand, behold, believe in Christ , in which I promise you all grace, justice, peace and freedom. If you believe, you have. If you don’t believe, you don’t have. For what is impossible for you with all the works of the commandments, of which there are many and yet cannot be of any use, becomes easy and short for you through faith.“
Big discrepancies
At this point the statement of the “expert” must be examined again. According to the media representative of the Protestant Church, Martin Luther was of the opinion, and he also taught, that works are useless because they cannot receive the sufficient love of God. So you just have to accept God’s love through faith.
It is precisely because of this obvious discrepancy between the “expert’s” claim and Martin Luther’s handwritten writing from 1520 that a source citation from the EV Church’s “expert” would be so important. If the Luther thesis described by the expert was said at an earlier point in time, then one could conclude that the reformer reflected later. But without this source citation there is actually the possibility of a fatal error or an outright lie.
The “expert” clearly either did not recognize God’s justice or he denies it. Coming to court for something that you can’t do anything about speaks more of arbitrariness or, figuratively speaking, of an unjust state than of a just God.
The representative of idiosyncratic doctrines actually put the expected crown on his head by claiming that although there will be “no fun” before the judgment seat of God, we can all be sure of God’s forgiveness.
Both the claimed universal reconciliation and the depicted jurisdiction despite the given “impossibility” of sinlessness testify to a completely false image of God. This also includes the completely distorted representation of Paul’s statements by the “experts” that it was only about the love of God and completely ignores the law (commandments) and sinlessness.
Commonality with occultists
Once again the Protestant Church reveals itself as the “teacher” of a supposed “everyman’s salvation”. It will be unpleasant, but in the end everyone will find salvation. This all-reconciliation thesis is based on the erroneous assumption that God will not send anyone to damnation because of His love (Info). Justice, if addressed at all, should be understood here more as a “reward” than for the enforcement of the law.
The motivations and adherence of the occultists and followers of the great adversary are also based on this error. Apparently also the crucial reason why the Protestant churches gave sin a different definition (Info). Love, love and only love, that’s the narrative that’s been diligently spread. It is said in any case as a warning: “He [Satan] will transform as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
The gospel is clear
The “expert” neither gave a truthful or up-to-date account of Martin Luther nor correctly presented the statement of the Apostle Paul. This is probably due to people’s own false beliefs or intentional deception. Luther and the Gospel clearly state how things actually work. No one can be saved in their sins! Another clear statement in the Bible says that no human being can keep the commandments on their own, but rather is dependent on the work of God. The Holy Spirit serves this purpose and only becomes active when the person asks for it in their sincere faith. When Jesus Christ returns and the “marriage of the Lamb” takes place. Then the bride (the people of God) is already fully prepared (Revelation 19:7). That means without sin, without spot, without wrinkle.
Jesus Christ himself said this plainly, Matthew 5:48:
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.“
Is Heavenly Father sinless and flawed? No, but perfect! Likewise, man should be this way before(!) Jesus Christ comes back. Only possible through sincere faith. Exactly as the Gospel describes it and Martin Luther reflected it in his writing. And not as the Protestant churches would like today for reasons of “tolerance and understanding” within ecumenism with the mother church Rome at the top. A mixture of truth and (blunt) lies – Babylon (Info).
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15
Bible verses from King James Version