Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

G7 summit, the papacy is now officially on the political stage



With Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic Church is also moving from its previous background onto the public stage on a political level. The G7 summit in 2024 in Italy was a milestone in the entirely predictable developments in this world.

Francis is now officially there

Pope Francis was the first Pontifex Maximus to be present at a meeting of the “greats”. Until 2014 it was still the “G8” and after Russia was excluded it was only the “G7”. Francis was invited as a guest of honor at the 2024 G7 meeting in Italy by Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who currently chairs the G7. As befits the head of government in Vatican City, the Holy See, Francis did not sit somewhere on the sidelines, let alone in the ranks of VIPs, but right in the middle. On his left Giorgia Meloni, on his right French President Emmanuel Macron.

Diversity in countries present

首相官邸ホームページ, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The G7 countries currently include Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Canada and the USA. The representatives of the European Union are constant guests at these meetings. At the G7 summit in 2024, the heads of government of Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, India, Jordan, Brazil, Kenya, Mauritania and Argentina were invited as additional guest participants in addition to the Holy See. Also present were the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyj as well as representatives of the OECD, UN, World Bank and IMF as institutions.

Looking at the individual country associations, there were two BRICS states, Brazil and India, and the combination of Great Britain, Canada and India represented the Commonwealth. The USA played a special role in the latter.

The topics discussed covered the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa, the Mediterranean, climate change and development. Other fields covered included Indo-Pacific, migration, energy and artificial intelligence.

Francis focus on AI

Pope Francis, the head of the Holy See, served neither as a “Greetings God Uncle” nor as an uninvolved listener, but as a speaker with concrete ideas. Ostensibly, he was interested in the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and the moral and ethical use of this technology. Already in 2021, before ChatGPT and Co. were launched, the Vatican founded “renAIssance”, an organization for the voluntary commitment of business to ensure the use of AI in accordance with moral and ethical guidelines in the light of humanism (Info). The Vatican was already involved in this area before AI was practically handed over to the public.

At the G7 summit, Pope Francis addressed the government level on the same topic. The fact that the pontiff is so committed and concerned about artificial intelligence points to the enormous potential of this technology within current and future society. It goes without saying that terms such as morality and ethics, which can be adapted to the spirit of the times, are defined in accordance with Catholic social teaching. Natural law in the guise of Christianity, dictated by the “highest moral authority” residing in Rome.

The importance of AI for society is shown by a single sentence from the Pope in his speech at the G7 summit (Source):
No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being.
For the ethical and moral orientation, a “healthy politics” is required that must take a leadership role, said Francis.

Papacy – Responsible for everything

While the Holy See, the actual state structure in the form of a monarchy, is responsible for the state, the Vatican takes care of the “mental salvation” of people. In both cases the Pope, a double primate, is the respective head. In the role of the spiritual supreme shepherd, Francis has now proposed to be recognized as the “honorary head” for all churches (Info). The emphasis here is on “all churches”, not only within the Catholic ranks, but also in the self-image as the “mother of all churches” for the former Protestant churches. In the course of ecumenism and the claim to function as world leadership, other religions also come into play.

Old claims of Benedict XVI re-emphasized

Pope Benedict
Benedict was also ‘just’ a pope with demands

As contrasting as Pope Francis and his predecessor Benedict XVI were, they, like their respective “apostolic” predecessors, were in complete agreement on one thing. Benedict made this clear in his speech to the German Bundestag on September 22, 2011 (Source):

But the invitation to this speech goes to me as Pope, as Bishop of Rome, who bears the ultimate responsibility for Catholic Christianity. In doing so, they recognize the role that the Holy See has as a partner within the community of nations and states. Given my international responsibility, I would like to present to you some thoughts on the foundations of the free constitutional state.

The partnership “within the community of nations and states” mentioned by Benedict is a clear indication that the Holy See will get involved on a geopolitical level. So state and not religion. Almost 13 years have passed since the speech and Francis, the first Jesuit as pope, has brought about so many changes in the first 10 years of his pontificate that his guild of the Jesuit order immediately rejoiced. “The Francis Revolution: Over the past 10 years, the pope has recovered the church’s true power“, said an article in the Jesuit magazine America (Info).

Claim to power since the 4th century

Volker Reinhardt, professor of modern history at the University of Friborg in Switzerland, explained to “Deutschlandfunk” in mid-November 2017 how the papacy’s claims had been since their beginnings (Source):

Pope Damasus was Bishop of Rome between October 1, 366 and December 11, 384. “Here it becomes clear for the first time that the papacy can place itself above the emperors,” said the historian. Reinhardt describes the following about the papacy in general:

He appears lordly. And he intensifies his claims to be the master of the church. He is also increasingly enforcing them in the West. In the East he is still encountering resistance. But beyond that, his claim is gradually becoming apparent , to be above the worldly powers because of Christ’s vicarious status. All of this cannot yet be perfectly implemented, but it is still in its infancy will endeavor to enforce these claims.

This makes it clear: The claim of the papacy to determine what must be believed (Pontifex Maximus) and to rule over the kings and emperors of the earth clearly continues to this day.

AI brain shutdown
AI – The Ticket to the Papacy

Artificial intelligence appears to be an ideal vehicle for this papal claim. Francis’ speech at the G7 summit also highlighted excerpts from the Pastoral Constitution “Gaudium et Spes”. A letter shortly after the Second Vatican Council and the content concerns Catholic social teaching, i.e. Hellenistic natural law. The Pope also built a bridge to his environmental encyclical “Laudato Si’” (2015) and the encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” (2020) on brotherhood among people. The entire Roman Catholic “theological” package designed for today’s society is presented to the rulers of this world.

The direction is clear

  • Claim of rulership over emperors as early as the 4th century
  • The claim for dual primacy over state and religion never stopped
  • Pope Francis claims the global role as “honorary head” of all churches (religions)
  • Pope Francis claims the global role as the “moral authority” in the leadership role for “healthy politics”

…and the representatives of politics, finance and business are all well-behaved men.

The papacy is on the direct path to realizing the term “New World Order”, which is also known in secular circles. It’s just that this new order looks “somewhat” different than what the atheistic and heavily New Age theorists imagine. Eyes are always focused on some “elitist groups” that formed a shadow government in the background. This idea isn’t that fundamentally wrong, but it’s not about the “makers”, but about the puppets being pulled by strings.

Hardly anyone comes up with the idea of ​​taking a closer look at the Roman Church. There, where the supposedly “inconspicuous funny guy with the subtle rice bowl on his head” secretes his verbal incense. Everyone looks towards the east of Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Taiwan, China and the Philippines, but hardly anyone comes up with the idea of ​​taking a closer look at what’s going on in Rome. This is a serious mistake.

Everything was announced long ago

Daniel already knew the rough outlines of our time

Anyone who knows the prophecies of the Bible has a clear advantage. Because this constellation of the double primate Pope on the religious and state level will come. This, like the previous development, is the why and wherefore described in the prophetic books of Daniel and also in Revelation (Info). But there is also good news. The final action will only last for a short time. The rock described in Daniel 2 (symbolizing Jesus Christ) will shatter everything. Babylon’s downfall is already sealed (Info).

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
Revelation 17:12-13

Bible verses from King James Version

G7 summit, the papacy is now officially on the political stage
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