Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

From the gospel to humanism to collective theosophy



Humanity, uprooted from its foundations, is heading directly towards collective theosophy in its humanism. Inclusion instead of exclusion, which declares individualism to be the archenemy.

The transformation towards theosophy

“Quo Vadis Humanitas?” The transformation of society, openly expressed in many places, is in full swing. The visible changes in the areas of economy, education and, last but not least, religion are now only denied by the people who have buried their heads up to their shoulder blades in the sand. Old values, especially absolute values, have long since been relativized or completely turned upside down. If yesterday the “blue” was definitely blue, today it is a question of perspective and personal feeling. Insisting on reality has now been declared an act of personal attack and discrimination. In the case of a person’s biological gender, sticking to the truth can now even activate the public prosecutor’s office.

Of all things, it is the so-called public sector that is fully exemplifying the change away from absolute dimensions and towards moral values ​​as a “shining example”. The written law is ad hoc null and void if the given situation allows for a moral assessment and this is also applied. The parliamentary procedure actually intended for constitutional adaptation of the law within a democracy no longer appears to exist. The admonishing reference to this grievance is given the label of radicalism and extremism. But this is just one example of the entire phenomenon.

Gathering uprooted people

A common goal

The people, uprooted from their former foundations, float disorientated and without support in their own apparent realities dictated by third parties in order to ultimately function as a building block of the desired collective. Assimilation in the masses is the credo, and individualism is the declared archenemy. “Strengthening community and resisting individualism,” was the title of an article from Georgetown University in Washington DC, on October 18, 2023. This university is an important institution of the Jesuit order. As part of an initiative on Catholic social thought, the “Loyola Brothers” warned against turning away from the “ideals of collective striving” that had been made clear by the Covid pandemic. A return of individualism weakens solidarity and responsibility for our neighbors.

Vatican declares individualism the enemy

With almost “prophetic foresight,” Pope Francis warned against a “politics of individualism in a post-Covid world” in his published encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” in October 2020. In August 2022, the Pontiff, a Jesuit, clarified his understanding of the Gospel in the contemporary world. “The Gospel challenges us to get out of individualism,” said Francis in his commentary on the Angelus prayer on August 8, 2022 (Source).

The declaration of war against individualism, i.e. exclusion instead of inclusion, can be read in “Fratelli Tutti” in point 105:
Individualism does not make us more free, more equal, more fraternal. The mere sum of individual interests is not capable of generating a better world for the whole human family. Nor can it save us from the many ills that are now increasingly globalized. Radical individualism is a virus that is extremely difficult to eliminate, for it is clever. It makes us believe that everything consists in giving free rein to our own ambitions, as if by pursuing ever greater ambitions and creating safety nets we would somehow be serving the common good.

Independent thinking, independence and personal responsibility are therefore a “sneaky virus”. A pest and a danger to the common good.

The goal that people strive for is like a travel group that collects their “individual” holiday experiences by running like lemmings after the person holding the flag in their hand.

Humanism is just a stopover

Immanuel Kant Denkmal
Poet – Thinker – Enlightenment – The Humanist

The humanism that emerged in the course of the 18th century, i.e. man at the center of his own reason, and its first climax in the French Revolution and the political disempowerment of the Pope in 1798, can certainly be seen as just an intermediate phase for the actual goal. What is hardly or impossible to imagine today was the all-encompassing presence of Christianity back then. Although strongly influenced by paganism-dominated Catholicism and the sometimes very idiosyncratic interpretations of the evangelical, Lutheran and Protestant churches, it is still a society guided by predominantly absolutely valid values ​​of the Bible.

Humanism, which by the way was anything but born out of atheism (Info), simply had the task of declaring the Word of God unbelievable and invalid. The focus is not on Jesus Christ, but on man himself. Added to this was the theory of evolution, which has not yet been proven but has only been proclaimed, and modern science, which emerged particularly in the field of archeology at the end of the 18th century. Until then, the Bible was considered a reference work and reference for historical questions. What followed was the systematic questioning of the writing and ultimately the treatise as a collection of ancient writings from the minds of imaginative contemporaries.

Space for pantheism and theosophy

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Theosophy of Blavatsky – Spiritualist – Satanist

Once the Word of God is pushed out of people’s minds, it offers the opportunity to initiate the final phase. The implantation of the long-sought religion based on pantheism. It’s not a new idea, because the concrete ideas that are being impressively implemented into reality today have been formulated long ago. With the founding of modern theosophy in the middle of the 19th century, goals and the path to get there were clearly defined. The most prominent representatives include Helena Petrovna Blawatzky, Alice Ann Bailey and Robert Muller, former deputy secretary general of the UN (Info).

The theosophy formulated is extremely compatible with the actual dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church and also fits perfectly with the philosophies of the Masonic lodges and their predominantly staff from the (formerly) Protestant ranks. Nothing other than the paganism of ancient Egypt implemented in the postmodern era. The bottom line is the worship of nature and the pantheon of numerous gods it contains. Francis of Assisi, who gave his name to the current Pope Francis, is one of the great role models of “nature god worshipers”.

In order to be able to implant this theosophy into people’s heads, it was absolutely necessary to take a detour via humanism and supposed atheism. People were too deeply rooted in the truths of the Gospel to be convinced of a completely new philosophy within a very short space of time. Therefore, it seems only logical that the foundation of the Bible must first be removed to make room for the re-installation of ancient paganism. While Blavatsky (a self-confessed Satanist) is considered the founder of modern theosophy, it was Clement of Alexandria in the early 3rd century who found theosophy relevant. Clement of Alexandria is considered one of the “fathers” of the Roman Catholic Church.

Everything has a place

The Church of Rome, founded on the paganism of worshiping the sun as its supreme god, merely disguised in the garb of Christianity, aims at nothing less than to impose its actually practiced religion on humanity. This is done in such a brilliant way that humanity does not even notice how it is being led directly into this trap after its dictated pursuit of “world peace within a united human family”. The collective term for this is ecumenism.

Nature and climate protection received the status of a religion in November 2023 (Info). A “faith-based” policy of support, thanks to the “kings” of this earth loyal to Rome. Even esoterics and especially the followers of the New Age scene find their place in Theosophy. New Agers in particular, in their conceit of being “awakened,” often look at the Word of God as it is written with a good deal of ridicule. They don’t even notice that they are being dragged through the streets by their nose rings. Islam, which is already related to the true philosophy of Catholicism, can also do something with theosophy. The crescent moon of Islam and the sun disk of Catholicism complement each other wonderfully to form the symbol of Isis and Osiris, who are highly revered by them.

The path from the gospel to theosophy

Wrong way
People are being misled by ‘included’

The worldview that has now been conveyed to people through the uprooting of absolute values ​​cannot be any further removed from the gospel. The change from atheistically influenced humanism to a collective through inclusion basically leads humanity away from atheism, but towards pronounced idolatry. This takes the form of worship of foreign gods and the excessive exaltation of the collectively assimilated self into its own deity.

The following is an overview of the striking differences between the gospel, humanism and theosophy:

Gospel / Bible Humanism / Atheism Global ethos / theosophy
Absolute values Relative values Collective / Inclusiveness
Personal God
John 1:1;14
John 3:16
No God exists A force that works in everything
Bible describes truth
Psalm 119:142
John 17:17
John 14:6
Truth explained through reason
Philosophy and Science
Truth through emotions and
experience. Unity of the whole
God is the creator of the earth
Psalm 95:6
Evolution. Chain of coincidences Self-creation of the Earth,
Power of Gaia
Good and evil are incompatible
2. Corinthians 6:14-15
Good and evil only relative,
moral dictates of religions
Good and evil complement each other
like all opposites,
a wholeness (Yin Yang)
Sinful man
Romans 3:10-19
People are at their own center,
no third-party rules
Human beings are part of the divine,
development into divinity
Success through trust in God
Proverbs 3:5-6
Self-confidence and
Success through power from
the unity of the whole
Man depends on salvation through
the Creator God
Romans 3:23-26
Man does not need salvation Redemption through the collective,
aimed at “world peace”

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Romans 1:21-25

Bible verses from King James Version

From the gospel to humanism to collective theosophy
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