Olli Dürr

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Francis tells the New Year’s speech about Mary’s mother tongue


For the 2023 Angelus address, Pope Francis claimed the attributes of Mary created by Catholicism. Believers should heed the words and good advice of the “Mother of God” in order to get through the next year well.

The “Mother of God” speaks in “mother tongue”

bridge builder
Der 'Oberste Brückenbauer' erzählt was über Maria

Pope Francis also gave a speech on St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City at the turn of the year on January 1st. In his Angelus address, the chief of the Rom. Catholic Church Maria in the centre. According to CNA Pope Francis advised around 40,000 attendees to take good advice from Mary for the new year 2023. “What can we learn from her for this year that is dawning?”, so Francis, immediately with a “tip” afterwards: “We can say: Virgin Mary, teach us what we should do this year.”

However, the language of Mary seems to have something mystical about it. Francis questioned: “What languages ​​does the Blessed Virgin use when she speaks to us? How does Mary speak?” The Pope would not be the infallible one if he did not know the answer. After all, the “Blessed Virgin Mary” was the “Mother of God” and “after having carried the gift of a mysterious child prodigy within their wombs for nine months, mothers continually place their babies at the center of their attention,” said Pope Francis then astute: Therefore the language of the “Mother of God” must also be a “mother tongue”.

Mary, so Pope Francis, “reminds us that, if we truly want the New Year to be good, if we want to reconstruct hope, we need to abandon the language, those actions and those choices inspired by egoism, and learn the language of love, which is to take care.”

The Bishop of Rome also warned that this is an obligation “to take care of our lives, of our time, of our souls; to take care of creation and the environment we live in; and even more, to take care of our neighbor, of those whom the Lord has placed alongside us, as well as our brothers and sisters who are in need and who call for our attention and our compassion.”

For catechism believers that sounds logical

For devout Catholics, the Pope’s “mystical words” may have sounded like music to their ears. A caring mother who adopts the language of mothers and therefore also speaks the mother tongue to encourage humanity to take better care of itself, of the neighbor and (of course) of the environment. The image of a mother with her index finger raised and her child in her arms.

The assumption that Maria can make any announcements to humanity at all remains mysterious. The Bible completely excludes such possibilities for man. For this you would need at least an immortal soul , but this is just a rumor. The ascension and immaculateness of Mary do not even appear in Scripture, but are only parts of Rom. Catholic Catechism. So pure “traditional fictions”* with great potential for success. A feature of this church, which cost countless lives in the past.

What is true for many Protestants and followers of “liberal evangelical” churches has been true for true Catholics for many centuries. 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

Bible verses from King James Version

* A fiction is something that does not actually exist, which is treated as existing.

Francis tells the New Year’s speech about Mary’s mother tongue
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