Olli Dürr

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Francis reminds of the persecution of Christians and remains silent


On the occasion of a meeting with representatives of the United Bible Societies, Pope Francis recalls the persecution of Christians today and in the times of early Christianity. In doing so, the pontiff “inadvertently” overlooks the reign of terror of his own institution, which has lasted for many centuries. He just doesn’t tell.

From the present to the beginning

Church Torture
The Church itself was a major patron of the torture and death of her loved ones

A delegation from the United Bible Societies (UBS) visited Pope Francis in the Vatican on Thursday morning. For the pontiff to remember the Christians who are being persecuted today, as Vatican News reported. Francis also drew a link to the persecutions of the early Christian communities. Today’s challenges are similar to those of the nascent church, Francis said.

After Pentecost, the apostles propagated the Krygma “in the power and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.” This emphasized the importance of Scripture in the light of the mystery of Jesus Christ. In early Christianity, the believers of the time fled “with this word as their only baggage.”

Francis speaks “mysteriously”

Why Pope Francis speaks of the “mystery” of Jesus Christ will probably remain his own mystery. Jesus Christ revealed himself unmistakably as the Son of God and was in the public eye with his actions and messages. Er hat nichts im Geheimen getan (see John 18:20). Unfortunately, Pope Francis has somewhat overstretched the arc from the present to the beginnings of Christianity. He simply left out the time in between, particularly what is now called the “Dark Ages”.

The Church of Rome itself was the greatest persecutor

No other power has persecuted the bearers of the (true) gospel so bitterly, persistently and cruelly as the papacy. Such ambitions began as early as the first century AD. The Rome-Alexandria axis with its Gnostic fantasies and writings caused uneasiness among people who held fast to the unadulterated message of Jesus. In addition, the adversary of God was to be clearly identified based on the descriptions in the Holy Scriptures.

So it was no coincidence that the greatest persecution of Christians under the Roman emperors took place in the eastern empire rather than in the territory of western Rome. Very early on, the bishops of Rome ensured that Sunday was observed as a holiday to be sanctified, while in the Eastern Empire the observance of the Sabbath (7th day of the week, Saturday) was still taken for granted by the early Christians. Just like the gospel says in the New Testament. “This word as the only baggage” applies particularly to the Waldensians. An ethnic group that, due to the persecution by the Catholic church had to hide in the mountains of the south-eastern Alps. Papal Rome simply erased the Waldensians, like the Albigensians and Huguenots.

The mob simply had to follow church rules

The sermons were held by the cath. Priests in Latin not understood by the people. The mob had to obey church law, but not the gospel. Possession of the Bible was forbidden anyway. The translation of the Bible into the respective mother tongue was answered by the church with death at the stake. The Inquisition exacerbated the plight of the people much more. In between there was also a “Hexenhammer” (“witch’s hammer”, a program for witch hunts primarily in Germany) for thorough “cleaning up”. The atrocities of the Roman Catholic Church during its reign of terror, which lasted well over 1,200 years, it is impossible to list all of them.

Today the methods of seduction

Although this church, which notoriously misuses the name of Jesus Christ for its own purposes, is far friendlier today than it was during the times of earthly darkness in the Middle Ages, the goal remains unchanged, as does the constant blasphemy. The perishing of mankind. At that time with the help of persecution, torture and murder, today with the tempting strategy of a “Zirze” (“bewitch”). An ancient sorceress from Greek mythology and daughter of the “sun god” Helios. The name Zirze is borrowed from the Latin “Circe” and later changed to “Kirke”. A term for church still used in Scotland today.

Modern Bible translations should be avoided

What the UBS delegation wanted or should have wanted to do with the Pope can only be guessed at. The latest Bible translations are officially approved by the papacy within the framework of ecumenism. So a clear warning sign. The significant changes in the new Bible translations according to the ideas of Nestle and Aland must be carefully avoided for a proper understanding of the gospel.

Francis reminds of the persecution of Christians and remains silent
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