A call to humanity from the fully cared for Pope Francis via video message. Mother Earth, who is carrying us (giving birth), screams in pain. A manifesto of traditional Roman-Greek pantheism.
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An appeal to humanity
Pope Francis has spoken out with a powerful video message to humanity. Via the “papal video channel” on YouTube, the “apostolate of prayer”, the so-called prayer network of the Pope, the pontiff calls on humanity to listen to the earth. She “screams” (Source).
The wording of the message
The video has a German subtitle and the Pope’s words are as follows (translated from German subtitle):
Let us pray for the cry of the earth.
If we measure the temperature of the planet, we will see that the Earth has a fever. And like every sick person, she feels bad.
But do we listen to this pain?
Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental disasters?
Those who suffer most from the consequences of these disasters are the poor, those forced to leave their homes due to floods, heat waves or droughts.
Addressing human-caused environmental crises such as climate change, pollution or biodiversity loss requires not only ecological, but also social, economic and political responses.
We must commit ourselves to the fight against poverty and to protecting nature by changing our personal habits and those of our community.
We pray that each of us will hear with our hearts the cry of the earth and the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis and make a personal commitment to care for the world in which we live.
Dramatized encyclical Laudato Si’
The bottom line is that the Pope compressed the statements of his encyclical “Laudato Si'” (2015 – Info) into a dramatic form, including additions from the follow-up encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” (2020). If you followed his words, the world would be on the verge of the abyss. Jesus Christ also saw humanity in this situation, and rightly so, when He himself came into our world as a human being. However, his first word after baptism and often repeated during his three and a half years of ministry was, “Repent!” Repentance of what? From sins!
The “earth is screaming” and the “earth has a fever”, it is “bad” and it is also in “pain”, according to the pontiff, completely in the element of the model pantheist Francis of Assisi. An outspoken admirer of diverse nature. Now everyone is called upon to accept these cries of the earth (Gaia?) in their hearts and to ensure the salvation of this world.
Universal adhesive climate for ecumenism
Climate instead of gospel. The glue of ecumenism, interreligious, universal, Catholic. A narrative that is compatible with Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, the shaman and even the die-hard atheist. All under the umbrella of the designated “honorary head” in questions of ethics and morals.
It seems to be burning under the “Holy See”. Only a few weeks remain until the beginning of the “Holy Year” 2025 and the anniversary year of 1700 years of the Council of Nicaea. The roaring lion rages more and more wildly, time is running out. Humanity must be presented with the ultimate catastrophe for their “herd”, which will actually occur in the end. But this in connection with the complete exposure of the “Whore of Babylon” (Info).
It will be interesting to see what the year 2025 will actually bring.
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Romans 1:25
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)