The reports of the fire inferno in Los Angeles have spread like wildfire across the world through the media. A catastrophe that is clearly being used as an opportunity to deceive people.
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Strange details
The images of the widespread fires in Los Angeles, California are going around the world. As usual, the news is overwhelming, as are the scenes shown. One part corresponds to the truth, another part belongs to the realm of fantasy. Numerous sequences and individual images shown can certainly be assigned to the “arts of artificial intelligence” because they seem quite surreal.

Yet countless houses and entire districts have burned down. The authorship of the fires may be disputed. Whether it is actually a “naturally occurring” fire or just helped. Satellite images show that individual fires broke out at the same time. Once again there were noticeable metal meltings on vehicles, while the plants in the immediate vicinity remained unaffected. Even if such details may encourage speculation, the actual devastation remains enormous.
What appears to be more important is what is made of this disaster in Los Angeles (in the media). At this point there are reports and “hypotheses” that could give a good indication of a possible agenda. For example, the focus is on the Golden Globe Awards on January 5, 2025. Hollywood celebrities had gathered. There was great malice and laughter at the event when the film “God, the Creator of the Universe” was mentioned, but it received exactly zero recommendations. Actually, this film wouldn’t have been on the list at all, but they obviously wanted to mock it. Two days later, flames broke out in Los Angeles.
Excerpt Golden Globe Award
The stylization
This incident now serves to stylize the Los Angeles fire as a “judgment from God.” Los Angeles, like the entire state of California, is one of the “wokest” areas in the USA. The wildfire would have had a completely different character if this had happened in the state of Florida, for example. It is obvious that, especially with the new wind blowing in the USA, the religious-Christian aspect is being brought to the fore. What was actually to be expected when one discovers the USA in the Bible and the prophecies associated with it (Info).
The “Woke” will be overrun. In “prophetic words” of the Bible, the northern king will overrun the southern king (Book of Daniel, chapter 11 – Info). The religious overcomes the godless.
The Great Deception

The wildfire and enormous devastation in Los Angeles does indeed look like a judgment from God. But is this really the case? The Bible points out in many places the coming destruction caused by misfortunes, catastrophes and forces of nature (e.g. Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), but are these actually God’s active actions? Scripture is clear about God as the author of the last 7 plagues, but there is no evidence of the author of the previous catastrophes.
One thing is certain. God prevents and also allows. The great adversary cannot act as he would like. What is also certain is that Satan hates God’s creation through and through. This also includes people. Satan is a “murderer from the beginning, a liar, even the father of lies,” said Jesus Christ about the adversary. If people are to be moved en masse in a certain direction, then it always works by creating fear and insecurities. A method that has long been used many times.
How suitable do such accidents and catastrophes like in Los Angeles appear to put people in fear and terror, and to combine this with the religious aspect of the punishing God? One thing is certain: God allowed it. It is very likely that this was Satan’s work with the help of his earthly (self-deceived) assistants. People should be “herded” in the direction of faith. However, this belief, which is sold as biblical and Christian and promoted by the “Christian Nationals” of evangelicals in the USA, is not biblical, but rather Rome’s “theology”. The beast from the earth makes an image of the beast from the sea, driven by the dragon (Info).
An apt description

Ellen G. White has described the coming situation and the associated connections. In “Manuscript 1”, 1890, FG2 50.1 – FG2 50.3, she writes (translated from German):
“We are approaching the time when Satan will ruthlessly use everything to deceive people. Anyone who gives him even the slightest leeway and goes along with his machinations will be overwhelmed by his seduction skills. Demons continually seek to gain influence over people. Satan is not picky when it comes to finding tools to serve his purposes. He wants to captivate the whole world with lying miracles. If necessary, he will even let fire fall from heaven to convince people of his power. He will succeed in this with those who have not placed themselves under the influence of the Spirit of God.
We are approaching the day when the ‘bowls of God’s wrath’ (Revelation 16) will be poured out. Most people don’t notice it because their hearts are unreceptive to the truth and God’s Spirit withdraws more and more from the world. Reports of disasters and terrible events are increasing. Much of this happens because people no longer allow themselves to be led by God and abuse their power and influence. Satan makes them his servant and tries to use them to drive the whole world to ruin. Whether it’s devastating hurricanes or storms, destroying the environment and poisoning the atmosphere, Satan is at work everywhere. Even though we see all this and know that only an undivided devotion to Christ can save us, many of us seem paralyzed. God of heaven, wake us up!”
The milestone – The Mark of the Beast
If people are in fear and terror and the “solution to all their problems” is promised, it is child’s play to “stick” the mark of the beast on people’s foreheads or hands. (Info). It is not a sticker, a sticker, an implant, or anything similar. As Revelation 13 clearly shows, this mark of the beast is associated with worship, as religious, spiritual.

With somnambulistic certainty, the thesis soon arises that these ongoing catastrophes could only be eliminated if people would finally observe the “right day” to worship God. In this case, Sunday. But this is exactly where the noose is laid out. The special observance of Sunday has been traditionally practiced for many centuries, but this was introduced arbitrarily by the Roman Catholic Church (Info).
The only true day to be observed is the one that God Himself beatified and sanctified immediately after His creation, the Sabbath (7th day of the week, “Saturday” – Info). It is the 4th commandment. One of 10 in total!
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:8-11
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)