Baptism is a sure way to salvation and thus a free ticket straight into the kingdom of heaven. You just need to feel and show love. The EKD council chairwoman told an audience of millions about this easy “all-redemption” wrong way.
Inhalt / Content
- 1 EKD message – “permanent salvation” through baptism
- 2 Christ – “This Man on the Cross”
- 3 Private faith of the EKD council chairmen?
- 4 Belief in the strength of weakness
- 5 Emotions-Faith – Languishing Love
- 6 The truth is completely lost
- 7 All redemption through baptism?
- 8 True faith breeds love and obedience
- 9 EKD repeats this mistake
EKD message – “permanent salvation” through baptism
Unfortunately, in the understanding of the “official Evangelicals” of the major national churches, every person is automatically saved if they only allow themselves to be baptized. As with an admission ticket once purchased, the gates of heaven are guaranteed to be open to people after baptism. A few drops of water on the head are enough and with that Jesus’ promise of salvation is secured throughout life. Such a thesis is also evidently represented by Annette Kurschus, Chairwoman of the Council of the Evangelical Churches in Germany (EKD). On the high-reach TV station ZDF, she explained to those present and also more or less “involuntary broadcast contributors” during a television service the “Heaven’s Free Travel Ticket” using an unbiblically celebrated ritual anyway.
With baptism, people receive God’s promise to be loved and accompanied. The “baptismal ceremonies” held by the Protestant churches at lakes, rivers, outdoor swimming pools and in churches were among the various ideas to make the consequences of baptism “tangible and tangible”.
As if God only loved the baptized!
Christ – “This Man on the Cross”
The EKD Council President explains the meaning of baptism as follows:
I was baptized, which means: I belong to Christ, this man on the cross. He gives me strength from his strength. The path of my life is firmly connected with his path through baptism – and that means: My life runs towards life. Even through death.
Private faith of the EKD council chairmen?
This statement by the EKD council chairperson is a testimony to their deep “misunderstanding” of the gospel and is particularly fatal for all people who are striving to approach the Christian faith. For all “half-baked” Christians, this “confession” of the evangelical “theologian” offers a confirmation of her flimsy walk in self-righteousness.Sometimes benevolently assuming that Kurschus also means the biblical Jesus Christ with “Christ” and not just any “anointed one”, as is the case in some circles, the description “this man on the cross” is very much the same derogatory and also revealing. Kurschus here explains baptism as a means of receiving “this man’s” strength, the sure path of salvation and lasting throughout life. She could have put it more succinctly: “After baptism man receives the saving strength of this man hanging on the cross and is saved forever”.
Belief in the strength of weakness
After all, after this gospel disaster, Kurschus also mentions faith. However, in a form that is based on one of the variants of the extremely liberal so-called theology. “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart hopes in him,” is the baptismal verse chosen by a confirmand from Psalm 28. Kurschus explains the meaning of this verse in her own way. Accordingly, the strength does not describe “stubborn demonstration of strength”, but this is the strength of the heart, a power of belief. This power is not immediately visible, so some people consider this power to be a weakness. The Council President explained this in more detail:
For this weakness Jesus was laughed at, accused and tortured. He was even strong enough to get himself killed for that weakness. For some, that was proof of what a weak guy he was, this man on the cross, a loser. For us Christians, it proves the power of love that was in him and that to this day cannot be killed
Emotions-Faith – Languishing Love
Here it is again, that love that alone was enough to take you straight to heaven. A pseudo-gospel purely based on emotions. One only needs to feel this love, to experience it, then one belongs to the redeemed and this forever. So Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who gave His life and blood for our sins, can also simply be referred to as “this man on the cross”. According to the Gospel of Kurschus, his weakness was actually his strength and he allowed himself to be killed for this attitude celebrated with love. This itinerant preacher transmits his love and strength to people at baptism. That was it. What madness!
The truth is completely lost
Not a word about Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the Word of God, being God himself (John 1). Not a word that Jesus Christ, our Creator, gave His life and blood for our sins so that we COULD be saved by His grace. There is also a legal aspect to this, since grace is opposed to the eternal righteousness of God. But with the just punishment for sin, death for our sins, Jesus Christ paid dearly for the right to be able to pardon us while maintaining justice. More information about Faith Justice is available here.
Not a word of truth about the reasons of Jesus’ opponents for wanting to have Him executed. Kurschus does not even begin to mention any of this. As if she just wanted to take people as far away from the truth as possible.
All redemption through baptism?
The faith was at least addressed by Kurschus, but in the fatal context of an alleged “universal salvation” for every baptized person. “Once saved, always saved” applies to every believer. The emphasis, however, is on TRUE believers. This does not apply to those who look up to heaven in their “love frenzy” and languish at “the man on the cross”. True faith includes faith in Jesus Christ, THE only begotten Son of God, who gave His life for us, who rose again in flesh and blood on the third day. A true faith describes not only the belief in Jesus Christ as a “murdered itinerant preacher”, but in His blood that flowed for us.
Romans 3:25
What is fatal about this variant of a “universal salvation through felt and shown love” spread by the “theologian” is that these misguided people remain in their sins without them even being aware of it. They don’t even give it a second thought because of their mistaken certainty of “being saved”. What is sin The transgression of the law (see 1 John 3:4). Are the laws eliminated? No!
Romans 3:31
True faith breeds love and obedience
Literally to the end, the Bible admonishes to keep the commandments of God. True faith automatically breeds love, and this in turn automatically translates into observance of the commandments. So whoever claims to know Jesus Christ, but does not keep the commandments, is a liar (!) He is possibly lying to himself in his error. Because who really knows Jesus Christ and also loves him, wants nothing else than to keep his commandments. This describes the obedience found over and over again in the Bible.
1 John 2:4
Revelation 14:12
Revelation 22:14
EKD repeats this mistake
This nonsense of “baptism that saves everything” is explained separately by the EKD after the descriptions of the council chairpersons about their private views on faith. Accordingly, the baptized are assured that they now belong to Christ (which Christ?) and that Christ has redeemed them. This applies to life. According to the EKD, the sprinkling of a few drops of water on the head of the person to be baptized in the baptismal service goes back to the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, as described in the Bible.
A blatant untruth. The action itself took place, but it was an immersion, not a splash of a few drops of water. The “baptism” practiced by this church can never, ever fulfill the symbol of the death (immersion) and resurrection (emergence) of Jesus. It is therefore a pseudo-baptism according to the pagan guidelines of the Roman Catholic mother church. This is how proper baptism works!
The churches of the EKD have long since turned away from the truth of the gospel in the course of ecumenism and are now only active as Heralds and servants of the doctrines of the Mother Church of Rome.
Bible verses from King James Version