With her Good Friday message, the EKD Council Chairperson set a clear political and ecumenical direction. With the suggestion of expanded enemy images, the current and future opponents are already nailed down.
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“All together in one pot”
The Chairwoman of the Council of the Evangelical Churches in Germany (EKD), Annette Kurschus, has Good Friday Message touched on some very interesting key points and thus probably also took a clear position and presented the direction taken by the evangelical church.
According to Christian belief, according to Kurschus, “warmongers and those who walk over corpses” will not have the last word. Among them were “powerful people who have sold their conscience to power and who wash their hands of it. Allegedly, the violence is not in their name. They appeal to the people’s voice or to God’s law, to the honor of their nation or to the course of the stock exchanges.” But Good Friday unmasks them, says Kurschus. This day makes it clear that they only speak powerful words, but do not have the last word in history.
Then follows a very revealing list. “Not the warmongers and political destroyers, not the flag-wavers and word twisters, not the arsonists and people walking over corpses and not the men of God in Iran – no, none of them have the last word. And we don’t believe them. We are their victims obligated.”
The excursion into politics

Remarkable is the concatenation of “arsonists and flag-wavers, word-twisters and over-corpse walkers, political destroyers and warmongers” in one breath, to end this series with “men of God in Iran”. If arsonists, over-corpse walkers, and warmongers are to be associated with a government, then there would be a whole other set of suitable candidates. When it comes to word twisters, you don’t even need to look beyond the national borders. At least Kurschus classifies them all as criminal and inhuman subjects, because they also left their victims behind.
It looks like anti-Iran sentiment is set to heat up further. The mullahs in Iran are still a bit stubborn towards the “religious leader” in Rome. The Shiite colleagues in Iraq are already more manageable. The Islamic leaders of the Sunni camp are in any case much more cooperative.
Incidentally, “flag-wavers” are also represented at democratic demonstrations, sporting events and popular events.
As the council chair of a theological institute, Kurschus is already doing a lot of politics with her Good Friday message.
Then there are the “violent powerful” who have sold their conscience. They all pretend to be innocent despite their violence. The connection of these “powerful ones” portrayed as criminals and their justification with the “voice of the people” is again a political statement, but it can be left as it is. Anyone who goes to the polls and puts a cross has finally declared their will. If the reference to the “voice of the people” has no substance, this lie is refuted in no time at all. As long as this is also communicated truthfully by the media without “twisting of words”.
God’s word in the sights of ecumenism

But the connection with “God’s word” has a completely different quality. Because with such an argumentative concatenation, connections are made in people’s minds. One of these results would be: “Anyone who appeals to God’s Word must be one of these ‘violent mighty ones’.”
Anyone who appeals to God’s word does not fit at all into the concept of the ecumenism driven by Rome. Faithfulness to God’s Word must be fought with all might. With her statement, Kurschus is following in the footsteps of the “highest preacher” in Rome. Pope Francis himself gave direction on how to categorize biblical fidelity: “Those who insist that “the truth” about preaching the gospel be preserved have always threatened the church” (America Magazine a>, June 23, 2021).
In May 2018, the pontiff declared the Catholic News Agency (CNA) impressively what he thinks of evangelism: “You are not allowed to convince them of your faith. Conversion is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path. Conversion among Christians is therefore in itself a mortal sin.”
The opponents of ecumenism are defined
So the direction is clear. With her Good Friday message, Kurschus once again clearly took Rome’s position. The opponents of ecumenism are defined. Rome expects their full recognition and they cannot (currently) catch up with Iran and the Christians who are faithful to the Bible will also not in future.