Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Easter Messages Catholic & Protestant Churches – “Zeitgeist”



Every year, the Easter holidays are an occasion for the Catholic and Protestant churches to separate their Easter messages addressed to mankind. Signposts and hope-givers according to the “current zeitgeist” while at the same time increasing distance from the gospel.

The Easter message from Rome’s daughter

easter message
The Easter message should provide hope

The chairwoman of the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Annette Kurschus, announced a special message of hope for the people on the occasion of Easter. Easter is a new beginning and this is reason for more confidence at a time when the “end-time mood” is spreading. Easter is “the oldest and most important festival of Christianity,” explained the EKD Council President in Hanover.
According to the evangelical theologian, many people have the impression that prosperity, the natural basis of life, security and peace are coming to an end and that “saving the world” is being overslept. In such a case, new hope can be drawn from Easter, says Kurschus, because there is a connection between Easter and a new beginning. Now people should not allow themselves to be paralyzed by the current crises and catastrophes in the world.

The earth has been thrown out of rhythm and is increasingly turning into chaos. People felt this. Many were killed by the “unleashed forces” and the storm of war continues to sweep over the people of Ukraine. “There is no security, not a single one,” says Kurschus. In the midst of this is the message of hope of Easter: “Don’t think that Christ is dead!”. In order for the living Christ to rise from the dead among us, he sometimes has to be awakened rudely so that he can do his work. The risen Christ tames the powers at Easter through his word. Kurschus appeals to the people: “Let’s leave it alone not banning ourselves from looking into the abyss, let us shake and shake Christ with prayer, with words, with deeds. Let’s not stop until he wakes up”.

Pagan festival as a Christian tradition

To describe the pagan Easter as the oldest and most important festival of Christians is very adventurous. With Easter in its form, it is exclusively a purely Catholic invention, the secret veneration of the “Ishtar goddess” to put on a Christian robe. The sole purpose of introducing the Gregorian calendar was to let these Christian festivals, such as Easter and Christmas, fall on a Sunday, i.e. the first day of the week. According to the original Hebrew calendar based on the phases of the moon, the events now known as Easter can fall on any day of the week. This even goes so far that Easter is postponed by a week precisely when the event coincides with the Hebrew calendar in a year. The main thing is that Easter is exclusively dedicated to “Ishtar”.

The Climate Gospel

The evangelical church is fully on course for climate catastrophe and climate protection. The new “Holy Grail” of the so-called modern theologians. These people no longer have anything to do with God’s Word and this is already evident from the widespread nonsense that people only have to shake and shake long enough to wake up Christ so that He can do His deeds among us in the resurrected state. Like the Church of Rome, the representatives of the EV churches are no longer able or willing to bring the true gospel to the people. For Kurschus, the “10 green commandments” in Laudato si’ to be binding, but not the commandments and statutes of God. The “false prophet” (see Revelation 13) like this one (still) “lives”.

The Easter Message from Mother Church in Rome

The Catholic camp also had an Easter message ready for their scattered flock. In RBB radio wave 88.8, the Archbishop of Berlin, Heiner Koch, recalled the suffering of the people from the war raging in Ukraine, as evangelisch.de reported. The bishop explained that where there is violence, terror, unimaginable brutality and lonely abandonment, God is there too. God does not leave people alone there either, neither “in the hells of this world” nor “in hell after death”.

Contradictory statements

With this statement, the bishop only partially represents the teachings of the Catholic catechism. On the one hand, the cath. Teach the untruthful claim that a literal Hell and on the other hand the bishop even contradicts one of these traditional dogmas with his Easter message. So it says in the catechism at point 1035:

“The teaching of the Church says that there is a hell and that it lasts forever. The souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin go immediately after death to the underworld where they suffer the torments of hell, ‘the eternal fire’. The worst torment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can find the life and happiness for which he was created and longs”.

The purely Catholic, but not biblical, teaching is evident from the introductory formulation that the Church teaches this. Another such example is provided by this institution on the subject of the “immortal soul”. The supposed immortal soul is also a prerequisite for the suggested coherence of such fairy tales like an eternally burning hell. Added to this is the assertion contained in the Easter message that God will not leave people alone in hell either. However, the catechism says that the inmate of hell is eternally separated from God. Thus the “Arch-Overseer” contradicts the official teaching of his church with his Easter message. But no matter, the main thing is that the sheep swallow it and are satisfied.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2. Tim. 4:3-4)

Mankind is to be “unified”.

Colorful easter eggs
Colorful mix of contemporary good news

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Catholic Church or the returned daughter , it is bent, distorted and babbled like crazy. The main thing is that within current events it serves the goal of a united humanity based on the Babylonian model. All “peacefully” united together, under a generally recognized religious, political, moral and adorable leader with the title “Pontifex Maximus” and seat in Rome.

Nimrod had already tried it once:
“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)

Already Nimrod failed and with the death of Charlemagne such plans for a united world were already over. The EU project consists only of a loose connection between “iron and clay” (see Daniel 2). It will not work this time either (see Rev. 18).

Bible verses from King James Version

Easter Messages Catholic & Protestant Churches – “Zeitgeist”
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