Olli Dürr

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Destruction of “saints” figures by a “fundamentalist”



An “over-motivated” Baptist pastor publicly destroys statues of Catholic “saints.” An “evangelical fundamentalist.” This works like oil for the engine of ecumenism, which has long since brought the “fundamental” closer to the radical.

Excessive actions – provocation

Overzealousness is rarely good, and especially not when it happens in times of generalization and lack of differentiation. Since it has long since become “normal” to discredit uncomfortable people and opinions that do not follow the mainstream using distorted representations, distortions and outright lies, everybody should act with caution. A directly inviting pass through careless actions is out of place here. This also includes completely “over-motivated” actions within (supposed) Christianity.

Clay shards
A pile of broken glass in front of the community

In the thoroughly Catholic capital of Mexico (Mexico City), an American Baptist preacher felt called upon to use an ax to depict the “Virgin of Guadalupe”, in the form of the statue of the Virgin Mary, in front of the assembled “service” crowd smash. He then went on the same rampage with another figure, “Santa Muerte,” who was very revered in Catholic Latin America. This figure, depicted as a skeleton, is a symbol of popular piety, according to the magazine “katholisch.de“.

The preacher from Liberty Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas, is on a mission to the Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Monte Sion congregation.

Vatican somewhat reserved

While the “Virgin of Guadalupe” is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church due to her traditional encounter with the Virgin Mary, who appeared in 1531, the “Santa Muerte” is on the red list. A peculiarity in South America that can probably be traced back to a mixture between the Aztec religion and Christianity. Although the mixing of pagan and Christian teachings could certainly be compatible with Catholicism, with such obvious reverence for death, this is a bit too much even for the Vatican. Where is the “mystical secret”? Pope Francis rejected these “holy dead” during his visit to Mexico in 2016. However, in this case the pontiff criticized their commercialization.

Video excerpt of the ax action

A “fundamentalist”

The American pastor from a Baptist church is doing missionary work in a “fundamental evangelical” church in Catholic Mexico and is behaving like a berserker. If that isn’t a great opportunity for those who have already declared themselves professionally opposed to any fundamentalism. This is particularly true for the actors and members of ecumenism.

“The fundamentalists” behave like this raging “pastoral Texas cowboy,” according to the message that arrived. Hatred, aggression, violence, destruction, associated with fundamentalism.

A mutated term

The term fundamentalism has long since been stripped of its original meaning. Today someone is a fundamentalist who wants to use physical or mental violence to force other people to believe in a certain way. This term was repeatedly used in connection with Islamist acts of violence. There was regularly no distinction between actual fundamentalism and the motives of a madman. People’s ideas today are shaped accordingly when they hear or read the word “fundamentalist”.

The meaning of the word “fundamentalism”

Read Scripture
Fundamentalism is unconditional faithfulness to the Bible

The original meaning of “fundamentalism” is described in Wikipedia as follows:
In an original sense, fundamentalism refers to directions or movements in American Protestantism that assume that the Bible, as the direct word of God, is free of error” (Source).

Fundamentalism is the belief that every word in the Bible is true as it is written. No more and no less. A fundamentalist also refers to the following statement in the Bible, 1. Corinthians 3:10-11:
According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

While the German Bible edition “Schlachter 2000” chooses the word “ground” at this point, the word “foundation” can be found in the German “Hope for All”:
God, in His grace, has given me the task and the ability to lay the foundation like a skilled construction manager. But others are now building on it. And everyone must pay close attention to how they continue this work. The foundation that has been laid for you is Jesus Christ. Nobody can lay another one.

The foundation of a Christian is Jesus Christ. He is the Word of God and this is the recorded Gospel. The fundamentalist believes in this word and therefore in Jesus Christ. As simple as that.

For these reasons, a “fundamentalist” also takes the following statement from the Bible very seriously, Matthew 5:44:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

The fundamentalist was defamed

St. Peter's Square
Rome’s interest in a misunderstood fundamentalism

The term “fundamentalism” has accidentally or consciously mutated into a killing club, that remains to be seen. The preparatory work that has been done over the past few years cannot be overlooked.

Pope Francis called “religious fundamentalism” a plague in November 2019 (Source).
The fundamentalist recognizes the Bible as the truth as a whole and also in detail, in complete contrast to the Church of Rome. Pope Francis also criticized this, describing as a perpetual danger to the Church those who assert the truth on its side (America – The Jesuit Review, June 23, 2021).

Ecumenism must be against faithfulness to the Bible

In Germany, the ecumenical body of the Association of Christian Churches (ACK) has declared fundamentalism to be an absolute exclusion criterion. On March 7, 2009, the regional bishop and then chairman of the ACK, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Weber, gave a speech at the ACK general meeting with the following statement:
Fundamentalism is an ignorant counter-movement against modernism. His attitudes are undisputable, his answers are simple, and his world view is often black and white. Fundamentalists, regardless of their religious stripe, are dangerous because they do not want to and cannot respect the answers of others.
Weber focused on four “fundamentalist” viewpoints:
– the literal inerrancy of Holy Scripture,
– the nullity of all modern theology and science, insofar as they “contradict belief in the Bible”,
– the conviction that only those who share the fundamentalist point of view can be a real Christian,
– a selective denial of the modern political principle of the separation of church and state.

Conclusion: Anyone who describes the Bible as infallible, rejects teachings that deviate from the Bible, bases Christianity on the Bible and supports the separation of church and state is therefore a “dangerous fundamentalist”.

Double standards of the “ecumenists”

Ecumenists use two different standards

However, two aspects of this depiction of “dangerous fundamentalism” are interesting:
1. The ACK and its members (including the Baptists) have all professed faith in “the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church” and declare the (Catholic) Eucharist as one of the common goals. More information about the “Charta Oecumenica” – here.

2. In the United States, the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches jointly declared their own infallibility in the letter “Declaration on the Way”: “Catholics and Lutherans agree that the Church on earth cannot apostate” . More information for Protestantism that has already ended – here.

Conclusion: A Protestant regional bishop, who draws at least monetarily from the legacy of Martin Luther (“sola scriptura”), describes the “fundamentalist standpoint” of the infallibility of the Word of God as dangerous. But he explained this as a representative of the institution that, together with the mother organization in Rome, wants to recognize its own earthly infallibility. According to Weber, Martin Luther and all other reformers of that time must have been “dangerous fundamentalists”.

Traditions instead of gospel

In Germany, on October 31, 2017, the Roman mother and her daughters came together to mark the 500th anniversary of the (former) Reformation in the letter “From Conflict to Community”. In any case, it reads like a “letter of apology” from the evangelical churches. The following statement can be read in position 31:
Dialogue with Catholic theologians has helped them to overcome one-sided denominational perspectives and to be more self-critical about aspects of their own traditions.

Therefore, only deviations between the respective traditions are seen. What is not addressed, however, are the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, which sometimes deviate extremely from the Gospel. Around three quarters of Roman Catholic teaching, liturgy and structures have non-biblical origins.

The Roman Catholic Church, as the “mother of all churches” and thus the head of the daughters working under her in ecumenism, is also connected with the Baptist World Federation in intensive discussions to achieve unity. The current letter of the previous agreement contains more than 200 points.

The effect did not last

Protest against the evil fundamentalists

The threshing action of this Baptist pastor in Mexico was as unnecessary as a goiter. The completely understandable rejection of Catholic teachings would have looked completely different according to the Christian path. You address these erroneous doctrines, as a fundamentalist you hold the written word of God against it and let the knowledge take effect. That’s all.

Based on the fact that this pastor still had all his senses together, the destruction can also be classified as a deliberate provocation to further fuel the distorted portrayal of the “fundamentalist”. After all, his church is already very, very close to the mother church of Rome. This comes with the self-description “fundamental” anyway.

The effect was also evident in German-speaking countries. The following is a selection of comments on the report about the destructive attack on social media:
Fundamentalists are all on the wrong end”
“Jeez, it’s terrible what religion produces.”
“Church evangelical fanatical fundamentalism is nothing other than fascism in the guise of faith”
“Evangelical fundamentalist. What else could you expect?”
“Fundamentalists of all stripes are a problem everywhere”

Continuation of the defamation of the fundamentalist

They exist and there always will be. Those who accept the Word of God as the written truth from the first verse to the last. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to the spirit of ecumenism. The union of different religions necessarily requires compromises to be made. The fundamentalist, however, cannot accept any compromises. If “A” has the truth and “B” is wrong, then after a compromise no one has the truth anymore. This idea alone prohibits any agreement with teachings and traditions that differ from the Bible.

As ecumenism advances, the defamation of the “fundamentalist” will also advance. This extends from the threat of sanctions to stalking due to the alleged threat to the common good (Info).

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17

Bible verses from King James Version

Destruction of “saints” figures by a “fundamentalist”
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