The measures taken during the declared corona pandemic and the way critics and questioners were dealt with could well serve as a blueprint for the coming Sunday law. The scheme fits fairly neatly into the sequence of introducing an initially “enforced voluntary” observance of the traditional “Day of the Lord”.
Inhalt / Content
- 1 The Sunday will be in the center
- 2 Mandatory Sunday will come gradually
- 3 An evil becomes a virtue
- 4 Preparations have been going on for a long time
- 5 Exclusion of those who think differently
- 6 defamation and slander
- 7 Privileges for the Obedient
- 8 Blueprint for Sunday Law
- 9 If possible, everyone should stumble
- 10 Just stay away from the game
The Sunday will be in the center
The Sunday Law is the secular implementation of the Catholic Church-maintained tradition of Sunday observance. The church describes Sunday, which it has declared as the “Lord’s day”, as a sign of its authority, since changing the biblical Sabbath to Sunday is evidence of its “divine power”. For more on the connection between the Sabbath and its corruption, click here.
Mandatory Sunday will come gradually

The coming law for the observance of Sunday in a religious aspect will not be able to be introduced overnight. Such ordinances or laws can hardly be implemented by the governments without causing unrest among their own “electorates” and also provoking their resentment. In many countries, after much less weighty announcements, people are already taking to the streets en masse. An innovation that was actually completely unpopular from the start must be demanded by the majority. This can be achieved by simply creating the appropriate conditions. Recent history has shown how the introduction of such a Sunday law might work. In any case, the character of these measures bears the unmistakable signature of the adversary and his deputy, who is based in Rome.
An evil becomes a virtue
If one cannot impose on mankind what is extremely inconvenient without severely injuring oneself, then the circumstances are arranged in such a way that the desired goal is no longer seen as a burden but as a salvation. Pressure would be one option, but the first and best prescription was and still is fear. A curfew at certain times, a ban on events, a ban on visiting relatives, restricted shopping opportunities, a “dress code for the face”, and a blanket restriction or cancellation of the basic rights that have been asserted are not just things that come to men and women out of the blue bring. You need a reason for that, and that reason should be compelling.
Preparations have been going on for a long time
The supposed need for a Sunday when people can rest and “quite by the way” also act in a religious sense has long been in preparation. In Germany, the legal rest day on Sunday has been anchored since the Weimar period. In between, the calendar week was adjusted in the early 1970s, after Saturday was no longer the 7th day of the week, but Sunday. What seems self-evident in this country has not yet established itself in many other countries, even in “stock-Catholic” ones. So you can shop in the supermarket as usual on Sunday. During the imposition of the Corona measures, for example, a curfew spread across the globe was increasingly concentrated on a Sunday. At the same time, more and more tones can be heard about a climate lockdown. As the Day of Atonement in Israel shows, around 14 percent of CO2 emissions can be saved in one fell swoop. Sunday would be a natural choice for this climate lockdown. In addition, such a Sunday rest day is also emphasized as a day for family gatherings. That Sunday according to Roman Catholic Church is a mandatory day to be observed as “Lord’s Day”, is already their centuries-old tradition. Sunday will be given more and more emphasis in the future, showing all the “benefits and advantages”.
Exclusion of those who think differently
With the declared corona pandemic, not only was Sunday brought closer to the center of attention, but redemption was also presented very promptly. Vaccination”. The novel mRNA miracle drug is the “game changer”, the “way out of the pandemic” and the “path to freedom”. All vocabulary, which has been spread in various variations by established politicians and the “mainstream” media. People who were locked up or locked out, overwhelmed by horror reports and sometimes completely frightened, gladly accepted the “100% effective and side-effect-free” miracle of the pharmaceutical industry. In the course of this, those responsible also immediately focused on the doubters, critics and questioners. The public denunciation, defamation, exclusion and moral execution took its course.
defamation and slander
The defamation campaigns were successful. Even families fell out, Facebook “friendships” were dissolved and malicious postings against “vaccination opponents”, “corona deniers”, “Monday strollers”, “failures” and “fools” were spread instead. The operators of the social media supported these drives with their own campaigns and by offering visible virtual stickers “I am vaccinated” for the respective profile picture of the user. This “witch hammer of modernity” was crowned by statements by elected and unelected politicians and technocrats such as “tyranny of the unvaccinated” and “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Nobody seems to be interested in the fact that this “vaccination” simply turned the meaning and purpose upside down. Anyone who looks up the entry requirements for a certain country on the website of the “Foreign Office” can read about the corona measures that still prevail or have already been abolished, such as compulsory vaccination (currently e.g. still in the USA), just to start with the paragraph read the vaccination recommendations that in terms of self-protection(!) a vaccination against e.g. yellow fever is appropriate.
Privileges for the Obedient

In the course of the corona reprisals, the conditions were relaxed for those who were “vaccinated” as well as those who had recovered and some were also tested. The returned parts of the withdrawn basic rights were now declared as privileges. A reward for the “reasonable” and now “stick instead of carrot” for the “corona deniers”, according to the principle chosen by World Medical President Frank-Ulrich Montgomery. If you don’t hurry, you have to live with the consequences. In some cases, this includes economic exclusion and the threat of further anticipated consequences. The debates about a (failed) compulsory vaccination were only ended very late in the course of the reprisals. But on social media, numerous not exactly benevolent comments about the “covidiots” made their rounds. Even “locking up” was argued.
In the meantime, things have become very quiet about the corona pandemic. The fact that this miracle drug did not do what it was advertised for has meanwhile gotten around to the “vaccinated”. Nobody wants to know anything more about the freedom from side effects, let alone say it. Even the established “Corona politician” Karl Lauterbach has now admitted that serious vaccination damage is not that rare. If the media were to report the actual side effects of vaccinations in the per thousand range of what they reported about the “corona damage”, things would already be very restless in the countries.
Blueprint for Sunday Law
The whole process and how to deal with and within the declared pandemic could well represent a blueprint for the introduction of the Sunday law and how to deal with the “deviants”. With the obligation to sanctify Sunday, circumstances may also be created that make observing Saturday (Sabbath) at least more difficult, if not almost impossible. The principle for introducing Sunday observance, which was partly adopted from the Corona measures, is as follows:
- Public denunciation of the dissenters who do not
subject to the Sunday sanctification - Tempting offers, so that the true believers still
switch to the other boat - Threat of penalties if believers persist
- Economic sanctions or exclusion for the stubborn
- Persecution of the “unruly” and ultimately prison
- Death Decree (“Declaration Vogelfreiheit”) after the end of probation
(during the plagues, probably the 6th plague)
If possible, everyone should stumble
The shaping of the people, whether for the start of a wanted war or the introduction of new norms for further restrictions, are all accompanied by sometimes violent propaganda. The media get involved so loudly that the intentions of a tiny minority look like an opinion held by the vast majority. Some actually let themselves be deceived, others simply follow along for their “own peace” while the other part only follows the loudest “barker”. The small remainder remains skeptical, be it out of better knowledge based on research they have carried out themselves or simply out of (justified) distrust. This group is declared a target.
Just stay away from the game

However, the conscious creation of an opposing position with well-dosed propaganda is particularly perfidious (Hegelian dialectic). This catches most of the deviants and you play the big cat-and-mouse game with them without their knowledge. The controlled mud fight can start and at the end there is a “peace-making” compromise. But the pitfall is the same for both sides. At this point it is essential to be careful, since such a rotten compromise is ripening, especially on the subject of church and the opposing “woken” attitude. Neutrality towards the “angry” parties and the (re)consideration of the gospel are the right recipes.
Those who still cling steadfastly to the gospel have all sides against themselves after the mutually agreed compromise. The proponents, who were hostile from the beginning, and the “deviators” who were captured by the created counter-position now see themselves standing in “peace and quiet”. The small remnant of believers in the true gospel are the declared common adversary.