You can turn a blind eye, just once. An exception must be possible, even if it is the law of God. Ultimately, the will of God must adapt to the reality of life today. Such an idea could lead to declaring the violation of God’s law to be an exception. However, the Bible shows the opposite.
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Exceptions prove the rule, right?
“Every now and then you can make an exception” and “the exceptions prove the rule” is a possible excuse for ignoring God’s law every now and then. Does the particular rush allow for the exception of still crossing the intersection when the traffic light is red? Everyone could answer this question themselves and it is obvious. No. The judge would also decide this.
The 10 commandments of God are clearly described, found in Exodus chapter 20 (Info). These easy-to-understand laws also include the prohibition of stealing. Is there an exception option here? If it were up to God, of course not. If, on the other hand, it were about the Roman Catholic Church, of course it would be. For the Church of Rome does not see things according to the will of God described in the Gospel, but according to Hellenistic natural law. In the Pastoral Constitution “Gaudium et Spes” of December 7, 1965, paragraph 69, it is stated that the needy in his emergency is entitled to take his needs from the property of those who have.
According to the Roman Catholic Church, this is not even an exception, but a right. In order to assert an exception, recognition of God’s laws is required anyway. This is fundamentally not the case with the church (Info).
What does the Bible say about exceptions?
Scripture does not explicitly state that “exceptions are not permitted.” However, the Bible provides a striking example that there are no exceptions to keeping God’s law. This is found in Luke 23. Jesus Christ was crucified and placed in His tomb. There was a rush anyway because the Sabbath was about to begin. As a rule, the bodies are anointed before they are laid to rest. This is what the women wanted to do for Jesus Christ, but Luke 23:56:
“And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.”
SThey prepared the anointing but did not perform it because the Sabbath had already begun. They refrained from doing this work, completely in accordance with the law.
Not even an exception here
Now Jesus Christ, the holiest in the universe next to His Father, was laid in the grave and an anointing would have been a given. But not even here did women make an exception. It was Sabbath. The anointing would have been a blatant violation of the Fourth Commandment. “By the way” it is also made clear that the 10 Commandments including the Sabbath commandment were not nailed to the cross (Info). Because all 10 commandments, not 8 or 9, but all 10, are still fully valid. The ceremonial laws and statutes were actually abolished (Info).
God never changes. Likewise, God does not change the law (commandments), because these are after all a reflection of His unchanging character.
Result: There are no exceptions to keeping God’s law!
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work
Exodus 20:8-10
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)