Olli Dürr

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Christian Sabbath – Sunday Sabbath – heresy cemented in the church



“The Sabbath is Sunday,” would be claimed today by the majority of followers of one of the large Christian churches and also smaller free churches. Another proportion sees any day of the week as their personal Sabbath day. However, only a small minority still speaks of the biblical Sabbath on the 7th day of the week. The erroneous Sunday Sabbath has long been cemented.

Formation Sunday Sabbath began very early

The Sabbath of the Bible is increasingly being consolidated in its newly defined form by “theology” today. As early as the 4th century, the Roman Church introduced the name “Jewish Sabbath” for the Sabbath on the 7th day of the week in order to draw a clear boundary to the self-celebrated 1st day of the week, i.e. Sunday. This was even followed by a ban on Christians (Catholics) actually observing the biblical Sabbath on Saturday. Rather, the Bishop of Rome first ordered that a day of fasting be observed on Saturday. On the other hand, anyone who followed the biblical Sabbath and instead fasted on the first day of the week (Sunday) was declared a “murderer of Jesus Christ”. The Roman Catholic Church’s battle against the Bible’s Sabbath began very early (Info).

Brief outline of the development of the “Christian Sabbath”

Emperor Constantine
Emperor Constantine – The first ‘inter-Christian ecumenist’

After the ban on keeping the Sabbath, a next “faith-based narrative” followed that the “Lord’s Day” was Sunday. However, this definition is not completely out of thin air, but is not based on the Bible, but rather on the pagan background of ancient Egypt. The focus was on the “Sun God” in its various variations. This worship of a sun god can also be found in ancient Persia (Mithraism), Hellenism and also in ancient Rome. A mixture of different directions emerged and in his time had found a new center in Rome. A pantheon of gods, again with a sun god at the top and largely adopted by the emperors as Roman Mithraism.

Emperor Constantine set a “milestone”

This paganism reached its “peak” with Emperor Constantine. As “Pontifex Maximus” he embodied the guide for the religion to be practiced and as “sol invictus” (“invincible sun”) he was recognized as godlike and worthy of worship. At the time of Constantine, Christianity was already on a par with Mithraism. On the one hand, Constantine ensured an end to the persecution of Christians and recognition of Christians, but on the other hand, he was also the “catalyst” for the final merger of the Christian faith with paganism. The day of rest proclaimed by Constantine in the spring of 321 AD on the “Day of the Sun”, i.e. on the first day of the week, Sunday, served as the “golden mean” and also as an adhesive. The first “Sunday law” in history. It is directly logical that the paganism-based Roman Catholic Church celebrates this event to this day.

The Bishop of Rome, then Sylvester I, was extremely pleased. The Sunday observance reflected the teachings of his church, which was already riddled with paganism, and the pagans who openly worshiped the sun god Mithras were also satisfied. For the sake of “peace,” a compromise was made and the truths of the Gospel were rejected. Basically the ecumenism of the early Middle Ages. Emperor Constantine moved the imperial seat from Rome to Constantinople and this in turn gave the Bishop of Rome more freedom of action. The self-proclaimed successors of Peter focused on the Sabbath according to the Gospel in order to eradicate it.

The “Christian Sabbath” appears

While the Roman Catholic Church misnamed Sunday the “Lord’s Day” in 386, the term “Christian Sabbath” did not appear until much later. This term did not exist before the Reformation. It was only with the Counter-Reformation from the middle of the 16th century that the Roman Church formulated Sunday as the “Christian Sabbath”. This also with “friendly support” from the still young Protestant churches. Martin Luther certainly recognized the biblical Sabbath, because his translation of the Old and New Testaments simultaneously led to a clear recognition of the statements and connections on the one hand, and the recognition of the heresies of the Roman Church on the other.

But Luther was so averse to Judaism (a pronounced anti-Semite) that he retained the definition of “Jewish Sabbath” given by the Church of Rome and thus also celebrated the tradition of Sunday observance. Even the church’s pagan baptism ritual was at the center of disputes among the “fresh” Protestants. A group of so-called Anabaptists was formed who practiced baptism according to the Gospel (Info). The Anabaptists were mercilessly persecuted, but this time not by Rome, but by the newly formed evangelical church. Captured Anabaptists were usually drowned, as much cynicism seemed to dictate. Hans Hut was one of the well-known Anabaptists.

Thus, when it came to the issue of Sabbath OR Sunday and baptism based on the pagan model, the Roman Catholic Church and the (former – Info) Protestant Church still remained in the familial relationship of a mother-daughter relationship. The term “Christian Sabbath” was borne by both institutions. And all believers who relied on the gospel were also persecuted by both churches.

Ecumenism requires deletion of “Christian”

Today we are already one step further. While the “Christian Sabbath” and “Jewish Sabbath” narratives were intended to provide a distinction between Sunday (tradition) and Saturday (Gospel), the attribute “Christian” has now been deleted. When churches today talk about “Sabbath,” they are of course talking about Sunday. The year 2021 was declared the “Sabbath year for the earth”, celebrated on a respective Sunday. Even political institutions describe the planned Sunday protection as a necessary Sabbath for their ambitious plans (Info).

Churches, politics, business, so-called NGOs and associations advocate a weekly day of rest, and everyone agrees that this must be Sunday (Info). Since atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, New Agers, esoterics and all other non-Christians have absolutely nothing to do with a “Christian Sabbath”, the deletion of the attribute “Christian” was necessary anyway. Therefore, the term “Sabbath” has long been given a universal meaning. It is a day of rest for physical and mental recovery. The day of rest for the earth and the climate. A day of rest for family togetherness. A day of rest for the common good.

Anyone who believes that the castration of this term can only come from secular minds is wrong. Pope Francis showed such sentiments with his encyclicals “Laudato Si’” (2015) and “Fratelli Tutti” (2020). The churches of the EKD (Evangelical Churches in Germany) in Germany show the same tendencies. This phenomenon of a “secular-theological universal Sabbath” fixed on Sunday is evident worldwide.

Temporary alternative: Any rest day

A day of rest that suits you best

The teaching about the Sabbath being on any day of the week is still circulating in evangelical circles. Accordingly, God set one day out of a total of seven as a day of rest. Which? Doesn’t matter. However, it is becoming apparent that people who follow this very flexible thought pattern can easily be introduced to the obligatory Sunday. Because it doesn’t matter which day is the rest day anyway.

“The Sabbath is not a luxury,” says Christian Today magazine. (Source). According to the magazine, God designed the weekly rest period in such a way that it is mandatory not only for the economically stable, but for all people. This is particularly important at a time when people are forced to go to their limits. With the introduction of the Sabbath, God wanted to show a limit: “enough is enough”. This post by Adam Gustine, an ethics scholar at the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Advanced Study, is based on “promoting human well-being and the common good.”

According to his ideas, Jesus wanted to create a world in which the intentions of the Sabbath were reflected. The constant joy of God’s abundance, the constant restoration of the exploited and the inclusion of those on the margins of full participation in the community. These are all characteristics of God’s people, according to the author.

A cultivated misunderstanding

That sounds very Christian, but it’s still a rip-off of “Fratelli Tutti.” A few Christian-sounding words based on the foundation of Hellenistic natural law. As usual, this leads to a completely wrong idea of ​​the “people of God”. The Gospel describes this quite simply. It is the people who carry the testimony of Jesus and keep the commandments of God (Info).

In his report, the “academic ethicist” correctly points to the Sabbath commandment in Exodus 20:8-11, but he seems to have somewhat misunderstood the details. Not “just any” seventh day, but “the” seventh day is described. This obligatory 7th day of the week, and no other, is easy to understand even for non-academics. Genesis 2:2-3 is sufficient for this. At this point, after six days of creation, God defines the following seventh day as a day of rest. God blessed this day and sanctified it. This one and no other. In addition, the Gospel contains numerous other passages that describe this one, and no other, 7th day of the week as the Sabbath.

Thus the commandment Exodus 20:8-11 also describes this one, and no other, 7th day of the week. The conclusion, which is easy to understand even for non-academics, is that ignoring this one day constitutes violating this commandment. The constant sanctification of another day, especially Sunday, is the constant, permanent violation of this commandment. Knowing or not knowing, it doesn’t matter. Anyone could have known it or rejected this easy-to-understand truth of their own accord. The consequences will not be missed. Far more bitter than just a nasty surprise. Why does the Roman Catholic Church and its affiliated daughters teach exactly this transgression of commandments? The answer is obvious – hier!

Sabbath-Sunday confrontation to the end

Boxing gloves
The Sabbath commandment and Sunday are fought out to the finale

The definition “Sabbath is Sunday” is now self-evident, consolidated and cemented. With the exception of the group of “eccentric, narrow-minded, funny people”. These insist on the Gospel and the Sabbath on the 7th day of the week, which is clearly highlighted therein, and also clearly point out this. Their voices will soon be heard more widely. The reaction to this, such as “hate speech, extremism, danger, danger to the common good”, can already be foreseen today. The effective exclusion of a minority group was successfully tested in the years 2020 to 2022. But that is “predicted program”. The “secular saying” also applies here: “If you don’t want to hear, you just have to feel.” The claim that the Sabbath is Sunday is relatively easy to refute based on the Bible (Info).

Paul had already seen the adversary and false teacher at work in his time. However, this has not yet been able to fully develop. With the fall of the Western Rome the way was open and the Dark Ages began under the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. That was the year 538 AD. (Info)

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:7-10

Bible verses from King James Version

Christian Sabbath – Sunday Sabbath – heresy cemented in the church
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